Status: This kind of puts Michelle Forget in a, not so pretty light. I mean no hate towards her, it just fit the fanfic.

Tomorrow I Will Forget

Rebound Girl

Zach’s POV:
I don’t let go of her the whole night and she doesn’t seem like she wants me to.
“Are you coming back to the dorms with us?” One of Ash’s friends asks.
“Uhm, you can do that, or you could come see my place.” I offer and she smiles.
“I’ll see you tomorrow in class, Kailey.” She says to the blonde.
“Ashlyn, you’re 20.” Is all the red head says.
“Thanks, Cynthia, but I know. We’ll be good.” Her friends walk off. Cynthia with Michael on her arm and Kailey with Cameron following closely.
“So, you’re already taking me home and I’m not even sure if that was a date.” Ashlyn smiles at me.
“It’s a date if you want to call it that.”
“Our first date. I just had my first date with Zach Porter.” She smiles and I walk her to my car. “And there are clothes in his backseat?” She asks.
“Michelle kicked me out.” I tell her and she looks out the window.
“Could you not mention her?” Ash asks.
“That won’t be a problem, because I have you now. I don’t know if you’ll continue to like me the way you seem to now, but I hope you do.” She turns to me.
“I think I’ll keep on liking you.” Michelle never made me feel this way; I love the feeling. I unlock my door and drag my clothes behind me.
“This is really embarrassing.” I confess to her.
“Why? Because your ex-girlfriend is a horrible witch? That’s not your fault, Zach, it’s hers.”
“You are so understanding.” I tell her and she smiles. We walk to my room and she flops down. She looks so perfect right there; like she belongs. I grab my guitar and start strumming.
“Do you know Take Me With You by Secondhand Serenade?” She asks me and I smile.
“I just learned it yesterday.” I start playing and she leans onto my shoulder. I sing the first few verses and she joins in at the end.
“I don’t have anything everything is not for certain. Tell me all of your hopes, all of your dreams, I want you to take me there.” I lean over and kiss her.
“Maybe I should get home now.” Ashlyn says and I look at her.
“We can slow this down if you want; no rush. We did only have one date.”
“Just let me go.” She stands up.
“Did I do something wrong? Is this not what you expected?” I want to know why things aren’t perfect anymore.
“I don’t want to be the rebound. I like this, really, but I can’t stop from wondering if Michelle wore this jacket. I can’t stop thinking maybe you and Michelle laid on that bed and you sang to each other.” I have to be honest here.
“Yes, she did wear the jacket I let you borrow, but we never sang together. Michelle didn’t care about my career.” Ashlyn stares at me.
“Part of dating a guy in a band is understanding the music.”
“This is already starting off great.” I tell her and she smiles. We talk for a while and it feels amazing.
“Call me later. Take me out Friday?” She asks.
“I will definitely call you. Pick you up at 8.” I kiss her and she leaves.