

I reached the school gates and my heart was beating like crazy, my palms were sweaty and I was finding it difficult to take normal breaths. Telling myself over and over not to be stupid I made my way towards the registration office where I would be given my time table and probably be assigned someone to show me around. At my old schools they usually ditched me straight away, leaving me lost, confused and late to most of my classes. I hope maybe this time it would be different.

I walked into the small office and took a seat, waiting for someone to tell me what to do. There didn't seem to be any authority figure in the room, I began to panic thinking maybe it was the wrong place but then the door opened. It wasn't a teacher or a receptionist like I had hoped it would be, instead, it was the most inhumanly beautiful person I had ever seen in my entire life. I inhaled sharply as I looked at him. His quite long, almost white hair swept across his face in a messy style that you could tell was intended. His skin was smooth, clear and pale, his lips were the perfect shape, and his nose, although slightly too long for his face, suited him perfectly. He was tall, but not ridiculously tall, and thin but lean. He wore an oversized plain white t-shirt, rolled up black skinnys and black converse. However, the feature that really took my breath away were his eyes. They were violet. I didn't even know you could have violet eyes, I thought they could have been contacts but for some reason, deep down, I knew they weren't.

I quickly realised that I was staring and averted my gaze towards the floor, I really didn't want this guy to think I was a freak.
"Is this the registration office?"
I almost gasped at the sound of his deep, silky voice but I managed to contain myself. His tone was not overly friendly but I mean, the guy didn't even know me, I didn't expect him to be all sunshine and smiles.
"Yeah - I mean... I mean I think so"
I nervously stumbled over my words, mentally cursing at myself for being so pathetic. I kept my eyes focused on the floor and refused to look at him.
He didn't reply. Great, he thought I was weird already.
He walked over to the rather uncomfortable sofa that I was sat on and placed himself at the other side. The closer he was to me the more I started to feel sick. I had butterflies in my stomach and I could barely move or breathe let alone speak. So we sat in silence, my heart beating a million times per minute.

It felt like an eternity had passed before the receptionist walked in. She was a young woman with obviously bleached hair and too much makeup. When she spoke she had an almost sickly, bubblegum like voice.
"Morning sweeties, you must be the new kids, Rosaline and Xavier? Welcome to our school"
Her candy floss pink lips formed into an overly friendly smile. When neither of us responded her face fell.
"You aren't very chatty are you? I went over your timetables this morning and it seems like you are both in the same classes so I think it would be good if you spent the day together, seen as you are both new. It is a rather small school so I doubt you will get lost, anyway here are your timetables"
She handed us each a sheet of a paper with our classes and times written down. I took it from her and then sneaked a glance at Xavier. His eyes locked on mine and his expression turned from interest to anger. I quickly looked away. Did he hate me already? So much for 'spending the day together'. He'd ditch me the first chance he got.

I slowly rose from my seat, thanked the receptionist and left the office, Xavier was right behind me. Once outside I took a deep breath and summoned any ounce of courage I could find to talk to him.
"So... erm she said that we should erm... You know..."
I trailed off when I saw him glaring at me. Good going Rosaline. We stood staring at each other until he spoke. I felt a shot of electricity course through my body at the sound of his voice.
"I'm more of an introvert, I don't do other people, nothing personal"
His tone was demeaning and unfriendly, I could feel my eyes welling up with tears. I continued staring at him like an idiot until he walked away. I started to shake, clenching my fists and telling myself not to cry. I wasn't going to get upset over some idiot boy I didn't even know. I knew this would happen, I'd been here no more than 15 minutes and I was already a mess. I just hoped things wouldn't get worse.

I made my way through the crowded corridor, noticing the various friend groups dotted around and envying them. I wished every single day that I was normal, I missed having friends and people that cared about me. I pushed the thought to the back of mind and continued to my first class of the day, avoiding making eye contact with anyone. I easily found my English class and after my teacher, Mr Jones, briefly introduced me to the class, I took a seat right at the back. I looked around the classroom full of unfamiliar faces looking for one in particular. Xavier wasn't here yet.

10 minutes into the lesson the door swung open and there he was. My chest tightened just at the sight of him. That's when I realised that the only empty seat was the one next to mine. I swore under my breath, just knowing I was going to embarrass myself even more than I already had. I kept my gaze fixed on my book until I heard the chair next to me be pulled out from under the table. He was so close. All of a sudden my eyesight started to blur and an excruciating pain shot through my head. The last thing I remember was screaming in agony, then the world around me started to fade, being replaced by another.

I was stood in a room. I'd never seen it before in my life. The floor was made of dark oak wood, the deep red walls were decorated in paintings depicting what looked like some sort of pagan ritual or something. The only furniture was an old, wooden bookcase and a worn and battered red sofa. The room was dimly lit from the light coming through a small, single window on the left wall. Despite the creepy vibe of the room I felt strangely comfortable and at ease. That was until the heavy wooden door slowly opened and Xavier stepped in. He was with a girl.

She was beautiful in an unconventional way. Her wavy, dyed blue hair was cropped short to her chin, her skin as clear and pale as Xavier's. She had bright, piercing green eyes and a silver ring in her nose. She was small, thin and wore a black floaty skirt, short at the front, long at the back, a simple white vest top and black gladiator sandals. She was covered in various pieces of jewellery, rings on every finger and bracelets up to her elbows. She looked friendly and welcoming, the opposite of Xavier.

I expected them to see me but they just carried on, oblivious to the fact i was stood right there. They obviously couldn't see me. They took a seat on the sofa and Xavier placed his head into his hands.
"Why does it have to be me? I don't know what she's capable of, or how to investigate her without getting close. I don't have the experience for this"
He sounded worried and nervous, this was a completely different Xavier to the one I had encountered.
The girl placed her arm around his shoulder in a comforting way.
"You don't know if you don't try, I'm sure it will be fine. Anyway, I will be available for backup at all times, you won't ever be by yourself Xavier"
Her voice was relaxing and loveable. She definitely seemed like the type of person who could get along with anyone and everyone just loved her. Sometimes I wished I was like that.
"Thanks Hayleigh but I still don't feel comfortable with this, I've never dealt with something this big before"
Hayleigh took a deep breath and pulled him into a reassuring hug.
"Look, I wasn't meant to tell you, but I've been observing her for weeks now. Her name is Rosaline and she's just a normal teenage girl okay? You'll be fine"
I gasped, how did she know my name, and what did she mean observing me?

Then, everything faded away and when I opened my eyes I was lying on the floor of the classroom, surrounded by people. Mr Jones was repeatedly asking me if I was okay, but I couldn't answer. All I could do was stare at Xavier. He stared back, completely unfazed by the whole thing, he knew something. Just as I was starting to realise what had happened and what a terrible start to my new school I had made, he stood up and walked out of the class. No one noticed, no one apart from me.