Status: This kind of puts Michelle Forget in a, not so pretty light. I mean no hate towards her, it just fit the fanfic.

Tomorrow I Will Forget

Moment of Truth

Ashlyn’s POV:
Cameron, Kailey, Zach, and I are out for a walk. It’s a nice January 1st and I want to be with my friends. Cynthia didn’t feel well after last night so she and Mikey are in her place.
“Ash, don’t look, but I see her.” Kailey whispers. Of course I look and up walks Michelle freaking Forget.
“Hi, Zach, baby, I missed you. I’m really so sorry.” She says and he stares at her then grabs my hand, protectively.
“No, you aren’t.”
“Don’t say that! I never meant to hurt you and I wish I had thought things through earlier, but now I have, baby. I’m so sorry.”
“Whatever goal you wanted to achieve, it won’t work. You can look me dead in the eyes and apologize, but I’ve moved on to someone better.” He squeezes my hand and I smile.
“You don’t want her; she’s just some fan.”
“Michelle, you used to be just some fan!” Kailey yells at her.
“And, Cameron, you could do so much better than a blonde. They aren’t that smart.” She whispers loudly.
“That’s enough, Bitchelle.” I say and then look at Zach.
“Ash.” He drops my hand and stares at me.
“You did not call me that! It wasn’t even creative.”
“Actually, it was, because it fits you perfectly.” Kailey says. I recognize that look in her eyes.
“Shut up, dumb blonde.” Oh no.
“Oh hell nah!” Kailey yells and slaps Michelle across the face.
“Did you just slap me?” Michelle asks, shocked. I think all of us are shocked right now. Kailey looks at her hand, looks at Michelle’s face, and then she smiles.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long.”
“Kai, we should go.” Cameron says, coldly.
“Well, if you’re gonna act that way.” Kailey says and slaps Michelle again.
“Zach, don’t you love me?” Michelle asks, holding her cheek.
“No, I don’t. Our whole relationship was about you.”
“Didn’t you like it when we baked stuff? I mean, we did that all the time.” She says innocently, but his face is blank.
“We did that because you wanted to!” He yells, his face turning red, and it scares me. “I hated it and I hate you! I only wanted to be with my friends, doing the thing I love, and Ashlyn understands that! I hated baking things, but I don’t really think you cared.” He finally calms down.
“Zach.” Michelle looks like she’s about to cry.
“Just go, get out of my sight. I never want to see you again or hear from you again. If I never hear your name again, my life will be perfect.” She looks at him and leaves.
“I’m sorry you had to deal with that.” I reach for his shoulder and he pushes my hand away.
“You should go home, Ashlyn.” His face is blank again.
“But, Zach-”
“Go home, Ash.” I walk off without arguing. He’s mad and I’m not sure who he’s mad at. There are so many different options. He could hate me for calling her what I did, he could hate her for showing up, he could hate himself for something, he could hate Kailey for slapping Michelle, or it could be a combination.
“I’m sorry, Zach.” I say when I get home. “I’m so, so sorry.”