Status: I post as frequently as possible, loves!

When the Fairy Tale is Shattered, the Nightmare Returns.

A...Not So...Scary Fight

"Scott." Melissa sighed in exasperation. She was wearing nurse scrubs and stood in the hallway of her son's school with one hand on her hip, the other pinching the bridge of her nose. "What happened?"

Five teenagers slide further down in their seats mutinously, covered in red pizza sauce and various drinks.

"Start at the beginning, kid."


"Hunter." Scott growled. His best friend's eyes grew huge and he started shaking his head furiously but Scott paid him no mind. She was a threat. Threats got eliminated. It was just that simple. At least, to Scott's wolf it was that simple. The teenage guy, that was his other half, was hesitant to rip out the wide-eyed, blonde's throat in the middle of the cafeteria.

For a little while, anyway.

"Let's go somewhere and talk. Privately." Allison murmured, glancing around at the other students nervously. One word was being tossed around her brain as she looked at Scott's furious expression. Causalities.

A low grunt came from the Alpha's throat "No."

"Scott, buddy-" Stiles started to whine. Red cut him off with a wave of a hand as she stood up. Red was pissed, too. Not only had she been found out her first day, but she had been found out after offering her cousin help and giving Stiles a helpful, messy, hint. That's karma for you.

"It's fine, Stiles. If your fearless commander wants to talk here, we'll talk here." her gaze was flat and cold. Ethan and Aidan exchanged glances before pulling up their own partner and trying to get out of the way. Both Lydia and Danny weren't having that.

Lydia gave her boyfriend a sharp look "I'm staying. I was in the dark for to long on this. You go. You get into enough trouble as it is." Aidan huffed and looked at his brother who was talking quietly with Danny, neither looked happy.

Danny slid over to Red, causing her to tense up but a small smile struggled to slink onto her face nonetheless. He didn't say anything but he took her phone and programmed his number into it swiftly. Danny cracked a wide smile at her, along with a wink, before accompanying both twins out of the cafeteria.

As soon as they were gone, the tension between Scott and Red was the only thing left to focus on. The cafeteria's chatter and squeal of chairs across the linoleum faded quickly as an adrenaline filled, buzzing filled their ears. Silence stretched out between them, their bodies talking for them. Scott's eyes dulled but his nails became suspiciously, unnaturally sharp. Red shifted into a strong stance, with a plastic fork held softly in her palm.

Another voice, one that Red didn't recognize, brought them back to the real world and sound came ringing back and time started up again. "What the hell is going on?" Red tipped her head back faintly to see a boy with soft, golden brown hair and large, blue eyes and fairly, arrogant smirk.

"Isaac." Allison sighs in relief. Red realizes that this is her cousin's 'boy toy', as Danny put it. She also doesn't miss that faint flinch that Scott makes when Isaac joins Allison, their hands brushing together.

"She's a hunter." Scott gripes out, glaring at her sullenly. Isaac quirks an eyebrow, shifting his ridiculously chiseled jaw to the left a bit.

Allison quickly adds "And my cousin. Who's offering us some help." Red gave a low hiss at the second part and gave her cousin a furious glare which just made Allison give her a confused look in return.

"Help?" Isaac questioned curiously, he had relaxed but he kept shooting Scott appraising looks. Checking to see what Scott wanted to do. Red sighed in disbelief.

She cocked her head as Allison "Can you date anyone who isn't part canine?" Isaac's smirk grew wider as Allison blushed and Stiles snorted out a choked laugh. Scott's glower turned darker, a bit of red bleeding back into his eyes.

Scott echoed Isaac "Help?"

"Another big bad." Stiles sighed as he started picking at the yellow goop that was now drying on him "What the hell is this, anyway?!"

Red let out a startled laugh at the face Stiles was making "A slime bomb. Just some flash, not a lot of bang."

"I would answer Scott in a little more detail." Isaac monotoned as he watched Scott carefully.

Red rolled her eyes for show, knowing good and well that both werewolves could hear how her heart was stuttering in a fluttering fear as Scott held her in his hard stare. "We heard about you. All of you, really, but Scott in particular. True Alphas are...rare ,to say the least, but a teenager becoming one? Basically unheard of. And very dangerous. Also, certain parties are aware that this town lives up to its name. My parents are pretty much scouts, they-"

Scott snorted in derision "So they're just pawns?"

Red's eyebrows went up as Allison sucked in a breath and the other to boys groaned in horror. "Excuse me?"

"Middle men. Replaceable. Part of a set really." Red was staring at Scott with blank shock as he spoke, so was Stiles. Stiles had never heard his friend talk like this. "They're really not a threat then? So why do I need your help? You're just a little gir-" Scott cut off when a splat interrupted him. He looked down at his white t-shirt in surprise while Red started laughing coldly.

She had taken Danny's forgotten piece of pizza and hit Scott right in the middle of his chest with it.

"You idiot!" she whispered yelled "If it was just my family coming, I wouldn't bother helping you and your pack of freaks! But it isn't just my family. The Inqui-" her hissed venom cut off in a startled squeal. Scott had stepped forward and emptied an entire bottle of Coke over her head. Blonde hair dripping and sticky she snarled furiously, making Isaac, Stiles and Allison step back hastily. It sounded way too much like an animal rather than human. "Fine, McCall. Let's do it like this."

It started.

Her apple smashed against his head as she threw it with all of her strength. The rest of the students by this time, who had been trying in vain to figure out what McCall and the hot, new girl were fighting about, cried out in third grade-like glee as they all joined in.

Twenty minutes later, the impromptu fighting had been called to heel. Red cursed her luck as she and Scott, along with Isaac, Allison and Stiles, were pointed out as the instigators. The new principal, a squat, balding man, led them all into his office for a good yelling session. None of them were allowed to sit because they were covered from head-to-toe in food particles. Stiles was, by far, the worst out of the entire student body. He seemed to be a giant magnet for chocolate milk cartons, in particular.

Their parents were called.

They waited in a hard given truce.


By the end of Allison's account, no one else had dared talk to the disappointed Melissa, the woman stood looking at Red and Scott, who were sitting side-by-side (principal's orders), and laughed helplessly.

She shook her head at her son "Honey? I love you, but you're an idiot." Scott's mouth gaped open as he floundered in a protest. Red snorted but quickly sobered when Melissa targeted her with a laser gaze. "And you, Miss Lamarck."

Red stiffened and tilted her head up with pride, before letting her mouth gape open in shock and horror at Melissa's next statement.

"You and your family are coming over for dinner one day this week." All five started protesting, three of them in hopes of avoiding bloodshed, but Melissa just held up a hand and smirked.

"Mother says. And it goes."

Red groaned and slammed her head onto her knees, Scott mirroring her actions perfectly.

Mom, is so killing me after we have to have dinner with a werewolf.
♠ ♠ ♠
And, Mama McCall for the save!!

But how is she expecting that dinner to end well?