Status: This is set in the 'YOU' look, as if you're describing yourself. Orea (you) is a girl. I do hope you like this story and will enjoy it!

His Maid, Her Butler

His Maid, Dreams

You slept soundly after you collapsed. You dreamed of times before, when things had been well; no willing souls, only lost ones making Sebastian’s mouth water. Your childhood played before the backs of your eyelids now; you saw your mother and your father, those rare times when he came to visit the two of you.

“Daddy!” you cried, running to your father and throwing yourself into his arms.

“Hi there, pumpkin bear!” Gathering you up into his arms, he swung you around.

“You were gone a lot longer this time,” you said, pouting.

“I know sweetie, I’m sorry, but your brother has been getting himself into a lot of mischief lately.” He kissed the top of your head and tousled your hair.

Coming out of the office, your mother smiled. “Demetri, you’ve returned.”

“Hello, Karoline.” Pulling her close, he kissed her.

You turned your nose up to this. “Ew!” You tried pushing at their faces to get them to stop.

Laughing, they broke apart and your father tickled you. “Ew, what do you mean ew? I could kiss all over you!” He puckered his lips and kissed your cheeks, leaving slobbery marks.

“EW!” you cried, pushing his face away and wiping your cheeks.

Your mother laughed and entwined her fingers in your father’s. “How is Grell doing?” she asked, worry in her words.

Demetri sighed. “He’s gone and gotten himself demoted again. That boy won’t listen to anything that is said to him. I try to teach him, but he’s off in his own little world.”

Karoline laughed and patted her husband’s hand. “You’ll get through to him, I promise you.”

“And if not, I can punish him!” you added in, smiling proudly.

You all laughed. “See to what pleases you, darling,” answered your father.

He put you down then and turned to your mother quickly. He motioned with his eyes towards the office. “Orea, can you play for a while I need to speak to your mother for a moment.”

“Okay!” You ran off to the opposite side of the room and grabbed your doll.

Demetri and Karoline entered the office, leaving you to yourself. It was lonely when no one was around to play with you. You had no friends and so you were stuck in the adjoining room of the office.

“It’s alright, Teta, we’ll go outside and play another day.” Sitting the doll by the window, you stared outside. “Guess what! Daddy came to visit today! He’s in the office with mommy right now, but I hope we will stay for a while with us this time. He’s always with my brother, and it’s not fair.” You stuck your tongue out at the mention of him. “Why is he so special?”

You and your doll sat at the window in silence. Your parents returned several minutes later with worried and frustrated expressions. “You are sure of this?” Karoline whispered.

“Positive,” replied Demetri.

Nodding, Karoline moved away from her husband and came to your side. “What are you sure of?” you asked as your mother wrapped her arms around you.

“It is nothing,” she replied.

You looked between your parents, but kept your mouth shut, knowing whatever it was was not for you. Your father stood next to you now and handed you a small box. You took it, giggling.

“I thought this would suit you; you’re growing up so fast I cannot believe it,” said Demetri.

Lifting the lid, you found inside an oval shaped locket with a small scull in the center and a twisted wiring on the rim that made it look like a twine of thorns. “It is beautiful! Thank-you.” You jumped to your feet and hugged your father.

“You are very welcome, my dear.” He kissed the top of your head. “Now I must be off. Be a good girl for your mother and I will see you again soon.”

You stuck your lip out as he said this. “Why do you have to go? Can you not just leave my brother there and stay with us?”

Demetri laughed. “That sounds like a swell idea, but alas I cannot. I must teach your brother as your mother must teach you.”

You bent your head and sighed depressingly. “Will you be back next month?”

“What for?” he asked, a teasing sound in his voice.

You stared at him disbelieving. “It’s my birthday, daddy! How could you forget?”

He laughed and hugged you tightly. “Oh my, yes, how could I? It is a very important day.”

“Yes!” you said, hugging him back. “You will be here, right?”

“Absolutely.” Hugging you once more and planting a kiss on the top of your head, he kissed your mother good-bye and left.

Your mother picked up the little box and removed the locket and hat you lift your hair. It fell squarely in the middle of your chest and you looked down at the present your father had given you. It was truly beautiful, but you were sad at his departure. “He will be back,” said your mother, pulling you up onto her lap. “He loves you very much and he cannot stand to be away from you.”

“I think it is you, mommy, who he cannot stay away from,” you corrected.

She laughed and hugged you. “It is both of us then.”

She was smiling but you could tell her and your father had talked about something serious because it had a weakness to it. It mad you sad to see that your mother was worrying about something; you knew though that her responsibilities would someday be yours, even though you were only 8, you knew all of this.

Leaning against your mother’s shoulder, you asked, “Will brother ever be allowed to visit?”

She shook her head. “He must be trained there in the Soul Reaping department. Your father wanted you to become his successor, so he must not know of you at this time.”

You sighed. Everything about that was confusing to you. “Okay,” you replied. “But I want to see him someday and ask him what it was like living with daddy.”

Karoline chuckled. “Someday you may, my girl, someday you may.”

A feeling in you welled up inside as this transpired in your mind. Crying out suddenly, you flung out, sitting up quickly and panting. “Mother…Father.” Sitting in bed, you cried yourself back to sleep.