Status: I post as frequently as possible, loves!

When the Fairy Tale is Shattered, the Nightmare Returns.

From Cleveland to L.A., Onto Beacon Hills

"...And if you are accompanied by a child, put your oxygen mask on first before securing theirs, in case of emergency." the stewardess chirped in a bubbly, too sweet voice. It made Red cringe with disgust just listening to that fakeness sugarcoated in medicated glee. Because there was no way that 'flight attendant' was smiling like an Acme cartoon character without being on something, and something strong.

Red glanced right, toward her father. Sitting on the aisle seat, he sat straight up, looking at the plastic redhead with feigned diligence. She knew he was thinking along the same lines as her even if he didn't show it. Sean Leopold Lamarck was much better at hiding his feelings than his sixteen year-old was. He could sit through back-to-back council meetings with advisers breathing down his neck while he listened to whining hunters without even batting an eyelash. Red could barely make it through a Calculus class without wanting to bash her head against the desk in aggravation and she showed it.

Mr. Lamarck caught his daughter's stare and smiled at her faintly, shaking his head at her distorted expression. The stewardess finally finished with her "what-to-do" routine of fake eyelashes ,and even faker breasts, and proceeded to sit in her special flight attendant seat as the captain's voice came on.

"Good morning, passengers! This is your captain speaking. And welcome to Flight 713 out of Cleveland,Ohio! We're leaving this gloomy morning at 11:30 to arrive at beautiful L.A. around 5:45 this evening. As we take off, please keep your seat belts on and your seats in an upright position until we are in the sky. I'll see you on the other side. Enjoy the ride, folks!"

The planes engine started humming as they began moving down the airstrip. As they picked up speed, Red eagerly pushed up the window shade as far as it would go so she could watch the ascent. She heard her father laugh softly at her, Red was practically bouncing in her seat. It may have been childish but Red loved to watch the clouds as the went past, imagining her own world where superheros were real and the princess could save herself, thank you very much.

They lifted off the ground at a liberating speed. Red gave out a small, "Woo!", as though riding a roller coaster. For about ten minutes, Red looked out the window examining every cloud they passed: a trashcan, a dinosaur, an old man's face, a panda wrapped in a Snuggie. Let no one say she didn't see things in a... creative light.

She was so preoccupied, she almost forgot about why they were on the plane in the first place.


"Dad, how long do we have to stay?" she asked? She was still turned to face the window but Red was no longer smiling. Her furrowed brow and down turned lips were reflected for her father to see on the window.

"Until we've assessed the threat. A teenage true alpha? That can be more dangerous than a homicidal darach or deranged Alpha pack, much more dangerous. The council needs to know what's going on and Chris isn't the most reliable source at the present. Especially with his daughter's compromised position." Mr. Lamarck stated calmly but sternly.

"Alright, Dad. But I can't say I'm happy leaving in the middle of my training." Red murmured, tensing as the fat woman from Iowa shifted sharply behind her as she scolded her son for throwing peanuts at the elderly couple across from them.

"I wouldn't expect you to be, Dharma. But we do what we have to do."

Red rolled her eyes, at both her father's words and the use of her real name(couldn't her mother been obsessed with any other show than Dharma & Greg?). "I'm going to the bathroom." As she rose her father stopped her.


Red's eyes narrowed faintly, " To join the Mile High Club, Dad. Why do you think? I have to pee." He blinked once before nodding.

Paranoid old man. You're like 41, relax, grandpa!

She moved up the aisle, passing the stewardess who was flirting with an uninterested business man in a dark grey suit. Rolling her eyes, Red stepped into the bathroom changing the little sign to occupied. She relaxed against the wall for a second, claustrophobia setting in slightly. Red took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. Blond hair, crystal blue eyes with flecks of grey in them matched with coral pink lips and innocent smile made you think she was a fragile porcelain doll. She was far from it.

Squinting at herself she could see her perfect hair twisted and flecked with dirt. Her face flecked with a mutt's blood and her mouth set in a grim line. Shuddering violently, Red turned away to use the toilet, she shook the thoughts from her mind.

Leaving the bathroom just a few minutes later Red headed back to her seat. Her father was doing a crossword ,and from her angle of sight, she could see her mother four rows back chatting with a woman she met in the metal detector line. Her mother's eyes flicked up, meeting hers, and with a small smile and wave she returned back to her conversation.

Smiling to herself, Red sat back in her seat and rested her head on the window. She slid her ipod out, it was on airplane mode already, and turned on her music. Wonderland by Natalia Kills came on:

I'm not Snow White,
but I'm lost inside this forest.
I'm not Red Riding Hood,
but I think the wolves have got me.

Red smiled faintly: this might be fun.


"Thank GOD!!!!! That was the longest flight ever!" Red complained as they got in the car that was waiting for them in the L.A. lot. Her mother had gotten off the plane, red locks in perfect shape smiling brightly. Even her father looked like a mature Prince Charming. Red looked squished.

After about 2 hours, she had gotten bored. Two bags of peanuts, one argument with a 24 year old 'hipster' and seven insults of the stewardess( people laughed at those, they laughed bitches!) her mother had given her a swift reprimand that had her silenced. She couldn't even sleep because the woman behind her kept yelling at her kid.

Needless to say Red couldn't wait for Beacon Hills.

"I thought you didn't want to go, Dharma?" her mother asked.

"Hmm, endless flight through hell or a few months in purgatory? I wonder..." Red said sarcastically.

Her father laughed loudly, causing his wife to give him an exasperated look. He coughed slightly. "Alright, Red. We get it. Let's play a game!"

Both women in the car tensed in confusion and distaste.

As her father started to explain the game called "Car Hunter", Red sighed heavily. This ride was going to be long too, wasn't it?


"LOOK!!!" both females shouted in union, cutting off Mr. Lamarck as he 'captured' another car.

A sign, illuminated by the setting sun, read:


"Oh, we're here! Only another 15 minutes to our house then." her father chirped happily.

Red grinned widely as she looked around.

I'm not Snow White,
but I'm lost inside this forest.
I'm not Red Riding Hood,
but I think the wolves have got me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey!! Welcome to my first Teen Wolf fanfiction. I hope you like it! :) Please be opinionated and comment, subscribe and recommend. It really helps the story to roll along smoother and quicker.