‹ Prequel: Friendly Affair
Sequel: Tragic Affair

Family Affair

Family Affair


“He’s good.”

“That’s good to know,” She nodded and walked up to her car. Still the same car. “Can you lead me there? It’s been so long.”

“Okay,” I hooked Avery up as Cory hooked up Zack and we both left the grocery store.

“Hey, babe,” Zacky blew me a kiss as I walked in the door with Avery and the bags. “How’s my girls?”

“Good, Daddy!”

“That’s good,” He smiled and looked up to me as I sighed. “What?”

“I brought someone over!” I said as cheerily as possible as all the boys stopped in their tracks to looked over at me. Matt was holding Slayton, Jimmy has Warren, and Brian had Elliot. Cory walked in behind me, smiled timidly, and waved.

“Hi, guys.”

"Oh my god," everyone's eyes went wide as I grinned awkwardly.

"Yeah, I ran into her and Zack at the store!" I threw my hands out happily. "Surprise!"

"Zack?" Zacky's eyes went wide. "My son?"

"Oh Zacky," Cory smiled through her tears as she walked past me and hugged Zacky. "I've missed you so much; I've missed all of you."

"High five," I held my hand out to the small Zack, he giggled and slapped it before he held his hands out. "Want me to hold you already?"

"Cory," Zacky hugged her awkwardly before he pulled away. "Is that him?"

"Come meet your daddy," I said softly as I walked over to Zacky. "Zacky meet Zach, he's got your lips babe."

"Wow," he smiled, we all heard a baby cry.

"I'll get her," I said as I handed Zack over to Zacky as I ran for the bedroom.

"Who has a baby?" Cory was smiling wide as she gazed at the bedroom; I walked out holding a small six month old baby girl.

"This is my daughter, Rylynn," Zacky said softly as he gazed down at Cory. "She's six months old."

"With who?" Cory's smile faded slowly as she looked at Rylynn and me.


Cory’s smile quickly faded as her lip quivered. “Alex?”

“Yeah,” He nodded and wrapped his arm around my hips. “We’re dating.”

“Oh,” Cory nodded slowly, choking back tears as Brian sighed.

“Cory,” He held out his arms, Cory running into them as Zacky huffed.

“Mother fucker…” She mumbled into Brian’s chest. “That could have been me…”

“Cory,” Brian said again and took her face in his hands. “It’s good to see you again.”

“You too, Brian,” Cory smiled weakly as Brian kissed her forehead. “I’ve missed you.”

“I missed you, too.”

“Do I get a hug?” Matt said, Cory nodded and pulling to Matt. “It’s nice you came to see us.”

“Yeah,” She nodded and then looked to Johnny. “Short shit!”

“Cory!” Johnny grinned widely and kissed her face repeatedly. “I missed you!”

“You too!”

“What about us?” Jimmy said softly, still holding Warren.

“Oh,” Cory turned to Jimmy and gasped. “Is that-“

“Warren?” Jimmy nodded. “Your son.”

“Oh my god,” She continued crying and walked over to Warren, pulling him close.


“My baby,” She kissed him on the nose. “You’re so big now.”

“He cried a lot,” Zacky said softly as Cory looked dejectedly at him. “He really missed you.”

"Oh I'm so sorry baby," she whispered as she pulled him into her arms, holding him up in the air. "I missed you so much."

"Who's that?" Elliot looked at Brian and raised her brown eyebrows in confusion.

"You're Aunt Cory, remember her?" Brian asked as he picked her up from the couch and sat down with her in his lap.

"Not really," she gazed over at Cory. "Is she Warren's mommy?"

"Yes she is," he nodded.

"Oh," she nodded slowly. "I thought mommy was."

Cory's breath hitched as she slowly gazed over at me, I looked down at the floor and held Rylee tightly, but not enough to hurt her little body. "I'm sorry Cory…"

"You—" she said nothing else, just closed her eyes. "Thank you."

"Uh,” I looked around for a minute. “You’re welcome?”

“Heh,” She laughed lowly. “I should probably go.”

“You just got here,” Zacky said as Cory glared back up to him. “Don’t go.”

“I-I-“ Cory shook her head. “I have to go.”

“Cory-“ Zacky whined as she picked up Zackary and left. “Mother fucker!”

“Zacky?” I looked at him confused as he stomped angrily. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” He growled, Brian sighing and walking out to stop Cory.


“Cory,” I said softly as she abruptly turned around. “Don’t go.”

“Brian!” She sat Zack down and sobbed. “I loved him!”

“I know you did, sweetie,” I walked up to her and brushed hair out of her face. “But he fell-“

“Don’t say it!” She held her ears.

"Cory," I said softly as I pulled her hands from her ears. "He fell in love with Alex; you can't hold it against him."

"I wanted him to be my husband Brian," she whispered. "I wanted to love him, not anyone else."

"I don't want to say this, but you did it yourself," I sighed as she rubbed her face. "Just stay, we're not like all those years ago, I've moved on and so has Matt."

"Who's Matt with?"

"He’s not necessarily with anyone,” I explained. “But he doesn’t love you, either.”

“I’m beginning to think I shouldn’t have left,” She held me close as I rubbed her back. She reached into her purse, grabbed a small box, and handed it to me. “Give it to Zacky. Maybe he could use it with Alex.”
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