Status: This story is being also being uploaded onto wattpad under the name Itslaurra, if you see it anywhere else other than here or there please tell me and report it.

Hattie Jones

Probably the shortest prologue ever.

“And what the hell do you think you’re doing knocking on my door at 3am?!” I asked opening the front door to my house to see an old woman wearing a long pastel pink.
“Hattie Jones?” She asked smiling at me softly, her face light up from the light inside my house.
“How do you know my name?” I asked raising my eyebrows.
“I've come with a gift.” She told me handing me a pair of black, circular sunglasses.
I stood and stared at the woman in confusion “Why would I need sunglasses, it’s the middle of winter, in England!”
The woman simply walked away “Use them wisely.” She stated before disappearing into the darkness of the street.
I slammed the door before walking back up to my bedroom “What a creep.” I muttered under my breath placing the sunglasses on my bedside table and tucking myself back into bed.