Status: I post as frequently as possible, loves!

When the Fairy Tale is Shattered, the Nightmare Returns.

Revelations and Suspicions


This is when Dad chooses to come home? Impeccable timing, as always...Red looks cute, all startled though...Wait! I like Lydia. Right. Lydia...oh, God not a good time for a boner, Stiles. Jesus, I need to get laid.


Why is Stiles looking at me like that? Oh, well, this is awkward. Not how I wanted to meet the Sheriff, I'm not going to seem intimidating after this.... Is Scott okay? He looks purple.


You have got to be kidding me! He already thinks I'm weird because of the whole, werewolf, thing. Thank you, Stiles, for making me illustrate how I could have no possible hand in Coach's de-balling. Christ!


I really don't need this. I should just take a nap, or make dinner. Nah, I'm just going to order pizza. Again.

Sheriff Stilinski stood awkwardly in the doorway, the three teens looking like they were frantically trying to come up with an explanation for why Scott hand pictures of the male anatomy in his hands. He shook his head once before Stiles got his voice back.

"Let's face it. This is not the worst thing you have caught me and Scott doing."

Red and Scott glanced at each other, Scott reddening quickly while she looked on both disturbed and curious. Scott quickly shook his head at her, trying to convey some sort of innocence. Her smile flowed onto her face, eyes sparkling with mirth.

"Stiles.." Jeff murmured, pinching the bridge of his nose " Not something...never mind. New topic. Who are you?"

Red blinked rapidly, surprised at being addressed so bluntly. So that's how we're gonna do this. Okay.

"I'm Red Lamarck. I just moved in across the street." Simple, not over done. The introduction sets the stage for everything else, so it has to be perfectly believable...nice job, girl.

"Lamarck? Does your dad work with the FBI?" Jeff questions serenely, not letting on he already knows her father.

"Yes, he does. He's a pattern analysist. He has been for the past ten years, actually."

Both Scott and Stiles exchange glances at this. Red notes the look, wondering what caused the display. Looking past Scott, she sees the time on Stiles' clock. 5:58. 5:58?! She'd been here for over four hours. It had only felt like, maybe, one. A soft crescendo of panic swelled in her stomach. Her mom was going to kill her. Dinner was always at 6'o'clock, sharp. No exceptions. Craaaaap

"I have to go! I'm going to be late for dinner." Red scrambled to her feet. "It was nice meeting you Mr. Stilinski. Bye!" She darted out of the room, moving like an Olympic athlete. Sheriff Stilinski watched her race down the stairs, shocked at her display of finesse. Red reached the door quickly.

"Bye, Scott! Bye, Stiles! See you tomorrow! Enjoy the cookies!"She yelled over her shoulder before she dashed out the door.

The three men looked at each other, shell shocked.

"You guys want pizza?" Jeff asked.

Exchanging glances they nodded. Not like this was the weirdest thing they've had to deal with.


Shaking his head, Jeff left the room, wondering what made her come over to hang out with those two knuckleheads. After he shut the door behind him Stiles immediately turned to Scott.

"Her dad probably knows your dad. Maybe she knows your dad. Dude, that's weird. And how did she run like that? Is she a werewolf? Like, does she smell...wolfy?"

Scott groaned loudly "Stiles!"

"Well, she was freaking Cat Woman just a minute ago. You can't tell me that there isn't something supernatural going on there. And, to make it worse, she's hot!"

"What? What does that even mean?!"

"All the hot chicks we know try and kill us at one point! Lydia was mind controlled, she drugged us and made us hallucinate so a homicidal lunatic could come back from the dead. Allison went all bipolar and was on a werewolf killing binge after her mom died. And Derek's girlfriend, our English teacher, was a darach with a pension for ritual murder!"

"Oh, that. Yeah."

"Stake out?"

"Stake out."

"So, what did you learn today, Red?" Mr. Lamarck inquired.

Red didn't glance up from her plate of pasta as she answered "Boys are dumb. Mountain Dew and Pepsi don't mix well. And, people can be gay without actually being gay." Her parents stopped eating, her father's fork was suspended halfway to his mouth.


"Nothing. I learned nothing important." Except, I might have a thing for Scott.

Her mother sighed faintly "Then, what inconsequential things did you learn." Red examined her mother for a second, Mrs. Lamarck was searching for something.

"Stiles is a little jumpy, not very worried about personal boundaries and he's smarter than he lets on. Scott is captain of the lacrosse team, his parents are divorced and he just broke up with someone." Her parents looked sharply at each other. "What? What!?"

"Scott.... What's his last name?" Her mother asked softly.

"McCall. I'm assuming he's related to the alpha. I guess that is important, sorry."

"Honey," Her father said quietly. The adults exchanged swift looks.
"He's the one your cousin, Allison, was dating."

Red went very still. Her eyes fixed on the condensation fogging her glass of Coke. She watched the trail of a water droplet, trying to seem disinterested in everything that her parents were saying. No. It can't-HE can't-

Her mother tapped the table across from her, trying to gain her attention. Red slowly lifted her head, swallowing violently. Her mouth had gone dry, her skin covered in a forming cold sweat. Disbelief swirled in her brain. Not Scott. That innocent looking guy, with large brown, puppy dog eyes and a crooked smile. Not him What her mother said next made the proverbial knife slide into her gut, and twist.

"Scott is the alpha."
♠ ♠ ♠
Duhn, duhn DUHN!!!!!!