Save Me

The Coming

It all started with a dream. Everything was blue. I heard the shrieks of those I would hurt. I smelled the burning of future fires. I woke up in a cold sweat. Something was very wrong. I haven't had dreams like that in years, hell I've barely dreamt at all.

I had this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I felt like I was being watched. I stumbled out of my bed, put pants on and grabbed my car keys. I knew I didn't have much time. I raced over to the doctor's house, doing well above the speed limit. I pounded on the door until he opened it.
"Charlie? What's wrong? What are you doing here?" His eyes were still half closed.
"The dreams are back." This woke him up.
"What? It's not pos-."
"Apparently it is. I have to come in, I think they've come for me." The doctor locked the door behind me and we went into his study. This place was familiar. It was where I spent countless days worrying if everything I've waited for would backfire.
"The adamantium should have blocked the psychic waves. I don't understand how this is happening." Pain shot through my skull. My powers were too strong, it would never have worked. The doctor wanted to give me an X-ray. As he set his equipment up, I looked out the window and saw someone moving in the trees.
"We're not safe. We have to leave." It didn't seem like he heard anything I said.

The windows broke and the door was kicked down. The hand had infiltrated his home. I tried to not use my powers and I used what little hand to hand combat training I had, but I was overpowered. I saw the doctor killed as I was being dragged away. It was hopeless now. But in some part of me a fire was smoldering. I caught a glimpse of myself in a broken window and saw my eyes had turned into pure blue orbs. I sent a wave of energy off around me, knocking my kidnappers to the ground. I ran to my car and hightailed it out of there. Alex was watching me as I drove back down the street.

I came to an almost empty parking lot and switched cars. I easily unlocked a black range rover and started its engine. I realized I couldn't go back to my house. There was only one place to go, and it was a long drive from here.
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Sorry for any grammatical errors :) I would love love love some feedback