Loves First Bite

Look At All These Happy People, Living Their Lives

Chapter 1

I sighed wearily and shut my eyes again, sliding back down into the bed.
“Saffy, you can’t stay in bed forever.” My Mom said gently, brushing the dark hair out of my eyes. I reluctantly opened my eyes and sat up.
“Yeah, I know…”
“Darling, I know Hayley was very special to you, but you have to carry on with your life, you and your friends.”
“I know…”

It had been a week and a half since that night out, since Hayley had left the world, since my life was turned upside down. They never found out how she died, all they had to go on was her body, bloodstained and mangled. Mom wouldn’t let me visit her in the Mortuary, but Mina went on Monday, and she had come back sobbing, so I was kind of glad I didn’t go, bad as that may sound.
“Are you gonna get up then?” Mom asked quietly, walking over to my wardrobe, taking out my Uniform.
“Mmm…Fine, fine…”
“Okay, see you downstairs.”
“Fine.” I murmured, although both Mom and I knew that everything was certainly not fine.

I slowly stumbled out of my bed and dragged my feet over to the wardrobe. I took an age getting dressed, brushing my dark brown hair about fifty-odd times before walking downstairs, schoolbag slung over my shoulder.
“Breakfast?” Asked Mom, and before I could answer, she had thrust a bowl of cereal into my hands, sitting me down at the table.
“Okay… Fine…Whatever…” I mumbled, spooning soggy cornflakes into my mouth.

I finished my cereal and wandered out of the door, dragging my black bag behind me.
It was a beautiful, sunny day, but my skin started to itch, like it was burning. I looked down at my arms, but they seemed to be just the same, pale as ever.
I stared after all the people, walking down the road, on the bus, in their cars.
How could they be so happy?
How could they just get on with their lives?
I knew that none of them actually knew Hayley, but it still hurt that people could just live life without a second thought, when it could be over in a second.
“Hey, Saff!” said my best friend Vivi, crossing the street to join me.
“Hey Vivi.” Her real name was Violeta, but she hated it with a vengance, so everyone called her Vivi. She flipped her auburn hair out of her eyes, and smiled at me. She had seemed to have got over Hayley, though there was still a hint of sadness in her eyes. Maybe she was putting on a brave face.
“Do you think Mina’s gonna go to school today?” she asked.
“Maybe, I don’t know.” I replied, not really paying attention to Vivi, rather to a little mouse that had scurried out of a garden half a block down.
“The funeral’s in 5 days, Hayleys Mom told me.”
“Oh, right.” I said, eyes still fixed on the tiny mouse that was gathering food on the pavement.
“What’cha looking at?”
“Nothing.” I turned my attention away from the mouse, and seconds later, a cat had pounced, killing it dead.