Status: This is set in the 'YOU' look, as if you're describing yourself. Orea (you) is a girl. I do hope you like this story and will enjoy it!

His Maid, Her Butler

Her Butler, Out

You opened the door for Master Ciel and Lady Elizabeth as the carriage pulled up to a little shop on the square. Lady Elizabeth was delighted by the shop, peering in at all the goodies. Ciel stood quietly behind her, not saying much. You sighed in pity at the sight; if only Ciel would act like a child for once. You wanted him to be happy, to smile, to laugh, even though the past had been hard. Lady Elizabeth’s Lady’s Maid stood next to you, admiring the view.

“Isn’t it lovely; they’re so cute together!” she exclaimed. “Lady Elizabeth is always going on about how the wedding someday will be, and how many children she wants, and what hobbies she’ll pick up after becoming Earl Ciel’s wife. Oh, it’s so romantic; I wish something like that would happen to me.”

You smiled mockingly. “Your knight in shining armor will come someday, madam.”

Paula blushed. “You really think so?”

Again, you smiled, not caring one bit as to the conversation that was drolling on. “Certainly.”

Elizabeth squealed in delight. You glanced over to see she had pulled off a hat outside a shop and had placed it on Ciel’s head. “Paula, Sebastian, doesn’t it look adorably cute on him?”

Ciel grimaced. “I am not cute, Lizzy. A man is never cute.”

Elizabeth pouted. “Aw! But you are! I think you’re the cutest man alive!” She giggled happily and hugged Ciel.

With a sigh he hugged her back. They continued down the street, Elizabeth window shopping and making funny remarks to Ciel, trying to get him to laugh, and you and Paula followed closely behind. It made you sigh; humans were a huge curiosity to you, but you still couldn't wrap your head around what was called love. You knew demons did not love; then again, demons did not have all as what humans had, but it still interested you. You were brought back to life by the voice of Ciel.

"Sebastian, Sebastian!" You jumped back into reality. Ciel glared at you. "Thank-you for returning. Now, Elizabeth wants to go to the open park a few blocks over. Call for the carriage."

You bowed. "Yes young master."

Waving your hand towards the end of the street, you signaled the coach. A moment later, the carriage pulled up and you opened the door for the others. Ciel helped Elizabeth in, then you helped the young Earl and Paula. You entered last.

"Take us to High Street Park," Ciel told the coachmen.

"Yes, sir." With a flick of his whip, the carriage began to roll along the streets.

Elizabeth sat across from Ciel and yourself, giggling with Paula. They whispered back and forth, giving glances to Ciel and yourself. You frowned inwardly at their actions, but sat looking perfectly calm so as not to upset anyone. Ciel leaned against the side of the carriage, one hand against his head propping it up, looking rather bored. It made you chuckle, which caught his attention.

"What's so funny, Sebastian?" he asked, giving you a sidelong glare.

"Nothing, young master," you replied.

Ciel rolled his eyes. "Something must have amused you."

You sighed. "If you must know, you seemed to be in another world, sir."

It didn't faze Ciel. "Please be informed, I was not in another world. I only had a few things of business on my mind."

"Yes, young master." You stared out the window and watched as the last few buildings slipped away and the park came into view.

It was not very large, but it was still beautiful. Flowers grew everywhere and it was a sunny day; butterflies and bees were flying about, with birds signing in the background. It was a sanctuary. Elizabeth and Paula highly fawned over it.

"It's so pretty!" squealed Elizabeth. "What a beautiful day to have a picnic tea at a park!"

"Indeed m'lady!" agreed Paula.

No sooner had the carriage a stopped, than Elizabeth burst out and spun around and around. Ciel sighed in annoyance, but followed after her. Paula retrieved the picnic basket and you carefully handled the box with the tea set.

"Over here everyone!" Elizabeth called out, standing on top of a nice green patch.

Paula unfolded the blanket quickly so you could all sit, then you prepared the tea. It wasn't a very strong tea, due to not having all accessories, but it was still well suited to Ciel's taste.

"The tea we have for today is a mild Chinese blend." You filled the teacups and gave them to Ciel and Elizabeth.

"Delicious!" exclaimed Elizabeth. "Did Lau recommend this?"

Ciel gave an annoyed look as the name was said. "Yes."

You and Paula retreated a little farther back and produced your own set of tea items; Ciel and Elizabeth would now take over their own setting. There was a view of a small pond and Paula continually glanced around, always settling on that view. "Isn't it lovely?"

You couldn't help but snicker at her question. "If you say so. I do not quite care for beauty; I am simply a butler who attends to his master."

Paula gasped. "You can't mean that, can you? Sebastian, you must find beauty in something?"

You shook your head. "Nothing of this world enraptures my taste." As you said that, the back of your head felt a sharp spark of pain, making you wince.

"Are you alright?" Paula asked, worried.

"I'm fine. Do not worry." You rubbed the back of your head gently. 'What was that?'

You glanced over at Ciel, but everything was fine. The four of you stayed at the park for another hour; Elizabeth goofed off the entire time, Paula got herself worked up, but was quickly calmed; and Ciel was in the same impassive state. You watched the scene without disturbing it. It came to your thought as to the state of the manor. It worried you about leaving the four with Orea; Tanaka and Snake being able to care for themselves. You hoped that there would be a manor to return to, not a pile of rubble as always threatened. You also went over in your head the arrangements for the evening.

‘The young master will have his time’s tables in calculating and a review of business. Then the evening meal, as I already stated instructions to Baldroy, is to be a Mackerel with a berry sauce, a cottage pie with chicken, and a side of scalded greens.. Pluto should be back outside on his leash by the time we return and then I have my own duties to fulfill around the manor.’ You pondered over all of this until Elizabeth ran up to you and planted something in your lap.

“Sebastian, would you be willing to take this back to the manor for me?” Elizabeth giggled and began to run off.

You stared at the small box in your lap; it was one of the sweet boxes that Elizabeth had purchased. You were about to toss it off of your lap when it began to move. That startled you; inspecting the box closer, you opened the lid and a toad jumped out. “Ah!”

Elizabeth had returned to Ciel’s side, but she turned as you cried out. She gasped. “Oh no! Catch him, don’t let him get away!”

Paula and Elizabeth began to frantically run after the toad. They ran here and there, making a scene; Ciel face was scrunched in annoyance.

“Why are you chasing after a stupid toad!?” he yelled out.

Elizabeth stopped in her tracks. “I thought I could make him even cuter than he already was!”

Ciel’s face fell into his hand. “Elizabeth, it is not lady-like to run after toads, or to keep them as pets for that matter.”

Elizabeth’s smile faded. “Oh, Ciel, must you always spoil the fun?”

“I give the logical side of the matter; I’m sorry if I give you any inconvenience.” Ciel stood from the blanket and turned towards you. “Sebastian, I’m getting tired. I’d like to retire back to the manor.”

“Yes, my lord.” Gathering all that was brought, everyone departed.

“Ciel, may I stay at the manor with you for a while longer?” Elizabeth asked giddily as they rode back.

“No. I have other matters to attend to today. Perhaps another time,” Ciel said.

“Why not! Can’t you just put them off for today?” Elizabeth whimpered.

“Lizzy-” Ciel started.

“I think we can manage today, my lord,” you interrupted. “It means more work for tomorrow, though.”

Ciel gave you a sidelong look, but let out a puff of breath. “Fine. But only until after supper, then you must return home.”

“Thank-you Ciel!” Elizabeth burst into giggles.

Paula sat beside Elizabeth, smiling. “My lord is very generous to my lady, Elizabeth. Indeed you are.”

Ciel said no more on the matter. The rest of the trip back to the manor was silent. The sun was but a few hours from setting when you arrived at the manor. Releasing a breath of relief to see the manor still standing, you helped everyone from the carriage and welcomed them into the manor. Ciel went straight for his room.

“I’m sorry if I am being rude,” he said without turning back, “but I will meet you in the sitting room in a few minutes.”

You showed Elizabeth and her Lady’s Maid to the sitting room and politely excused yourself to see to some refreshments. You entered the kitchen on a scene of confusion.

“Bard, where is the paper that told you what you were to do?” Orea asked, searching behind some of the jars on the counter.

“I don’t know,” he replied. “Sebastian gave it to me, then I don’t know w’at I did wif it.”

“Baldroy, must you always find a way to be a nuisance?” You immediately went for the cupboard and pulled down a box. Flipping through it, you selected a card and handed it to Orea. “This is what is to be made for the evening meal.”

Orea took it. “Mackerel with berry sauce, a cottage pie with chicken and scalded greens as its side. A rather large dish for just one person do you not think?”

“Lady Elizabeth will be joining the young master for supper,” you said, placing the box back on the shelf.

Orea looked confused. “Who is Lady Elizabeth, if I may ask?”

“The young master’s fiancé,” answered Bard. “She’s a lively one too!”

“She does keep the manor in a happy mood,” you agreed.

Orea laughed and leaned against the counter. “Well then, I must meet her soon.”

“As soon as the tea is prepared you may follow me to the sitting room,” you said, setting the cart with the teacups and teapot.

Orea put together a simple plate of chocolates and placed it alongside the teacups. The teapot began to whistle and you placed it on the wire rack and headed out the door with Orea at your heels. Upon entering, Elizabeth burst into a fit of laughter. Standing at the side of the couch was Mey-Rin, and in her hair were all sorts of ribbons and a rather large pink flower adorned her waist.

“Doesn’t she look cute Paula?” Elizabeth asked, admiring her work.

“Yes, very cute indeed m’lady,” answered Paula.

You gave a slight cough to announce that you had entered. Elizabeth turned and lit up again. “Sebastian, who is that with you? She’s so adorably cute!”

Orea blushed at her compliment. “She’s our new Head house-maid, Orea Creaton.”

Elizabeth rushed for her and took her hands. “Come, I’ll dress you up really cute! I think pink will be a lovely addition!” Retrieving a box, she pulled out a pink cap along with some pink gloves and an overly poofy scarf, also pink. You held back your laughter, though you were ready to burst. Orea looked like a pink puffball had taken human form and was now walking the earth.

Orea held back her dislike, but gave a grin from Elizabeth’s sake. “Thank-you, Lady Elizabeth. Tis very lovely indeed.”

Ciel chose to walk in at that moment. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Orea dressed as she was. “Elizabeth, what exactly is going on in here? Why is my servant dressed like…that?”

“Because she looks cute!” defended Elizabeth. “Can I not step in and help cheer up this place. It’s always so dreary like, I want it to be filled with cute things and laughter.” She began spinning around the room, happily singing to herself.

Ciel quietly made his way to a seat and placed himself in it. You brought him a cup of tea and sat the plate of sweets next to him on the table. “Earl Grey, young master.”

Mey-Rin, in the midst of the excitement, had slipped out and you noticed Orea was trying to do the same. Signaling for her, you pulled her over into the corner of the room. “Is something the matter? You need not sneak out if you must leave, just let me know.”

Orea bowed her head to you. “Thank-you, Sebastian. And if I may add, I will not be here for supper. I will be going out for a while; I may not even be back until late.”

“Where are you going?” you inquired.

You could tell Orea stiffened at this question. “Into town. There is someone I wish to visit.”

You stared at her, skeptical, but you nodded. “Off you go then. I will wait up for you; knock on the back door and I will answer it for you.”

“Thank-you.” With a bow, Orea left the room.

You stood there for a moment longer, trying to wrap your head around what you knew, but nothing made sense at the time. ‘I’ll go after her when she leaves, possibly then I might get an answer to this.’