Yelling Through

Just Saying

I watched sadly as Colette packed up her stuff.  The BMTH boys were on tour, having left just a few days prior, and now Letty was going.  For the first time in a long time, the thought of solitude saddened me.

"I ordered pizza," I'm gonna run and get it,” she said.

"From where?" I asked.  "You know most pizza places deliver right?"

"Shut up.  I'm gonna get the pizza, come back, and then we're gonna watch The Notebook."

I groaned.  "Fuck you."

"You love me."

"Go get the fucking pizza.  I'm getting in the shower." I walked back the hall to my bedroom.  I pulled out some clothes and grabbed my iPad, before entering the bathroom.  I hated quiet.  It gave you too much space inside your head.  It allowed you to think.  Sometimes that was good, but mostly it was terrible.

I played some Sleeping With Sirens and got in.  I stayed in probably longer than necessary, letting the water relax me.  I expected Letty home, by the time got out, but she wasn't.  I checked my phone and there were no messages.  I shrugged it off, before crawling into my bed.  I was gonna try to be productive and respond to emails, but I found myself drifting off.  I was almost asleep, when my phone rang.  The only people, who called me were my mother, father, two brothers, Letty and Oli.


"Hello, Koraline."

I felt myself smile at the voice on the other line.

"Hello Oliver."

"So how has life without me been?" he asked.

"Peaceful.  I don't have to wake up at three in the morning to pick your drunk ass up."

"Ha ha," he dead panned.  "You sleep more than anyone I've ever seen.  Are you a narcoleptic?"

"No, but you are an asshole."

"Tell me something new."

I chuckled.  "So how has the start of tour been?"

"First show was a bit weird, but it felt good to get out there again.  Everyone is either hung over or still drunk right now."


"Not drunk."

"Good.  Drunk Oli is a pain in the ass.”

“Drunk Oli-“

I cut him off.  “Don’t refer to yourself in the third person.”

“Is right.”  He kept going as if I hadn’t spoken.  He switch topics before I could protest.

“How’s the Sprite?”

“Oh you care now?  Is that your new bestie?”  I teased.

“I can’t believe you said bestie, and no.  I was just curious.  She’s leaving soon isn’t she?”

“Yeah.  LA is gonna suck.  I can’t wait to go home.  Filming’s almost done, so it won’t be long.  You’re coming to the premier right?”

“Wouldn’t miss it,” he replied.  

I heard my door open and glanced down the hall.  “Bitch!  Some weird fucker followed me here!” she yelled.

“What the fuck?” I sat up straighter and looked out my door.

“Who’d she bring home?  Does he have crabs?” 

“How the fuck would I know if he has crabs?” I asked.

“Are you talking to Syko?” she asked.

“No,” I lied.

“You totally fucking are!  Is he saying I have crabs?  Give me the phone.”

“Bye, Oli,” I said.

“Bye, Koraline.”  He was still chuckling as I hung up.

I got out of my bed and walked to the living room.  “Now what the fuck are you bring strange men to my home for?” I asked.

She jerked her thumb back to the kitchen.  I looked over to where a very familiar face was leaning against the counter with half a slice of pizza shoved in his face.  I shook my head, but smiled none the less.  "How'd you get suckered into my baby sitter?"

He shrugged.  "I'm still not sure."

I rolled my eyes, before walking over and hugging the beast of a man that was Vinny.  He hugged me back, picking me up as he did so.  

"Steroids are bad.  I tell you that all the time."

"I'm not on steroids," he replied.

"Yeah.  Okay."

Colette walked in happily waving The Notebook.  "Movie time," she sang.

"How about we don't and say we did," Vinny suggested.

"We're watching the fucking movie."

I rolled my eyes at the same time Vinny did.  "Someone is a raging butch today."

"You have no idea."

I flopped on the couch and Letty took the chair.  Vinny took the opposite end of the couch.

"So what's this I hear about you having a rock star boyfriend."

"Not my boyfriend.  We're just friends.  He's cool."

"He's cool.  That's it?  You talk to cool people?  Cause I think I'm pretty cool, and you don't talk to me, and I can't even hear you."

"So why would I talk, when I can sign."

"I can read your lips you know?"

"There are you fucking happy now?" I said.

"I'm cool now. I can die happy."

"I hate you."

He waved me off.  "You love me.  Really though, what's going on?"


Letty through a piece of popcorn at Vinny.  I had seen that she'd been paying attention, l would've stopped the conversation.

"They just need to fuck.  Then everything will fall into place."

"Dude!" I yelled.

"Just saying." She shrugged.

I shook my head.  Vinny was laughing.  I shot up and punched him in the chest.  "Not funnny."

"Vey funny.  Our little virgin unicorn lets the big bad rock star bang her and them they fall in love and ride off into the sunset."

"I hate you both."

"You love us."

"If that helps you sleep at night."

"I bet Oli could help you sleep at night,"  Vinny winked.  I was so going to punch him.