Status: This kind of puts Michelle Forget in a, not so pretty light. I mean no hate towards her, it just fit the fanfic.

Tomorrow I Will Forget

Gifts Like Crazy

Zach’s POV:
“Are you ready for the honeymoon?” I ask her and she jumps on my back.
“Yeah, if you carry me to our room so I can grab my already packed suitcase.” She says and I grab her legs so she won’t fall.
“It’s a deal.” I say and she laughs. I run up the stairs and she squeals.
“Zach, this is the life I’ve always wanted.” Ashlyn says when I get to the door.
“Then I’m glad I could give it to you.” She jumps down and looks at me.
“No, really, this is better than I ever thought it would be. Even the whole Michelle stuff, as crazy as it was, didn’t suck that bad.”
“It could have gone a lot worse.” I agree with her.
“At least she’s finally left us, you, alone.” I laugh at Ashlyn.
“Thank goodness she didn’t go after you.”
“Would she have?” Ashlyn asks, worried.
“No, I don’t think so. Especially after what you and Kailey did to her. You definitely hurt her pride a little bit.” I say and she smiles.
“Good, she deserved it a little. No one treats my husband the way she treated you.” She kisses me and I pull her in close. She breaks it off. “We have a plane to catch.”
“A plane to Florida where we will board a ship and just cruise around the Florida Keys.” I tell her and she starts jumping.
“Come on, let’s go!” She grabs her suitcase and runs down the stairs. “Zach, hurry up!”
“I’ll be right there.” I tell her. I grab a package and run after her.
“Are you ready?” She asks and I smile.
“You bet I am. I have everything.” When we get to the airport I shove the box in my suitcase. We board the plane and she’s asleep before takeoff. Once we get there I grab our luggage and we run to the ship.
“This is amazing.” She says and she looks so beautiful with the sun in her hair. We wait an hour to board, but when we get to the room I take out the box.
“I have something for you, Ash. It’s a little wedding gift.” I open it and tears fill her eyes.
“Zach, these earrings are gorgeous!” She takes them out and puts them on. Then she stands in the mirror turning to look at them.
“They’re real diamonds.” I tell her and she turns to look at me.
“You didn’t have to do that; they must have cost you a fortune.” They really didn’t, but I won’t tell her that.
“Don’t worry about the price, Ash, just enjoy them.”
“I definitely like them. You really didn’t have to do this. Marrying you was the best gift I could ever imagine.”
“Then these are just an extra gift.” She kisses me.
“You are perfect.”
“Ash, don’t you say that a lot?” I tease her.
“Hey, I can’t help it if you are.”
“I can accept that.” I tell her and I tackle her onto the bed.
“So, Zach, are you thinking what I’m thinking?” She asks and I smile.
“You saw the karaoke place on the way up, too?” I ask her and she laughs.
“Last one there gets the pullout couch tonight.” She yells and starts running.