‹ Prequel: Friendly Affair
Sequel: Tragic Affair

Family Affair

Family Affair


"To Alex I kind of blamed the reason all her relationships ended on her instead of Cory," he grimaced as Matt stood up ready to knock his block off, as well as me. "And to Cory I just made her realize she was rebound."

“Way to be a total dick head, Zack,” I growled as he sat down and held his head.

“I really fucked up,” He mumbled. “You think either of them will take me.”

“I know Cory will,” Matt huffed. “Give her time. But Alex…”

"Johnny was right man," I shook my head and glanced at Matt. "He doesn't deserve her either."

"Fuck you!"

"No man, fuck you," I shot a look at Zacky. "At least I had the balls enough to not and try to get back with Alex when I knew I fucked up! You ran back to Cory after you had a child, a family, a life for four years man, you fucked up worse than me!"

“I can’t help the fact that I still love Cory!” Zacky screamed and pointed his finger accusingly at me. “You fucking do, too!”

"Brian?" Matt looked to me with disappointed eyes.

"Like I told Alex, I'll always love her because she has my child," I glared. "But would I get back with her, fuck no because you know what? I believe I owe more to myself than that."

"Thank you," Matt said proudly. "At least someone has grown some balls."

“Yes,” I nodded triumphantly as my phone began ringing. “Hello?”

“Brian?” Cory sobbed on the other end. “I need someone to talk to.”

“Cory?” I asked. “Is this you? You sound really bad.”

“Its how it sounds when you’ve cried for hours.”


"I'm getting bored," I whined as I lay on Johnny's legs, watching TV. "Nothing holds my interest on cable."

"Satellite sucks around here, deal with it."

“I’m trying,” I groaned. “Your house sucks. There’s nothing to do now that the kids are sleeping.”

"There are a couple things," he nodded. "Scrapples in the corner, monopoly in the—"

"I'm so not up for board games," I sat up and sat in Johnny's lap, laying my head on his chest. "Do you have any vodka or screwdriver mixtures in the house by any chance?"

"Alex," he chuckled as he leaned me back against the side of the couch so he was watching my face. "You need to stop blaming yourself honey."

"I can't when it's my fault."

"No its not," he said softly, a few silent seconds went by before he leaned down and kissed my lips, I pulled away and shook my head.

"I can't Johnny, it will end the same and Its my fault, no," I stood up.

"Well, all the sevenfold boys are head over heels for you. Except for Jimmy,” Someone laughed from the door as we both turned to see who it was.


“Oh!” She began giggling hysterically. “I’m in your house! Watching you do things! Ohhh!”

“Cory,” Johnny couldn’t help but smile. “What are you doing here?”

“I was lonely. Johnny boy, you always cheer me up, every night for years now. Didn’t know Alex was here though, sorry about that.”

“Every night?” I looked down to Johnny and then over to Cory. “I thought you stopped talking to us.”

“Well,” Cory said softly. “I kept talking to Johnny. But I made him swear he wouldn’t tell anyone. He kept me happy through the years. Although he never told me you didn’t die, Alex. Short shit, why didn’t you tell me?”

“Why are you so happy?” I cocked my head to the side. “Did you get high?”

“Oh god no,” She shook her head. “I’m just trying not to have a complete mental breakdown. I’m mad at Zacky and Brian won’t talk to me.”

"Uh huh," I walked away from them both.

How far can you feel betrayed in one single day?

"Alex?" Johnny called after me.

"I'm going to sleep, Elliot will be mad if I don't come to bed anyway," I chuckled as I shut the door, leaning into it I sighed. "Why? Have I not suffered enough?"

"Mommy?" Elliot sat up. "What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing baby," I smiled as I walked over and plopped down beside her. "Why are you still up munchkin?"

"I wanted you to sing me to sleep," she pouted.

"Maybe tomorrow, okay?"

"Fine," She pouted and closed her eyes as I sighed.


"Johnny," I said softly. "I think I'm really hurting her."

"I think you are too," he glanced at the closed door. "I don't hear her singing…"


"She sings the kids to sleep every night," he sighed. "And she's not now."

“She’s probably sleeping,” I shrugged. “I just feel so bad. It seems that every guy that likes her kinda gets attracted to me. First it was Brian, and Matt.”

“Zacky loved you first.”

"That's not the point," I shook my head slowly. "They all turned their backs on her when they said they wouldn't, for me."

"Yeah," he said softly. "I wouldn't, sorry Cory but if I had a girlfriend as good as Alex is, I wouldn't chance losing her."

“I don’t blame you Johnny, Alex is so amazing. I don’t know why anyone would leave her,” I sighed. “And then come to me. After all the shit I’ve caused. Why would anyone still love me?”

"Don't kill me," Johnny held his hands up in defense. "But I have no fucking clue."

"Me either," I sighed. "I just wish that Zacky would come to his senses."

"He needs to or Jimmy will bust his head."

“Do you think he really still loves me?” I asked softly. “Or I’m just a rebound?”


“I want to know,” I demanded. “What happened when I left? Was I even thought of? Or was me coming back just so that he’ll have someone to fuck?”

"I really don't know," Johnny snapped. "Don't come over here asking me when his girlfriend is in the other room with their children, its fucked up Cory. I don't know and personally don't give a shit."
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