‹ Prequel: Friendly Affair
Sequel: Tragic Affair

Family Affair

Family Affair

“What is it?” I opened it up and saw a diamond engagement ring. “You kept your ring? After all these years?”

"Yeah," she said softly as she looked up at me. "I wanted to wish that Zacky might still love me…"


"Please don't think of sympathizing with me," she laughed slightly. "I'm going to go now."

"We want you to stay Cory…"

"Here," she pulled out her cell phone and held out her hand with her other, I handed her mine so she could put her number in. "I'll be around."


"I feel bad," I whispered as I sat down Rylynn in her bassinet. "Like really horribly bad."

"Baby you didn't do anything wrong," Zacky kissed my lips softly and grabbed both my hands to hold. "I'm glad you and I got together, I love you."

"I love you too but I can't help feeling bad for Cory, she loves you," I whispered.

"But she left,” He said scornfully. “And I ne-“

“Yes, you loved her,” I spat. “Don’t even say you didn’t. You loved her.”

“I-I-“ Zacky mumbled as Brian walked in, holding a small box out to Zacky.

“From Cory,” He said simply as Zacky opened it up.

“Oh…” Zacky said softly, his breath becoming choppy.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Our engagement ring.”

"Oh," I nodded slowly as I turned to look down at Rylynn, she was beautiful with light brown hair, bright blue-green eyes and a heart shaped mouth. She was sleeping soundly so I had no distraction besides staring at her.

"Hey Alex?" Brian said slowly.

"Yeah?" I turned around, he held his hand out and nodded towards the door, I grabbed hold of his hand and walked out with him to the hallway.

"Don't worry," he pulled me into a hug, kissing my cheek.

"I have to,” I sighed. “I think he still loves her.”

“He wouldn’t leave you,” Brian explained. “He’s not like that.”

“Well,” I mumbled and listened to Zacky weep softly. “If you say so.”

"I do," he nodded.

"Brian, I don't think I can handle anyone else cheating on me," I whispered. "It'll be too much."

"He won't," he argued as he kissed my cheek. "Baby, I'm sorry for cheating on you and breaking your heart."

"Brian,” I growled. “You don’t have to apologize anymore.”


“But, nothing.”

"Cory..." Zacky sobbed quietly. "Why..."

"Maybe I shouldn't have brought Cory back," I whispered with a sigh, "But that would have been wrong to keep Zacky from seeing his son."

"You did the right thing," Brian kissed my cheek again, and then slowly kissed my lips. I pulled back with a gasp and stared at him. "God I'm so sorry…"

"Brian, we can't be together ever again, I'm in love with Zacky," I whispered as I pulled away from him, walking back in the room to find Zacky. But he wasn't there. "Great…"

"Where’d he go?” Brian looked around as I mumbled something. “What?”

“To go think, I’m sure,” I explained. “The man is probably so confused right now. I mean, he loves me, but the woman he first loved and was engaged to just come back. I’m sure he just has to think about what to do.”

“I hope your right,” Brian nodded. “He doesn’t seem like the type of guy that would cheat on you; maybe he’ll just go and tell Cory there’s no hope for them again.”

“He’d be lying.”

“Alex, don’t say that,” Brian pulled my head to his chest as I sighed heavily. “He loves you. Cory left him. That’s that.”

“Just because Cory left doesn’t mean they don’t still love each other. For god’s sake, she kept the man's engagement ring!”

“Maybe you should talk to her,” He pulled a card out of his pocket and handed it to me. “You know, get both your feelings out in the open before Zack does something he’ll regret.”


“Where do you think she lives?” I ask Jimmy from the driver’s seat as him and I drove around Huntington.

“Around, I’m sure,” He stated. “She still has the same car, just look for it.”

“Okay…” I nodded and scanned the drive ways.

“Zack,” Jimmy said after a few moment of silence. “Why are you doing this?”

“I just need to talk to Cory,” I explained. “I haven’t seen her in three years. She took my son with her and I’ve just seen him for the first time ever. I just need to get some things out.”

“Just don’t hurt Alex.”

“I won’t,” I nodded and spotted Cory’s car. “I promise.”

“That’s all I ask,” Jimmy mumbled as I pulled up next to her car in the drive way. “Can I come in with you?”

“I think it’s best if you stay in the car,” I climbed out of my seat as Jimmy glared at me.

“Don’t you dare cheat on Alex.”

“I won’t,” I walked up to Cory’s door and knocked softly.

“Hello?” She cracked it slowly and peered out. “Oh.”

“Cory,” I pushed my foot in between the door and frame. “We need to talk.”

“About what?”

“About us,” I stated. “Just please let me in.”

“Fine,” She sighed and opened the door, letting me walk into her small house. “Zack is napping right now, down the hall if that’s why you’re here.”

“I’m here to talk to you, Corrine,” I sat down on the love seat as she sat on the adjacent couch.

“Then let’s talk.”

"We can't be together," I whispered as I turned to her with my hands clamped together in my lap. "I'm in love with Alex, we have a family now."

"I know..." she mumbled."I just hoped..."

"I won't do that to Alex again, not for you," I shook my head. "Not for anyone."
♠ ♠ ♠

Image ---I love that picture!