Immortal Creatures


A beam of light leaked into my eye lids as my eyes started to reveal them. In my view I saw the faces of my uncle and Layton towering over my body. My head was beating like a drum when I rose up to lean myself against my headboard; I was in my room. Everyone was wide eyed as they examined me. At the rounds ankles, there were no signs of mud or even the slightest grass stain on my jeans. Layton’s clothes even looked normal from the first time he walked through our door. Rubbing the indents of my temples, I exhaled the rest of my stress away. “What happened?”

Wesley sat next to me stroking the sweaty strand of my hair, “You blacked out as soon as we started the fire.”

Layton placed his hand onto my right thigh looking worried, “you started to scream as you hit the ground…we have been trying to wake you up for an hour.”

April entered in with another fleece cover to wrap my exhausted body with, “There you go sweetie, and just you lie back down and relax.”

The furry wrap covered my torso as I snuggled it close to the edges of my cheek bones. April and Leon disappeared through my bedroom doorway to leave me with both Wesley and Layton. My eyes never moved an inch from Layton’s since my aunt and uncle left the room. The last of my false memories of him was dragging me through the pitch black woods trying to kill me. His eyebrows squeezed together as he was confused from the way I was gawking at him. Wesley waved her hand like a tiny wand to break my focus.

“Ummm Mona, are you feeling okay?”

Fluttering my eyes, I broke out of my focus to turn to her with a fake smile. “Yeah, just still a little out of it. I’ll be fine, don’t you worry.”

Wesley stretched both of her arms in the air to stretch the exhaustion out to get prepared for bed. “Good because I’m too tired to get all worried for nothing,” she teased.

As I got my left leg ready to launch, I kick her off the bed to help join her to her sleeping area. Layton and I laughed as we saw Wesley fall directly onto her bottom. She lied down onto her sleeping bag to turn to the opposite of us; throwing up her scrawny middle finger. Layton still continued to sit at the lower edge of the bed with his back connected to the blanket that covered my body. The silence was awkward as Wesley, with no problem, fallen asleep and we were the only ones up. I didn’t know what to do or say after the dream I have just had. For some reason, this dream spoke to me more than out of the others. Never had I ever blacked out to have a non-related dream. This time it wasn’t chained to all the others I’ve been having since I can even remember.
Layton turned his body fully to face my anterior to begin to break the discomfort between us, “Still having those dream huh?”

I lowered my head to watch my fingers intertwine with each other as I nodded my head in shame. “Yeah.”

“Isn’t it weird that since we were kids to now you still have that weird creepy dream?”

I sharply picked up my head with my eyes widen a little with fear. It wasn’t too obvious, but it was enough to make me look like I was nervous. His expression changed as he grew suspicious of how the way I’ve been acting. “What’s wrong Mo?

My hands sensed clammy as he asked me that question; I didn’t know if I should tell him the truth or make up some horrible lie. The foundations of my skin began to glisten as my body heated up with anxiety. How would I be able to tell him that I had a dream of him turning into something unnatural and trying to kill me at that? Layton, as always waited perfectly as can be only to make me even more nervous. He knew what he was doing so he would get whatever I needed to say out of me. All I could do is look into his deep milky brown eyes to see the giant wolf in my dreams.

“Mona,” he interrogated as he placed his hand onto the back of mine.
Vapors of steam forced fluid to coat my eye balls as I felt like I sought to jump right out of my skin.

If I was able to ever see him the way I did before my black out, I was going to have to tell him. “It wasn’t the same…it was different.”

“How different?”

“It…was about you?”

Tilting back a bit, he replaced his hand to regain it on his sides. “Oh! I didn’t know you felt that way about me Mo, that must explain the screaming,” he playfully winked.

“You turned into a wolf and tried to kill me Layton!”

His lips impaled together as he clogged the amusement that pulsated his chest, “What?”

I hide my face away in embarrassment as it was challenging to even take a foretaste at him after I confessed. He was shocked, but it seemed like he wasn’t flabbergasted either. “You can’t be serious…are you,” he inched closer to me.

The origins of my cheeks warmed up by his breath when he was a couple inches from my face. I gulped down the last guzzle of spit as I equipped myself for question that might turn into a undesirable answer, “Are you a…”

“A wolf,” he interrupted.

“I’m insane for asking that am I,” I began to shrug of the ridiculousness of fear.

“Enough to put you into the Looney bin,” he busted out chuckling.

I threw the feather-down pillow at the peak of his cranium, watching him flatten his body to avoid from the object. We both giggled until I was unable to even think about why he never answered my real question. School registration was tomorrow so we both went our separate ways as we looked at the clock. Layton flew on top of his hard sleeping area; almost waking Wesley. I pulled the covers over me to hug the extra warmth to my chest until I was relaxed enough to fall gently asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Looks like it was all not real what she saw, but does it mean anything??
Why did Layton avoid the question??????