Status: I post as frequently as possible, loves!

When the Fairy Tale is Shattered, the Nightmare Returns.

This Judas has a Goatee

"So, what's the plan? And what's an assessment?" Allison asked as she and Red walked toward the school.

"First, before I tell you anything else, I need you to show me what you can do. Archery, sword play, knife throwing, hand-to-hand, whatever you've got. Okay?" Red ordered. Allison rolled her eyes, Dare reminded her of someone she couldn't put her finger on.

"Fine. But I'm not telling you anything, I still don't trust you. Even if I'm willing to work with you." Red snorted at her cousin's declaration. So determined.

"Jaded in our old age, are we?" Red laughed. Allison couldn't help smiling a little, Dare had always been like a sister. Just like Kate had been. Allison tensed slightly. Kate. Someone she would've trusted everything with. Someone she had trusted everything with everything. Allison shook her head a little, tensing her jaw. She wouldn't be blindsided again.

A scream suddenly ripped through the air, piercing and gut wrenching. Lydia. But it wasn't her usual scream, it was a name. Red and Allison automatically turned around, both panicked. Because they both knew who she was screaming about.

"STILES!!!!!!!!" came a scream from a girl's lungs. Red was almost crying in pain, this girl would make a fortune in horror movies. But Red didn't look at the redhead for long, she was scoping out the parking lot. No. NO.

Stiles' prone form was laying haphazardly on the ground not far from his jeep. Scott was already back by his side, werewolf reflexes and all. Before anyone, even Red or Allison or the screaming girl, could go into any kind of action a beautiful, slim, dark skinned woman was already calling out orders.

"No one panic! Go in the building, kids! Not you, Finstock. You get over here and help McCall get him to the nurse." she ordered. Red had to respect the authority in her voice, but she didn't like it. She wanted to know what was wrong with Stiles, he seemed like he could be someone to get to know. And not for the obvious, espionage reasons. But, actual friend reasons. He would probably even appreciate her use of the word espionage. Red felt her stomach clench, she hadn't had a real friend since Ashley Shaw in seventh grade. Combine a set of throwing knives and a birthday party surprise? Probably not her best idea.

"Come on." Allison muttered. Right then, Scott looked straight at them. Looking first at Allison, then Red, then Allison again. Poor guy looked so confused, he clearly didn't understand how they were already talking when Red had been on school property all of ten minutes, if that. But, she thought, he needs to stay that way. She quickly turned to Allison, a truthful lie coming to her lips. One that made it so that her heart wouldn't jump when she lied, and Scott wouldn't be able to tell if he listened.

"Thanks for showing me to class, Allison. You do like to be called Allison right?"

Allison caught on quickly. "Yeah, that's fine. And, you're welcome. Being the new kid can suck." Red smiled in response. Just don't let Scott know, it'll be fine.

Without another word they walked into the building. Scott had already decided that Allison was just being Allison, the amazing, sweet person that she is. His attention was now focused on Stiles.


Stiles' head hurt. It felt like he was one of those cartoon characters that got an anvil dropped on their head. It didn't help that his own heart was actively trying to kill him. He could feel the darkness spiraling on the edge of his consciousness, dipping in and out of sight like a snake would do in the tall grass. That snake had stolen some very important piece of information from him, information that made him collapse. He knew that much.

Scott. Scott. Something about Scott. And wolfsbane. Wolfsbane.

No. No more. Head hurt bad. Going back to sleep now. Go, Stiles. Go. Then, as he drifted back into the abyss again, ignoring a vague voice from above the dark water that sounded like Scott, the small whispers started. The ones he heard before he went to bed now. Like the hallucination he'd seen when Lydia drugged everybody at her party.

Please, Stiles. No one cares.
You're weak, a liability. Replaceable.
Just leave. Things are better without you.
Your mom would be alive.
Your dad wouldn't be stressed.
Scott doesn't care. He has a pack now.
New girl likes Scott, not you. Again.
Just go away. Stop thinking. Stop being YOU.

So Stiles did.


"Class! Please pay attention. I know Enlightenment period writing isn't as riveting as MTV or Gossip Girl, but it is important." the short man, who's name Red had already forgotten, spouts from in front of the class. Allison is sitting a row to her left and one in front of her, texting. That's more interesting than Patrick Henry's Speech at the Virginia Convention. Allison kept smiling, like the teacher wasn't going to notice sooner or later. No one smiles at their crotch. Well, maybe Stiles. I can see Stiles doing that.

"Miss Lamarck? Can you tell us, from the reading, what he is alluding to when he talks about by being betrayed by a kiss?" Red doesn't bother telling him she just moves here, it's easier just to answer. Everyone clearly thinks that this is unfair because each student, even Allison, is giving her pitying look.

"He's comparing it to a passage in the Bible. The one where Judas betrays Jesus to the Romans, and the very same night, kisses Jesus on the cheek. Knowing that soon Jesus will be taken to his death. England is Judas, we're Jesus." the little teacher looks deeply impressed.

"Very good, Dh-"

"No." Red quickly cut him of "It's Red. Just Red." the teachers nods. He continues on. Calling on the scream queen next, revealing to Red that she is actual Lydia Martin, noted. Turning to Allison, she feels the need to tell her why she needs to help her and her assortment or fuzzballs, but it comes out way more mysterious than Red meant it to. But it always seems to with Red.

Red leans toward Allison, the other girl mimicking her actions. "Betraying someone with a kiss is much easier than it seems. But it stains the soul worse than you would think."

Red doesn't see the man standing across the street, drawn by Lydia's scream. His eyes are hidden by sunglasses, he looks to be in his mid-thirties, and smirk is contained withing a trimmed goatee. He's good looking, but the vibe he send out is ice cold, a predator waiting.

"All too true, blondie. Too true."
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