Status: I post as frequently as possible, loves!

When the Fairy Tale is Shattered, the Nightmare Returns.

Fits of Laughter and a Surprised Parent

"And then he fell down, completely shattering the box and getting red jell-o mix all over Lydia's shoes!" Scott cried as Red rolled with laughter. The three of them had eventually migrated to Stiles' room. Red wasn't really sure how she had been invited up so quickly, but she wasn't complaining. After about 10 minutes of awkward conversation in the living room, Stiles had started detailing the entire history of the male circumcision, and it was decided that if they could relax a little more it might be less strained. Stiles' room seemed to be a typical teenage boys room, she would think(she hadn't been in many), so she sat on the rolling chair in front of his computer and tried to relax.

About an hour later, room full of Doritos, Bugles and empty cans of Mountain Dew and Coke, Stiles sat on his computer chair with his head in his hands while Red and Scott laid on the floor laughing.

" I was eleven! And I had barely slept at all the night before. Plus, at least she knew my name for a month after that." Stiles defended himself, never taking his face off of his palms.

"Stiles. That is not okay." Red stated, calming down enough to speak "Why do you like her so much?"

"Because she's Lydia Martin! He doesn't need a reason apparently. He enjoys being castrated every day." Scott snorted from where he lay on the floor. Red smacked his knee sharply, but she laughed along anyway.

"No, I just...she's perfect. She's smart, pretty, popular and she's only...what...80% pure evil." Stiles claimed.

Red and Scott started laughing harder than ever. Stiles raised his head and glared at them both. They were almost touching at points, Red's hair was partially twisted under Scott's left arm.

"Ha-ha. Very funny. Let's make fun of poor sexually deprived Stiles." While Scott laughed even harder at that, Red quickly sobered up.

"You're not the only one." Red muttered from her position on the floor. She softly pushed herself into a sitting position, leaning against the bed.

"What?" both boys say automatically. They exchange surprised and confused glances before Red speaks.

"I've...never been kissed. Except for that time in third grade when Adam Pretters' friends dared him to. And I don't really think that that counts." Red ran a hand through her hair in embarrassment. Scott was stunned. But Stiles was nodding along like he understood.

"Yeahhhh. I've been kissed twice. I'm not sure they were good 'first kiss' material ,though." He sighed when both Red and Scott tipped their heads to the side, silently asking for an elaboration.

" Well, Heather just wanted to lose her virginity, which she didn't, and she didn't really care who she was making out with. Not the best confidence booster. Then, last week, after some...stuff...crazy ass, deranged stuff... Lydia kissed me to stop a panic attack. Now, she's dating another muscle-bound, douche bag without even a glance in my direction. Again."

Red winced in sympathy, poor guy.

"Damn ,dude." Scott said softly, uncertainly. "What about those girls you met at that club?"

Stiles rolled his head towards Scott, his eyebrows raised and lips down turned. "You mean the ones at that bar we went to, to keep an eye on Danny?" Red quickly filed Danny's name for research later

"Yeah!" Scott was nodding enthusiastically.

"You mean the ones who were guys dressed up as girls?"

"Um, yes..."

Red was grinning widely, her head snapping back and forth as though watching a tennis match.

"You mean the ones who had more hair than I do on their legs? With deeper voices?"


"Those ones, Scott? Really?"

Scott scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Because I know that you know I want to know if I'm attractive to gay guys, but that doesn't make me gay. I mean, I've seen plenty of guy on guy porn, I've seen pretty much every kind of porn-let's be honest- but that doesn't mean I want to date a guy in real life."

By this point Red was laughing again. Scott looked as if Stiles had slapped him.

" gotta admit, even Danny sorta thinks you're gay at times."

Red started choking on her laughter.

"What?! Since when?" Stiles cried, looking shocked.

"We were talking during lacrosse, when Finstock made you run suicides."

"But-but-he-I mean....did he seem interested?..."

Scott started gaping at Stiles like a fish." I thought you said you weren't gay? You just defended yourself for like 10 minutes!"

"I'm not gay, but it's nice to feel wanted ,sometimes." Stiles sniffed.

Red felt like her lungs were bursting and she was getting abs from how hard she was laughing. The room blurred around her faintly from her lack of oxygen intake. She could hear Scott and Stile's voices grow louder as they grew more agitated. Or, Stiles became more agitated, Scott was becoming more flummoxed.

I really hope these two aren't involved. But I really do need to find out. Wasn't McCall the name of the true alpha? Maybe he's related to Scott....because Scott is way too nice to be a werewolf. He looks more like a puppy than anything. Yeah, the alpha must be related to Scott. That is a great reason to hang around with Scott. And completely justifiable...

She slowly stopped laughing, air saturated her lungs and the room became defined again. Thank God. That was getting painful.

"How is it my fault Coach only has one testicle?!" Scott screamed in anger and confusion as Stiles pulled a picture of the male anatomy up on the computer screen.

"Oh my god, Stiles! Why in the hell do you have a picture of a penis!?" Scott screamed in panic.

Sides aching in protest, Red started howling with laughter.

"Stiles? Stiles, you home?" Sheriff Jeff Stilinski called. He barely had come through the door when he heard the laughter. He could hear Scott? trying to yell over it, too. He was confused though, by the fact that some of the laughter sounded like a girl.

"Stiles? I'm coming up." He slowly headed up the stairs, trying to figure out who it could be. He really didn't have the patience for this today. Agent Brian McCall had shown up and demanded access to all files from the past two years. It had been a nightmare, not to mention he really hated the guy. He shouldn't have even gone in today, it was his day off, but Steve had insisted on every officer coming in. He couldn't stand the FBI. The new pattern analysist, Sean Lamarck, had seemed okay but Jeff still didn't know him yet. It was all one giant headache.

"Stiles? Who-" he opened the door and stopped dead. He saw Scott, with printed pictures of penises in his hands, and Stiles and an unfamiliar blonde girl curled on the floor in laughter. No, he recognized her. How did he-oh, Lamarck. He had a picture of her in his wallet, Jeff had picked it up for him when it had slipped out.

Sean was going to kill him for letting her be around these two idiots.

Raising his hand he knocked on the open door. "What's going on Stiles? Who's this?"

Three sets of shocked eyes were immediately glued on him.
♠ ♠ ♠
And I'm back. I hope it wasn't too long a wait. And, yes, Sheriff Stilinski's name is Jeff in my story. And Scott's dad's name is Brian, I thought it sounded right.
