Status: I post as frequently as possible, loves!

When the Fairy Tale is Shattered, the Nightmare Returns.

Meeting the Boy Next Door

The Lamarcks pulled into their driveway not 10 minutes later, on Rosewood Drive, house number 789. The rays of the sun were just barely visible above the town's skyline as Red got out of the car and looked at her temporary house. A light yellow, two-story house with pristine windows, a bright white door and a little porch swing. She did not like this at all.

Red was used to apartments, small and simple, or house in the middle of nowhere, grand but isolated. This was somewhere in the middle, and it felt disturbingly foreign. The house was undeniably beautiful, a Kodak moment if there ever was one, but it felt off to Red. It was too normal, too Desperate Housewives for what they were. Her parents didn't worry about cooler talk or what affair the neighbor was having, she didn't care about Prom Queen or who-was-doing-who. That wasn't their life.

She sighed slightly as her parents followed her out of the car and started to unload the trunk. Red turned and leaned back into the backseat to grab her dark blue dufflebag. As her fingers ghosted over the strap she something glint through the opposite window. She jerked her head up sharply, her reaction time much faster than an ordinary person, and quickly relaxed once she saw what it was. A beat up, blue jeep had just pulled into the house next to her- all she had seen were the headlights.

Red clambered out of the car, dufflebag in hand, and watched the jeep's front doors open and two teenage boys spilled out. The driver was tall and thin, with a poof of brown hair and very expressive hands. Red could tell they were expressive because he was flailing them around like a mad man, almost smacking himself in the face quiet a few times. The other had thick, dark brown hair and an athlete's build. His jaw was a little crooked but his smile made Red's heart stutter.

They stood outside for a moment, talking animatedly, before the boy with the smile walked over to a bike, parked next to the jeep, and started the motor. He yelled, "Bye, Stiles! Stay inside tonight! The full moon brings out all the crazies, ya know." He drove of laughing, his bike thrumming sharply as though chuckling too.

Red smiled grimly. Ironic, she thought, he has no clue how right he was. The boy still there, Stiles(what kind of name is Stiles?), turned to go back into his house but stopped. He saw her watching and froze like a deer in headlights. Red almost started laughing, but she didn't want to startle him.

She raised her hand in greeting to Stiles, she was smiling but it was only her control of her emotions that kept her from smirking at him. He blinked once, twice, then smiled back and started walking toward her. Hmm, brave, she thought.

"Hi, I'm Stiles. Stiles Stilinski." He said making his way to stand in front of her. His Bond impression was cliche, but it was genuinely funny coming from him, and She laughed. Red examined him for a moment. He had amazing eyes; long,fine lashes framing liquid amber eyes. But this wasn't the time for admiring him, Red knew what came now.

Her smile widened sharply. This was her favorite part, the acting. she shifted her expression into one of curiosity and happy innocence.

"I'm Dharma Lamarck. But you can call me Red."
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And the second chapter is posted. What do you think? I hope you comment you thoughts *hint hint* and subscribe!! Sorry it's so short but I'm going to make up for it in the next chapter.