Status: This kind of puts Michelle Forget in a, not so pretty light. I mean no hate towards her, it just fit the fanfic.

Tomorrow I Will Forget


Ashlyn’s POV:
“So that actually happened?” I ask when I wake up the next morning and see Zach at my side.
“Wow, it wasn’t a dream.” He says and kisses me. We’re having dinner with his family tonight and I’m actually nervous now.
“No, I guess not. I hate to do this, but I should go home and get ready. I’ll see you tonight at your parents.” I tell him and he laughs.
“A kiss and run?” He asks and I kiss him.
“Now I’m running.” I say. I walk through campus, hoping to avoid Kailey and Cynthia. I finally think I’ve done it until I see them outside my dorm.
“I have no words for you, Ash.” Kailey says, but she’s smiling.
“Congratulations, girl!” Cynthia yells and I crack up.
“If you’ll excuse me, I have to get ready for dinner with the Porters.” I tell them.
“Wear something that’ll get Zach’s attention.” Cynthia tells me.
“Oh, she’s already got his attention.” Kailey says and my jaw drops.
“Kai! Rude!” I yell and she giggles.
“But you know it’s true. You could wear sweats and a baggy sweater, but you would still have his attention.”
“You are gross.” I tell her and make my way into my dorm, but they follow.
“Kai’s right. You two have nothing to hide now.” I could kill Cynthia right now.
“Come on, Cyn, let’s leave her alone now.” Kailey says and I relax.
“Thank you, Kai, for being reasonable.”
“I just hope your dinner tonight isn’t too hard.” Kailey says and I stare at her. Then it slowly starts to sink in and I laugh with her.
“Get out of my dorm, you disgusting perv.” I hear her cackle the whole way down the hall. Right before five I head to the Porter’s. Zach is waiting for me.
“How are you, my love?” He asks and I squeal.
“Sorry, I do that a lot.” I apologize and he laughs.
“I don’t mind.” He takes my hand and we walk to the door. Mrs. Porter opens the door before Zach can knock.
“Come in. Oh, Ashlyn, how are you?” She hugs me.
“I’m fine, Mrs. Porter, how are you?” I ask.
“Such manners this girl has. I’m well.” She closes the door and Vic runs down.
“Hey, Ash, nice to see you again.”
“Nice to see you, too, Vic.” This guy is hilarious.
“Please, sit. Dinner will be ready in about five minutes.” I look at the table and it’s weird to see a place for me. I have my own place at the Porter family dinner table. Zach Porter is my boyfriend.
“You okay?” He asks me.
“Things are just starting to sink in.” I tell him and he takes my hand. Mrs. Porter brings out a salad and a ham. Zach fills up his plate and passes me the food. We all sit around and laugh; everything is so normal and comfortable here. There's love, the way you love friends, family, or a pet, but me, I am really falling in love with Zach. A much deeper love. We get up to leave.
“I’m glad you could make it.” Mrs. Porter tells me.
“So am I; thank you for having me.”
“Anytime, Ash, really.” She says and Zach walks me out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, this couldn't be an Adub fanfic without an innuendo or two