Status: This is set in the 'YOU' look, as if you're describing yourself. Orea (you) is a girl. I do hope you like this story and will enjoy it!

His Maid, Her Butler

His Maid, Healing

Several months passed and the day progressed as any other day. It was a beautiful spring evening, the sunset a tender yellow color. Sebastian was looking after the young master; Bard was in the kitchen, preparing for the next meal; Finny was outside tending to the plants and occupying Pluto; Mey-Rin was going about and mopping the floors. Snake was somewhere off doing Ciel’s bidding, and Tanaka was off drinking tea. You were at the same routine as well, making sure all was in order, the house was perfectly clean, meals were on time, and that all was secure. Though those were your duties, you always helped in the kitchen, in the tidying up of the house, and the outdoors.

Sebastian found you in the dinning room, setting the table. “Already beat me to it I see, well done.”

“You were too busy to be here ten minutes ago, so I went ahead. I hope you do not mind.” You placed the last utensil evenly along with the others at the table and turned to face Sebastian.

“Not at all,” he said, bowing.

“Good.” You made your way to the door. “Bard is in the kitchen awaiting your approval for dinner.”

“I will see to it at once.” Sebastian left without another word.

You watched him leave, but there was something you couldn’t shake, a feeling that lingered as a sign of a bad omen. ‘There it is again. What is it?’

The clock on the mantel chimed the time and you hurried out of the room, needing to make yourself presentable for the evening meal. It only took you a few minutes to change and return to the kitchen where Sebastian awaited you.

Bard was cleaning up as you set foot inside the room, but a wonderful smell hung in the air.

“It smells magnificent back here!” you complimented. “Well done, Bard!”

Bard grinned and returned to work. Striding up to you, Sebastian handed you your good apron and the two of you left the kitchen with the food. Ciel sat at the table already; Sebastian served and you took care of the drink. Everything seemed normal, but that feeling just wouldn’t go away. You wished you knew what was going to happen so you could stop it, but being utterly helpless made you even more irritated. Ciel was partway through the second course when the incident happened. Sebastian let out a howling scream and doubled over into the floor.

“Sebastian!” Ciel cried, rising from his chair.

The two of you knelt by Sebastian’s side. He was curled up into a ball, his face distorted in pain.

“What is going on?” Ciel asked him. “You’ve never been like this before.”
Sebastian tried to speak, but all that came out was another scream. You sat there, scared of what was befalling Sebastian. You knew you needed to do something, but what?

It hit you point blank. “I’ll go find Finny and Bard so they can take him to his room.”

Leaving Ciel with Sebastian, you rushed out of the dinning room and into the kitchen. No one. Flying up the stairs, you managed to find their room and pounded on the door.

“What?” came Bard’s irritated voice. He opened the door and jumped in shock to find you. “Orea, what are ya doin’ ‘ere?”

“Sebastian,” you said. “He collapsed in the dinning room. Please, we need you and Finny to come and carry him to his room.”

Finny appeared at Bard’s side. “Sebastian collapsed!” His eyes widened.

“Yes. Now please, hurry!” You ran back downstairs to the dinning room; the others were close at your heels.

Ciel was still in the same place you left him. Sebastian had doubled up even more, pain flooding his entire body. You frowned sadly at his condition. ‘I am sorry we were apart so long. Look at what it has done to you.’

Bard and Finny entered the room not a moment after you; their eyes widened at the scene before them. They got right to work though; taking hold of his legs and arms, Bard and Finny managed to get him to his quarters. Sebastian cried out again as he was placed on the bed; he was in agony.

Ciel had followed and was now sitting in the chair at Sebastian’s witting desk. His visible eye was filled with fear. “Will he be alright?” he asked shakily.

Finny took off. “I’ll go phone the doctor!”

“No!” you called after him. “There is no need. And yes, he will be fine.” As you had begun to remove the outer articles of clothing, you had noticed that his right leg was twitching slightly. That confirmed your suspicions.

“Can everyone please leave,” you asked, staying close to Sebastian.

Bard and Finny hesitated, but nodded silently and left. Ciel stayed. “I am not going anywhere,” he said fiercely. He gave you a hostile look. “What’s wrong with him?”

You tried to find words to describe the situation. “Young master, it is not easy to explain. The most I can say is that it is not for the ears of a child. I can treat him and he will be well by morning, it is nothing serious.”

“I am not a child anymore.” Ciel continued to sit there, scrutinizing you, but he finally consented and exited the room. “Fine, I will be back as soon as I am up. He had better be in full recovery by then.”

Ciel closed the door behind him, leaving you with Sebastian. You locked the door and returned to Sebastian’s side. Carefully, you began to undress him, allowing his body to cool down.

“My love, all shall be well soon.” Running a hand over his chest, you lightly placed a kiss on his shoulder lovingly. “Do you remember all those years? Do you…remember me?” Removing your shoes and stockings, you crawled in next to him, wrapping his arm around yourself. You could feel his pain; it coursed through you, making you wince. “It has been a while, now the bond is telling you I am here, my love.” You snuggled in closer, pressing your body against his.

Sebastian shook from the pain, but he managed to turn his head. He stared at you for a long while, then his eyes widened into a look of realization. In the blink of an eye he was on top of you, pressing you closely to himself. You gasped at the rush. The pain in his body was slowly ebbing away as he traced your neck with his lips. His hands found your stays and he removed them. Kissing your collarbone, Sebastian looked back into your eyes, a passionate gleam in his own. “I remember.”

Bringing his face closer, you whispered, “Only I can heal you. Take me now, Sebastian.” You ran your hands through his hair lovingly.

Sebastian did just that. Kissing you fiercely, he joined with you. You gasped at his bruteness, grabbing hold of his arm tightly. You could feel his body loosening, the pain subsiding. All night this continued. As morning came, you were curled in next to Sebastian, resting your head on his chest.

“I am sorry I forgot about you.” Sebastian kissed your head. “When you came to the manor, something about you seemed familiar, but I could not put my finger on what. Constantly, I watched you, trying to find out who you really were, never succeeding. And now this has happened.”

“And you remember now?” you asked.

Sebastian stroked your leg, tracing the bonding mark. “Yes. How I met you, bleeding in that filthy alley, useless against the thugs who were trying to take advantage of you. Not long after that, we bound ourselves together; demons do not have a heart like humans, but there was something about you that drew me in. And then six years ago I came into the service of the young master; I do say, I have no regret in finding a willing soul, but in the process of finding I lost you. For that, I am truly sorry.”

You smiled at him. “All is well now Sebastian, no need to bring sorry’s up. We have each other again.”

He returned it with a kiss. Rolling over on top of you, Sebastian was about to proceed when a knock came at the door. Sebastian bowed his head and sighed. “Just at the good part.” Sebastian kissed you again then stood and dressed. He tossed you your clothes and you did the same. The knock came again.

“It is the young master,” you said. “Sit down in the chair and I will answer.” Sebastian did as you said and you opened the door for Ciel.

Standing arms crossed, Ciel had an irritated expression on his face. “How long does it take to open a door?” Stepping inside, he noticed Sebastian in the chair by his bed. “I see you are doing well.”

“I am quite recovered,” answered Sebastian.

Ciel nodded then just stood in the middle of the room, a pondering look on his face. You and Sebastian shared a glance until Ciel said, “I am not blind, I can see something is up. Sebastian has never gotten sick, and to see him go from crucially ill to completely recovered, something is behind all of this.” He stared the two of you down. “Would you please explain all of it?” He sat down on the end of the bed and continued to stare at the two of you.

Sebastian nodded his head in agreement to letting you tell Ciel. Taking a deep breath, you sought his attention. “Ciel Phantomhive, I am Orea Sutcliff Michaelis. I am Sebastian’s mate and I am the Head of the Grim Reapers. I am also the twin of Grell Sutcliff…who is a complete pain in the hind-end.”

Ciel sat there, thinking it all over; without warning, he barreled out laughing. “That’s hilarious! Do you think I would honestly believe that, when I know demons do not have a heart?”

Your fists clenched and you stepped towards Ciel, but Sebastian grabbed your wrist and held you back. “Tis true, demons do not have a heart. Most just want another meal, but Sebastian is a special case. He is a highly powerful demon, meaning he has the capability to have a heart.”

Ciel shook his head with a mock smile. “And how is this possible? The two of you are complete opposites; one collects souls while the other devours them. How does that coincide?”

Sebastian answered. “I am allowed the souls that are unfit for the next life, so it pieces itself together nicely.”

Ciel sat in silence for a time, mussing over what you had said. “This is all true, Sebastian?”

“Have I ever lied to you?” Sebastian smiled menacingly.

Ciel could not argue with that. Standing, he proceeded to leave the room. “Then I cannot interfere in this matter.” He looked at Sebastian. “I will give you the day off to recover fully; as well as you, Orea, to continue to help him.”

“Thank-you, sir,” both of you answered.

Giving a nod, Ciel left the two of you alone. It was silent for a few minutes while you tried to wrap your head around what had just transpired.
“He actually accepted us.” That made you chuckle.

In the blink of an eye, Sebastian had you on his lap. “It is surprising, but he is kind when he wishes to be,” said Sebastian, burying his face in your neck, arms wrapped securely around your waist.

You giggled as he licked the hollow part of your shoulder. “Yes; do you need something?”

Sebastian looked up at you, his red eyes glowing. “I have an entire day to recover. Would you like to join me?”

Standing, you moved to sit at the edge of the bed, smiling. “What do you think?”

Placing his hands on your shoulders, he slowly pushed you onto your back. “Then let us get some rest.”