Status: This kind of puts Michelle Forget in a, not so pretty light. I mean no hate towards her, it just fit the fanfic.

Tomorrow I Will Forget


Zach’s POV:
“How are you?” I ask Ashlyn and she smiles.
“I’ve been waiting to ask this, but do you know someone with the last name Grams? He’s a friend of Mr. Quiseng.” I grin when she asks me.
“The guy’s amazing! He’s hilarious and he treats us like his own kids; it’s great! Why?” I ask her and she laughs.
“He’s my English professor.” She tells me and I start laughing.
“Maybe it really is a small world. How did you find out John knew us?” I ask her and she pretends to puke.
“Don’t call him John; it’s weird.” I laugh and kiss her.
“I just can’t mention names around you.” I joke with her.
“Michelle, this girl in our class, called Kailey a prude and completely embarrassed her in front of the class. Professor Grams yelled at her to leave his class and never come back. After class I asked why he cared so much and he told me.”
“Do girls have no boundaries?” I ask, angry someone could hurt a girl like Kailey. I only met her the night I met Ash, but she seemed sweet.
“Apparently only girls with the name Michelle.”
“Watch it.” I warn Ash and she looks at me.
“Sorry, it just slipped out.” I hug her.
“I know it did. I’ll forgive you for a while.” I tell her and she grins.
“Where are you taking me?” She asks.
“To a movie.” I walk her to my car, which I still haven’t gotten fixed, and open the door.
“Scratch still there?”
“No one can fix it.” I tell her and she looks at me apologetically.
“Do you mind if I try it?” She asks and I raise an eyebrow. “Girls can do things, too.”
“I’ll bring it by tomorrow and you can give it a try.”
“But I thought you had recording to do tomorrow.” She tells me.
“They won’t mind if I’m a little late.” She laughs.
“I’ll try to work quickly.” She tells me and I smile.
“You can take all the time you want.” I tell her and she looks at me.
“Let’s wait and see how tomorrow turns out.” She laughs and so do I; everything feels so comfortable with her.
“Okay, that sounds good. What do you think the others are doing?” I ask her.
“Well, Kailey made sure I knew she and Cameron want alone time.”
“Do they now?”
“That’s what I said!”
“I guess we’re just too alike for her own good.” Ashlyn reaches for my hand and I grab hers. This night is perfect.
“She’s going to hate this if we aren’t careful. She can be tough or emotional and it just takes time to learn which you’ll get.”
“Do you think I’ll get the chance to learn?” I ask her.
“If we work out, which I’m planning on, and if she and Cameron work out, which she’s planning on. I say the chances look positive.
“Good, I want to know you, Ashlyn, and really know you.”
“All of that will happen in time, Zach.”
“I hope it does.” I pull into the theater and kiss her before unlocking the doors.