Status: This kind of puts Michelle Forget in a, not so pretty light. I mean no hate towards her, it just fit the fanfic.

Tomorrow I Will Forget


Zach’s POV:
“Merry Christmas, Hunter.” I say. Ashlyn and I have visited him every day. My parents and the Mill’s are here a lot. Kailey, Cameron, Cynthia, and Michael visit a lot, too.
“We love you, sweetie.” Ashlyn says with tears threatening to fall. I take her hand and this just isn’t right. How can something so bad happen to a girl so nice?
“You two should go home.” A nurse tells us, but I know Ashlyn.
“Five more minutes; give us the five minutes we left with him. It’s not seven yet and I will not leave until it is.” She still has Hunter’s foot in her hand. He’s been growing and I know it’s a little bit of comfort to her.
“I’ll hold you to that.” The one nurse we liked moved. The rest of these nurses care about rules and not family.
“I’ll get you fired.” Ash says not missing a beat.
“Cool it, Ash.” I warn her. Hunter’s head turns and he looks like her.
“Look at his eyes, Zach, I see me.”
“Yeah, so do I. And in the way his face just has a shine to it.” I tell her. I wipe away her tears as we walk out of the room.
“Bye, Hunter, we’ll be back tomorrow. Santa will visit you starting next year.” We start to leave and hear a gurgle.
“Turning back?” I ask, knowing she’s already back there.
“You need to leave.” The nurse tells her.
“No, Hunter just made a noise. It’s the first sound I’ve heard from him since he was born and I want to remember this moment.” Ash is smiling as she looks in his eyes.
“We should go.” I say just to make the nurse happy, but I’m holding his hand and there’s no way I’m moving yet.
“I’m giving you ten more minutes, then you really have to leave even if he’s up and walking around.”
“Zach, he’s really growing up.”
“Of course he is, you did everything right.”
“This moment is perfect. I just wish we could have a picture.” She says and a flash goes off.
“You didn’t really think I was going to leave, did you?” Kailey asks.
“Thanks.” Ashlyn says.
“I need this kid to get better so I can corrupt him.” Kai says, trying not to cry.
“And I need to keep an eye on her so she doesn’t do much more damage than you two will.” Cameron says with his arm around Kailey.
“So you can expect that we’re still here.” Cynthia says stepping into the room.
“She wouldn’t leave until you guys did.” Mikey shrugs. They walk over.
“Hunter, these are mommy and daddy’s messed up friends.” I introduce them to him.
“You can’t have a party in here.” The nurse says and Cynthia walks over to her.
“Don’t mess with this perfect moment. That baby was born with a chance of living or dying, but he’s definitely living. Let us enjoy it.” Ashlyn says. This nurse shouldn't mess with her.
“But you’ve had your ten minutes.” The nurse says. Ashlyn let’s go of Hunter.
“Come on, let’s go. We’ll be back tomorrow.”
“And every day until he comes home with us.” I add as we leave.