Status: a working progress...

A Flair for the Dramatic

Forget About It

'Tony! Tony! Tony! Get up! Tony?' I moaned and rolled out of bed. I stumbled to the door to let in Jaime, I should really keep it unlocked for him. Jaime pushed past me, pulled some jeans out of my draws and a plain white shirt out of my wardrobe and threw them at me. I scowled.

'Come on Tone, we're going to have room mates! Well um...floor mates?' Jaime scratched his head, I rolled my eyes.

'Why does it matter? They'll only get better and leave like the rest. The people that come here now are barely 'ill' and they are only here for a couple weeks, what's the point in making friends with them?' I said bluntly as I pulled my shirt over my head. I looked back at Jaime who was now tearing up. I slapped myself mentally, I really need to watch what I say around him. Jaime has bipolar which affects his moods, a lot. I sat next to him and put my arm around his shoulders.

'I'm sorry Hime. I didn't mean it, I'm sure they'll be great.' Jaime smiled up at me before jumping up and pulling me out of the room and downstairs into the kitchen. Jack and Oli sat at the table eating pancakes that Jordan has just made. It was 8am and the rest didn't wake up till about 9ish.

Over the five months I've been here I've learnt that Austin had a heart problem and depression as his mom died at the start of the year and was bisexual. Alan was abused by his past couple of boyfriends and friends and had paranoia and way gay. Jaime had bipolar and is gay, he thinks. Oli has depression and trauma and is bisexual. Josh is suicidal as he was bullied none stop because he is gay. Ben comes from a broken home and self harms because his parents were hardly there for him and was bullied for being gay. Danny is an alcohol addict and is gay. Oli and Josh are together as are Ben and Danny. Jack and Alex will be together soon we suppose. Austin wants to be with Alan but Alan isn't ready for a relationship yet as he doesn't want to be hurt again.

And I suffer from self harm and depression and didn't really know what I was, I could be gay, I could be straight, I could be both. I haven't sorted that out yet.

'Morning guys, we have cereal as always, pancakes, porridge or toast. What would you like?' Jordan asked as he rested his arms on the breakfast bar. I settled for a couple pieces of toast and Jaime had a bowl of coco pops. I sat next to Oli and Jaime and listened to them talk about school, music and TV.

'So boys as you know we have two new arrivals today and I want you all to be the best you can. Make them feel welcome, like you always do. These boys are brothers but that's all I'm going to say. I want them to feel comfortable to tell you.' Amy said as she walked into the kitchen behind the rest of the boys. Alex sat sat next to Jack, Josh sat next to Oli, Ben sat next to Danny and Austin sat next to Alan. We all mumbled our 'okays' and 'whatevers' through our food.


'Okay, so I thought we'd try group therapy today. Try to get to know each other and how we can help outside of these sessions.' Tay practically whispered. We all sat in a circle on the floor of the back garden patio. Tay and Jordan sat at the top of the circle holding hands. It made me smile knowing that although they never leave here they were happy together.

'I want to start!' Jaime yelled as he sat up stretching his hand up high. Tay laughed and nodded to Jaime, who took a breath.

'Two things you guys don't know about me, I sing and play bass.' I pushed Jaime a little, how could he keep that from all of us? He looked up at me worried, I smiled which he returned.

'I play guitar, have an obsession for Starwars and I love turtles.' I smiled, proud of myself, that's the most I've shared to the others. Jaime knew the most about me.

'I want to open a clothes line called Drop Dead and I can scream. And I love tattoos.' We all laughed at the last fact as Oli was covered in them. Josh was just about to say something when Amy burst through the door followed by two boys. One short with tanned skin, long brown hair and a nose ring. The other pale, tall with a sleeve tattoo, long brown hair, lip rings, wearing his hat backwards.

'Boys this is Victor and Michael Fuentes.' Amy smiled as the both took a seat in our circle. Victor sitting next to Jaime and Micheal sitting next to his brother.

'Welcome Victor and Micheal, we're just letting each other know a couple things about us. You don't have to open up yet but if you want to we're all here. I'm Tay and this is Jordan. Tay smiled and Jordan did a little wave. 'Josh continue.'

Josh nodded, 'I like design stuff. I can sing, not well but I can.' Jack, Alex, Ben, Danny and Alan all stayed quiet so we moved onto Austin.

'I write music to keep my mind off things. I have to wears girls jeans but even now there baggin!' Austin pulled at the jeans covering his skinny legs, we all laughed.

'Um...I'm Vic and I sing and play guitar and I come from Mexican decent.' Vic smiled weakly but continued to look at the floor. Jaime put his arm around Vic.

'I'm Mike I play drums and I can rap pretty good, also Mexican. I'm younger than Vic but he's just short.'We all shred a laugh and Vic elbowed his brother in the ribs.


I walked up to my room in silence, then I realized Jaime had my key.

'You two share a bathroom. So I guess that's alright since your brothers.' Jaime's voice came from the room opposite mine. Hesitantly I knocked on the door which Vic opened with a smile. I didn't return it. I looked straight past him and spoke to Jaime.

'You have my key.' Jaime jumped up and pulled me in the room by the hand. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

'Come on Tone, meet our neighbors.' Jaime put his arm around Mike who sat looking at me on Vic's bed.

'I just want my key Hime.' I held my hand out. Jaime frowned and gave me it. I mumbled my thanks.

'I really wish you'd stay.' I heard a voice whisper, I turned and laid eyes on Mike. I shook my head before leaving the room. No matter how broken they seemed I will not get myself attached to them. Too many people have come and gone and left me upset. I won't fall for it again just because Mike has a pretty face.
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I know these chapters are short. They'll get longer I promise :3