Status: This kind of puts Michelle Forget in a, not so pretty light. I mean no hate towards her, it just fit the fanfic.

Tomorrow I Will Forget

Zach and Michelle

Zach’s POV:
“Hey, baby.” I turn to see my girlfriend, Michelle, in the doorway of the studio. I walk over and kiss her.
“Miss Forget, how are you today?” I ask and she giggles.
“I’m a little lonely without my boyfriend. You’ve been doing a lot of stuff with the guys lately.” She says faking a smile.
“Yeah, angel, it’s called recording. See, when we want to release music for the fans, the ones who support my career, we have to record.”
“Take a break and spend time with me.” She begs and I smile. I look at Cameron and Michael who are goofing off. I’m sure they’ll be fine.
“Hey, I don’t feel well. I’ll see you guys later.” I yell and they look worried until they see Michelle standing next to me.
“That’s my good boy.” She says like I’m a dog.
“Woof.” I say back to her and she laughs.
“Some days I’m not sure why I love you.” She tells me and walks to the door. This relationship is getting more toxic by the second.
“Excuse me?” I ask her.
“It was a joke, baby.”
“No, Michelle, it wasn’t. Jokes are funny; the guys and I make jokes.”
“Get over yourself, Zach! Quit bringing your stupid little friends into this all the freaking time. I’m sick of your friends because they take away from us.”
“My band and my friends come first.”
“Well that’s a problem, isn’t it?” I get the same feeling I always get when we fight; I don’t want to hurt her, but I can’t hurt myself, either.
“I’m sorry; I don’t know what I’m saying. Let’s just go home.” I say and she smiles. She takes my hand and I drive to our apartment.
“You always know what the right choice is.” She tells me when we get home. She opens the door and I close it when I get in.
“Maybe we should talk about this relationship.” I say.
“And maybe I should just leave.”
“Fine, do it, see if I even care.” We’ve been doing this a lot more lately and it’s getting old.
“Zach, you are such a child.” She rolls her eyes and I walk away from her, but not before sticking my tongue out at her.
“I hate you.” I yell as I slam the door to our room shut. I hear her on the phone with one of her friends.
“He is so immature. Like, I swear the boy is crazy.” It’s been two years and I’ve never even met her friends. In fact, she really doesn’t like to be seen with me in public much. It’s weird how I’m feeling a little bit of Undercover right now. I’m done with this. Tonight is the last time I can be with her; tomorrow I leave.
“Michelle, angel, I’m sorry about what I said. I love you so much.” I tell her and she smiles. She will have no idea what’s going to happen.
“You always come around.”
“What can I say? You’re more important than the band.”
“Finally you get it. It only took me two years of trying to tear you away from that stupid little thing.”
“Oh, the thing that made us meet?” I ask her.
“Yeah, that one.” She kisses me and decides we should both go to bed now.