Immortal Creatures

Old Friends

As the last piece of the basic furniture was set on the lower floor, Uncle Leon left out for sheet covers to keep the dust from collecting on the surfaces; plus a lawnmower to tame the hedged grass. The surpluses of cleaning supplies finally came into use from my uncle’s insane gathering. April frisked into the kitchen, unfolding brown moving boxes that were labeled kitchen supplies on the right side. Clinking noise from the plates stacking together reverberated through the empty house as she gently placed them on top of the bleached white counter tops. I walked into the kitchen area to assist on putting some items away until I felt a slight vibration rumbling through my jeans. Grasping my fingers around the bulky iPhone, I see Wesley’s face appear. April saw the face as well and gave me a feather weight pressure onto my shoulder.

“Go ahead and take Mona, I can handle this.”

Pressing my manicured thumb on the smooth screen, I slide the answer slide over. “Hello?”

“Are you here yet,” Wesley screeched with enthusiasm.

“We just unpacked the load.”

“Great…Layton and I are coming over right now.”

Before I was able to give my opinion on her option to come over, the line was dead. I exhaled between my teeth as I plopped the phone back into my back pocket. I revolved my head over to my aunt and our eyes met. “Looks like we are having more help,” I said in a sarcastic tone.

“Good, with your uncle here we wouldn’t get much done anyways,” April tittered heartily. “They can help with your room.”

I departed out the kitchen with a shrug to aim for my moving boxes. Don’t get me wrong, I love my friends, it’s just relaxing when the surroundings around you are finally quiet; and Wesley was far from quiet. I stacked my personal boxes next to the first step of the stairway; preparing what I was going to take to the top floor. As I got to the last box of my belongings, an impatient knock occupied the front door. The front door’s window filled with blonde strands and waves of pink polish that beamed like neon lights. Cautiously I slowly opened the wooden pale door and in busted Wesley attacking me with her arms wrapped tight around my little frame.

“Uh I missed you so much Mona.”

I wheezed for air as her arms seized harder and harder till my face started to turn a cherry red. Layton grabbed the point of Wesley’s elbow to lead a couple of feet away from me so I can regain the muscle from my lungs. “Geez Wes, she just got here and you are already trying to kill her,” Layton said as he smiled showing his gorgeous pearly white smile.

Walking towards the three of us, my aunt held a damped rag in-between the slits of her fingers.
“Well at least you can use the strength to help us finish the move.”

Both of them looked behind my shoulders at April, waving vigorously. Wesley giggled as she watched me breathe in dust polluted air as one arm tucked under my armpit. Layton still had a hold of the edge of the cracked open door; he seemed bothered as his eyes stalked the outdoors. As Wesley waltzed over towards the kitchen where my aunt continued to clean, I grabbed onto the sides of his plaid blue shirt. “Are you okay Layton?”

Trying to brush off the worry that consumed his face, he gave me again a cheeky smile. “Yeah of course…I’m going to get our bags, you want to help?”

Fusing my eyebrows together I still continue to gawk every wrinkle expression on his creamy beige face. He began to chuckle as he saw my face frozen like stone. “What? Oh just come on,” he said pulling the closest arm to his side. Leading me back to the hairy green lawn, he aimed me to a red Toyota Camry. He dangled the keys in his hands as he looked for the right key.

“Is this yours,” I said examining the body of the glossy Ruby vehicle.

“Nope, it’s Wes’s…I have a motorcycle at home in my parents garage.”

“Oh I see, Layton is a rough rider now huh,” I giggled softly.

“You bet your ass he is,” he copied my reaction.

As the trunk lazily rose, he scattered to the back of it and began to take out to duffel bags. I turn around away from him, leaning the back of my knees on the front of the mobile. His heavy boots made clapped my way to join me. Layton looked a lot different than from I left him. Instead of his body being a non-muscled waste land, he was now covered from head to toe. He looks like a chick magnet from a magazine issue. The length of his hair matched the starter point of his manly chin which I could tell tickled him because he would quickly place it behind his ears. Only god knows the reputation he has at school now, since he was branded as the best geek known to man. The sun set drew my focus upon it as it reflected off colors of a mixed flavored sherbet ice cream. The clouds started to part like cotton, and only a few blotches of blue existed.

“You know Wes and I really missed you…it hasn’t been the same since you left.”

I gave of a slight grin as I lowered my head down to study the tips of my toes. “I missed you guys to, it’s just…weird you know, to be back in this place.”

“How do you feel living back in your mother’s room?”

“Eh…it really doesn’t bother me. I just pretend likes it’s any other room you know.”

Layton pats the top of my shoulder to look me at the side of my hidden face, “Well Wes and I are here to help get you settled, so you won’t be alone.”

I raised my head back to face his as one side of my face was covered by the drapes of my long weighted down strands to give him a warm smile. As we were about to head towards the house, Leon pulled up in the back of Wesley’s car. On the top of his silver expedition was a queen size mattress that hooked along to the top as all the other objects were stuffed inside. Uncle Leon sprinted out the car to the back to lift open the rising doors to the exposed trunk. Waving at the sight of Layton to help, he halted me to stay in my place. I crossed my arms around my tiny frame as I examined every movement they’ve made struggling to get a long box out. I can hear Wesley yell out for the both us questioning what took us so long until she stumped on the sight of the huge box as well. She trampled over towards me linking my arm to hers. As they got the finishing piece to the mystery item, my uncle looked back at me.

“What is all this Leon, I thought you were getting things to improve this death trap we are living in,” I playfully teased.

“Well Mo, I went out shopping for the lawn mower and other essentials we need…and I saw this mattress store and saw a bed set that was calling your name so…bye bye full, hello queen,” he shouted as he showcased the elegant black chrome head board my way.

My lips parted their separate ways as my eyes widen with joy. “You didn’t!”

Layton and Uncle Leon laughed as they saw my animated face. They both started to move in my soon to be bed through the front door. I, like a playful child, followed right behind them in a marching formation. My aunt clapped with joy as she saw the guys move my things up to my room. Wesley grabbed one box that hugged the side of the dusty walls and I repeated her same actions. We both also headed up the stairs to plop down the cardboard boxes. Layton ordered us to stay and pack so he can get my other belongings. My uncle began to handyman my pieced up bed, as I flicked on the bedroom door light that is placed on the left side of the door way. Wesley had a duster packed in the back of her back pocket to clean out the webs that lived in the corners of my closet to prepare for my clothes. One thing after the other, Layton brought up each piece of my bedroom furniture. Soon as the sun finally went down, my bed was put up and my other furniture circled around Wesley, Layton, and I in the room. We all started to move the heavy furniture into their designated spots, hoping it will pass by time till pizza arrived to fill up our beastly stomachs.
Layton grabbed my autumn wooden dresser towards the corner closest to my balcony door, while Wesley decorated the sides of my bed with my polished nightstands. The bookshelf was my toy to play with, so I dragged it along the wooden mixed colored floor. Before I was able to align to the beige wall, I run over a bump, almost clashing into the wall with the bookshelf forcefully. Stunning both Layton and Wesley, they stopped what they were doing to help with the shelf.

“I think this is a sign that we need to all relax,” Layton teasingly laughed at my fault.
I pushed him harshly onto his back shoulder, heading towards the fresh new bed until I saw a floor board propped open. Annoyed I hovered over it moving it up and down with my right hand. “Well this is what I needed.”

“Oh shit Mona,” Layton hysterically laughed, joining my space.

Wesley sat stood in-between Layton and I seeing the damage I have done. Still as Layton was laughing away, Wesley pushed him back a little as she was getting annoyed that he kept joking around. “It’s not funny Layton, she could’ve fallen through.”

Leon came in with a box of warm pizza as he saw also the loose board. “What happened here?”
“As I was moving the shelf over to the other side of the room it popped up…the leg of the shelf must’ve got it somehow, I shook my head in annoyance.

Stroking his goatee, my uncle examined it to see if it triggered any boards. “Well that’s weird, none of the other ones are disturbed…I’ll fix it in the morning, just be careful with this side of the room okay?”

As all of us agreed, my uncle dropped the box of pizza onto the top on my comforter for us to attack it. Each of us inhaled each slice until the filling of our empty stomachs were accomplished. Layton lay down across the bottom of my bed rubbing his stomach with satisfaction. Rising up from my laying down position, I turn to the see through doors that led to my balcony. “We should got outside for a quick fire…what do you think guys”

Wesley clapped her hands with enjoyment as Clayton looked disturbed by my opinion. I stroked my hands back and forth on the creases of my jeans as I focused onto his face. It was the same expression he had when he was looking outside the door this afternoon. “We could just stay inside if you want Layton.”

As he unhooked himself from his trance, he shook it off with a smile and got up from the edge of the bed. “I saw some wood downstairs next to the back door in the kitchen; I think that should do it.”
Again, I was confused from Layton’s reactions. Instead of questioning about them, I simply grabbed a flashlight, and then we three darted down the stairs.
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Second chapter guys!! Hope you guys are liking this reading. Don't forget to give me your thoughts on these chapters whether it's errors or your thoughts on the plot of this story so far. :-)