Status: This kind of puts Michelle Forget in a, not so pretty light. I mean no hate towards her, it just fit the fanfic.

Tomorrow I Will Forget

Take Me With You

Ashlyn’s POV:
“Ash, Cam and I just finished moving in.” Kailey is grinning as she stands in the doorway of my dorm room. I’m moving out for the summer, then I have one year left.
“That’s amazing, Kai. I bet Cameron loves it.” I tease her and she smiles like a girl in love. She really does love him. She looks at the ring on her finger and I can see it in her eyes.
“I think I love it more than him. Brent’s a great guy, but it’s great to not have him show up everywhere and tease us.”
“Brent? Tease you? That is so unheard of.”
“Drop the sarcasm. At least Cameron’s proposed to me.” She throws in my face. He proposed the day after we finished our third year of college. It was really cute, actually. He took her to the club where they met. After that he drove her to the beach where they had ice cream under the stars. He started singing to her then he proposed.
“Hey, it was only seven months a week ago.” I tell her. I know it’ll happen soon; Zach told me so.
“I feel like Cam and I have been together for so much longer. We know each other so well; it’s like we’re one person. I’m honestly, truly in love with him. Is this crazy?” She asks me.
“No, we aren’t having this conversation again. Cam loves you and you love him. Even the fans love you two together.” She smiles.
“Remember all the comments on that video of me?” Brent and Cameron recorded her dancing around the house when she thought they were out.
“Yeah, they all called you crazy.” I tell her.
“And they said I was great for Cam because I was just as crazy as him. Besides, the guys snuck up on me, it wasn’t on purpose.”
“You still say that.” I smile and she sticks her tongue out at me.
“Hey, come on, let’s go to the beach.” Kailey suggests. I roll my eyes and grab my bag. It’s only a little after four so I guess I can go.
“Why the beach?” I ask her when we get there. For as hot as it is, I mean first week of June is always like this, the beach is almost empty. It’s still crowded; it’s just not like it should be.
“I’ll be back. I am going to buy water.” She runs off and Zach walks over to me. He rolls out a blanket and sits next to me with his guitar.
“She won’t be back, will she?” I ask him and he smiles at me.
“No, she won’t.” He grabs his guitar and sings Take Me With You.
“Zach, this is really sweet.” I say and he puts his finger on my lips. I can’t believe this is really happening right now.
“Ashlyn, you are really special to me and I don’t ever want to let you go. I love you more than you can begin to understand because I can’t tell you. Will you marry me?” He asks and the ring he has is beautiful.
“Yes, Zach.” He kisses me and it’s perfect.