Status: This kind of puts Michelle Forget in a, not so pretty light. I mean no hate towards her, it just fit the fanfic.

Tomorrow I Will Forget

Meet Ashlyn

Ashlyn’s POV:
“Ash, please don’t give up hope on him.” My best friend, Kailey Watson, begs me.
“Give me one good reason not to!” I yell at her and immediately regret it. “Sorry, I’m just really upset right now.”
“I know you are.” She says trying not to cry. This girl is crazy sensitive.
“Ash, Kai, stop.” Our friend, Cynthia Evans, says and we look at her.
“Cyn, when did you get here?” I ask her.
“When Kailey begged you not to give up hope.” I, Ashlyn Mills, am 20. I’m going to school with no career goal in mind. Well, I have one, but it’ll never happen.
“I promise you there’s a part of him that remembers.” Kailey tells me and I look at her.
“How could you possibly know what he’s thinking? Have you not seen the pictures she freaking posts everywhere?” I ask and it kills me to think about it.
“Don’t make me say it again.” She warns.
“You two are crazy, I swear. Just give it time. The next concert will be the time.” Cynthia says and I laugh. We are in love with Allstar Weekend, but no matter what Kailey and Cynthia say, we won’t end up with them.
“And your point is?” I ask her.
“Okay, let’s not discuss this right now. I need to get back to school. Classes start in an hour and I would like to drive by Starbucks just in case.” Kailey says and I can’t believe this girl. Kailey and I recently moved to Los Angeles, California, to attend college and hope to find the guys. We met Cynthia at a concert and she fit right in. She’s a couple of years older than us, but that’s okay.
“Give up on the boy.” I beg her and she turns to look at me, more serious than I’ve ever seen her.
“I will never give up on him until one of us is dead.”
“Okay, and that is completely your choice.”
“We both know you won’t give up, either.” Cynthia tells me and she’s so right.
“No, I won’t, and that’s my choice.” I tell them. “Now, if you could both leave, please, I would like to be alone.”
“I needed to leave anyway, so bye. Ash, it’ll be okay, it has to be.” Kailey says and goes to stalk down the local Starbucks.
“We know how you feel.” Cynthia tells me.
“No, you don’t. You at least have a chance since you’re three months younger than Michael!” I tell her.
“But he has to be interested in me first. You’re only three years younger than Zach, so get over yourself.”
“You are really harsh sometimes.” I tell her but I’m sort of joking.
“There’s a difference between harsh and honest.” Cynthia tells me and leaves. I log onto Twitter, which the campus just unblocked, and go to Zach’s feed.
“In love and strong –mf"
“I hate you.” I tweet back knowing it’ll do no good, but it helps.