‹ Prequel: Friendly Affair
Sequel: Tragic Affair

Family Affair

Family Affair


"No, I'm tired of sticking up for you Cory," he sighed heavily. "When all you're doing is rehashing the past."

“She’s the one that fucking brought me back!” I stood up, pointing to the door, and screamed. “You think I wanted to come back and cause shit?! That I wanted to rip up another one of Alex’s relationships?! That I’d want to see the men I love hate me?!”

"She brought you back because she thought it was the right thing to do Cory, again because Alex is a kindhearted person, she didn't snub you after everything did she?" he asked then continued. "And no, but one thing is Zacky doesn't hate you! Why do you think Alex is so upset, he loves you more than her, he never got over you and it's another pain that Alex has to endure?"

“Then why did no one fucking tell me?!” I screeched.

“Mommy?” Zachary walked out and rubbed his eyes. “Why are you yelling?”

"No reason baby, go back to bed," I smiled.

"Okay," he said hesitantly before he walked back into another bedroom.

"Because, we figured if we didn't say it, we wouldn't believe it," Johnny glared at me. "And now we have too."

“Great,” I mumbled, dropping onto the couch and pulling out my cell phone.

“Who are you calling?”



"If they ask where I am, tell them I'm in the bathroom," I whispered to Elliot as I walked for the bedroom door. "I'm just going walking so don't worry about mommy okay?"

"Okay," she whispered running over, kissing my cheek. "Be careful mommy."

“I will be,” I nodded and hopped out the window, my hands in my pockets as I walked down the sidewalk.

Why would Zacky still love her?

I shook my head at my thoughts and kept walking, until I heard footsteps behind me. "Alex?"

"Mother fucker," I whispered turning around, seeing Montana and Kayci. "Oh, hi."

"What are you doing out here at midnight?" Kayci nearly screeched. "You'll be killed!"

"No," I shook my head. "Wait why are you two out?"

"We live down the block, we saw you walk by the living room window, and we were watching TV."

“Well I was,” Kayci nodded. “Montana was too busy with Jimmy’s-“

“Shut up,” She barked before glancing to me. “What’s wrong?”

“Cory’s back.”

“Oh fuck,” Kayci mumbled. "So that's why you were fighting with Zacky..."

“Yeah,” I sighed. “Zacky said… He still loves her.”

"No way," Montana's eyes were wide. "That son of a bitch."

"Yeah," I sighed nodding. "Well, I'm off to jump a bridge, care to stare?"



“No!” They both screamed and tackled me to the ground. “No!”

“I was kidding.”

"Oh," they looked at each other and smiled sheepishly. "We knew that."

"Sure you did," I squirmed. "Can you get off me? After four kids your bladder isn't the same."

“Sorry,” Montana sighed as they both climbed off.

“Did you stop her?” Jimmy came running down the sidewalk, panting.

“Yes, babe,” Montana nodded. “We’ve got her.”

“Good,” He took a deep breath and leaned on Montana.

“Don’t crush the poor girl,” I laughed slightly as Montana struggled to hold Jimmy up.

“Why did you run?” He asked, obviously enjoying Montana’s efforts.

“It’s Zacky.”

“What about him?”

“He still loves Cory.”

“Wh-what?” Jimmy stuttered, standing up straight and grunting. "I thought you were pissed because of something else, that's why he was at Johnny's? Are you sure?"

“You heard me Jimmy,” I huffed. “He fucking loves Cory.”


“What’d he say?” Johnny asked softly as I hung up the phone.

“Listen to my heart.”

“Oh, that helps,” He scoffed sarcastically, making me giggle.

“I’ll just have to think about it," I nodded. "About Zacky and me."

"Hopefully everything works—" he stopped when his cell rang. "Excuse me," he mumbled and flipped it on. "Hello?"

"Damn," I bit my nail that was ripped.

"No I didn't know she was gone," Johnny paused. "I'm sorry, yeah she's here," he paused again. "I don't know how he could do it Jimmy."

"Oh crap…"

“Don’t, you’ll upset Cory.”


“Okay, well at least let me come with you!” Johnny whined. “Fine, see you soon.”

“Johnny,” I looked at him as he hung up the phone. “What’s going on?”

“Alex left the house. She’s with Jimmy, Montana, and Kayci,” Johnny explained. “Me and him are gonna go talk to Zacky.”

"I have to come with you!"

"No, you have to stay here and watch the children," he said sternly. "I'll make sure everything is okay Cory, just stay here and watch the kids."

"Don't let Zacky get hurt…"

“Don’t worry, Cory,” He kissed my forehead before walking over to the door. “He’ll be fine.”


"And to think!" the door slammed open as I sat on the couch staring at the blank TV set. "I trusted you with her!"

"What?" I turned slightly out of it to see Jimmy, Johnny and Brian.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh snit.

