Status: Finished

Oh Dear Lord


Oh Dear Lord

"And this is the story, of how they met, her picture was on the back of a pack of cigarettes. And when she touched him he turned ruby red, a story that they'll never forget, never forget. And all the boys are smoking menthols, girls are getting back rubs." Where Did The Party Go, Fall Out Boy.

He looked up and saw her. He pulled out his pack of menthols and saw the picture of the blonde girl with curls on the back of the package. He looked back up and there she was. But she had red hair. The orange red that lights up a room. And boy, was she lighting up the room. All the boys were staring at her. But she wasn't looking at any of them.

She was getting a back rub from some boy that no one knew the name of, probably her personal entourage. She would occasionally close her eyes when the boy undid a knot in her back, but otherwise, her eyes were combing through the people, the faces.

He caught her eye and he took out a cigarette, sticking it to his lip. He walked out, towards the sliding glass door in the back of the porch.

There were girls in the pool with some guys who hadn't been mesmerized by the girl with red hair yet.

But as he lit up, he knew they'd soon be cast under her spell and leaving the girls in bikinis for the one in the black sequined dress.

He felt a tap on his shoulder as he took a long drag.

He turned around. It was her. The red head.

She put her hand on his hip.

"Hey," she spoke softly, but with power. He could feel himself turning ruby red. "Let's go."

So he dropped his cigarette and crushed it with the heel of his black combat boots.

She took his hand that held the cigarette and walked through the party, to the front of the house, all eyes following them.

He opened the car door for her and she slid in, her dress inching up. He shut it and walked around, not caring that he didn't even know her name or vice versa.

"Where should we go?" She asked, her gray eyes glowing like silver.

"I have an idea." He said as he started the car, still tingling from when she put her hand on his hip.

They arrived minutes later, at the lookout to all of Hollywood, the one in the movies. The one where you can see the Hollywood sign and all the lights.

She got out and smirked, sitting on the hood of the car.

"Wait," he said quietly as she put her back on the windshield and as he got out of the car.

He followed her actions and lay down beside her. She took his hand as they tried to find the stars. They knew the city lights had drowned them out, but that didn't stop them from looking.

The next morning, he rolled over and saw her silver eyes smiling at him.

"Never forget?" He whispered.

"I'll never forget." She echoed.