Status: This kind of puts Michelle Forget in a, not so pretty light. I mean no hate towards her, it just fit the fanfic.

Tomorrow I Will Forget


Ashlyn’s POV:
Zach and I have been married for a year.
“Zach, I have amazing news!” I yell when I hang up.
“So do I!” He says running into the kitchen.
“Okay, should we go at the same time?” I ask him and he smiles.
“I’m touring.” He says.
“I’m pregnant.” I say and our smiles fall.
“Ash, that’s great.” He finally says, but I can’t be happy right now.
“You’re leaving me.” I say. “When do you leave for tour?” I ask him and we both sit at the table.
“We leave in June, tickets go on sale next week, and we’ll be back at the beginning of September. You probably won’t be due until around January, right?” He asks me.
“That isn’t the point, Zach! The point is you’re going to miss a little over three months of this baby’s growth and you won’t exactly be here in May.”
“I’m sorry, Ash, that’s part of the job. You know, the one you support!” He yells.
“Then maybe I should just leave.” I yell at him.
“Fine, do it, see if I care.” He says and I can’t believe him.
“God, you are such a child!” Then his eyes get wide and he kisses me.
“Ash, I’m sorry, I had this fight once and it ended with me and Michelle breaking up. I will not have this fight with you. I don’t want to end things with you.” I start to cry.
“I don’t want to end things with you, either.” I tell him.
“How can I make this better?” He asks me.
“Promise you’ll visit when you can. I’ll let you know when we find out if Baby Porter is a boy or a girl, okay?”
“I’m gonna try to make it back for all the appointments. I don’t want to miss anything that happens with either of you.”
“Trust me, you’ll get updates.” He kisses me and the past few minutes are forgotten.
“So are we the first couple to be parents?” He asks me and I laugh.
“As far as I know we are. Kailey and Cynthia haven’t said anything. Kai’s probably too busy grading papers.” She really is good as a teacher; her students love her.
“What about Cynthia?” He asks.
“You know Cyn, she’s still jumping jobs.”
“And you?” He asks.
“I have another meeting lined up, but this news kind of changes things.” I tell him. I want to be home for my baby, not recording and juggling a kid.
“Well, if that ever changes, I’m here for you.” He tells me. Staring at him now, it’s like nothing’s changed since we first met, so many years ago.
“Should we go tell everyone?” I ask him.
“That sounds good. Your parent and my parents will want to know. Plus, Kailey and Cynthia will have to go shopping for baby stuff with you.” I laugh and go to take a nap. When I wake up I hear him in one of our spare rooms.
“What are you doing?”
“Planning where everything will go for this baby.” I smile.
“Take a break, Zach, we still have a while. Let’s go take the crap our friends are going to give us and the crazy from our parents.”
“Our little baby.” He smiles.
“Our little family.” I correct him.