Status: Done :)

Lips Like Morphine

Chapter thirteen

Part thirteen

Walking into the so called castle, I still was overwhelmed. I think that will never pass even if you come here everyday. But then again, if your name is Bam Margera, it all becomes part of the daily basics.. But like I said, walking in, my painting stuff al where set up in the living room ( Don’t know if I said where you’ll be painting it.. but.. it’ll be the living room, as you might have noticed *grin* ) "Wow, I’m almost slightly impressed there Brandon! All my stuff, set up to go! " He cringed.. "Friends or not, you are going to keep up the sarcasm thing aren’t ya? " I grinned and nodded. "Well, yea! Otherwise I would feel so left out around you guys! " I fake pouted and skipped to my painting gear. I heard some of the guys snicker a little bit.

When I get in the zone.. ( what painting concerns, that is..) I am almost deaf and blind to the rest of the world. Bam had handed me my sketchbook and I started drawing the mural on the wall. Weirdly enough, Bam wanted a smaller one than I had painted at his mother’s house. I kind of had him pictured as the big and flamboyant type of guy, but hey.. what ever he wants, I paint. So.. I started sketching and it was coming together a little bit. This painting was more precisely than the mural at April’s so, It would take about as much time.

From time to time, one of the boys would come in and chat with me a little bit. Surprisingly, they hadn’t tried anything on me yet. Probably scared to ruin Bam’s mural. And another surprising fact was, I could talk to Novak best of all, well besides Bam that is. When I looked at him, there was just some weird thing, like a challenge that I hadn’t had in my life for a long time or something.. I couldn’t place it .. yet.. Novak was so nice to talk to. He actually is a decent guy, when he isn’t trying those gross pick up lines that wouldn’t work on a barstool. Halfway through the conversation I randomly spoke: "Novie! " He looked at me weird. "Come again? " I laughed. "I just decided I’m going to call you Novie from now on. I like to nickname people. So, I hereby dub thee, Novie! " He smiled. "Whatever makes you happy sweetheart.. I’m going before Bam kills me for delaying his beloved mural. " I smiled and returned to finishing my sketch. *Beloved aye? There there Brandon, didn’t expect you to love my work!*
But hey, even I know that he would rather jump into a pool of dead fish than acknowledge my work.. But whatever! I got back to sketching. At about 20.00 I called it a night. Mainly because the guys got bored again and decided that I had done enough for the day by poking me with sticks every 2 seconds. Can’t imagine how it must have looked for someone who walked in at that moment. Five grown men, sitting in a circle around a girl, all poking her with sticks.. Damn, that must have been some weird situation to walk in to. [P]
After having to live trough poking for half an hour. ( You’d think they would get bored aye? Well, they don’t.. trust me.. not that easily.) I decided to call it a day. I put down my charcoal. "Fine, what do you want me to do about it? " They all looked at me like I was crazy. "About your boredom! You’re poking me with sticks here, can’t exactly call that fun now can ya? " They looked at each other and shrugged. "I thought it was quite entertaining actually.. " Dico mumbled. I looked at him and it was quiet for a few seconds. I burst into a fit of laughter. *Great, now they really think I’m nuts..* "I’m sorry Dico, but it’s just..- " I started laughing again. When he said it. He pouted really cute and it was just so funny! I couldn’t stop laughing. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. "Damn dude, is she breathing? " Dunn asked when I turned a little blue. At that moment, I inhaled deeply which made a weird little sound. The guys laughed. "Guess so.. " Bam laughed. "Hell, get ready, we decided to go to a club tonight, you’re coming with us. " I stood up and sighed. "Ahh.. that was fun! " I went up the stairs and searched for the room they had put my stuff in. Behind me I could hear the guys whisper. Couldn’t make out what they were saying though..

~Bam’s POV~
What exactly was so funny I still don’t know, but I did like it to see her laugh. She was a cool girl. A bit weird though, but who of us isn’t? Tonight we were going to get her drunk of her ass, and tomorrow would be her initiation. Every friend had to go trough it. So why wouldn’t she? We were on our way to the club. Hell looked good, I like her style.

We were at the club for about an hour now. Hell was well on the way to being drunk. So, who would we be if we didn’t put that to good use!? We decided on 21 questions. Seeing as that we knew some stuff about her, but not a lot, as in past things and stuff.. With her being drunk, it would be a lot more fun.

"Heeellll?!!! " I slurred. Okay, so I exaggerated a little? I wasn’t THAT drunk, but I wanted her to think I was, so she would answer our questions.
"Yesh Bami? What is it? " I thought for a minute. "Last time you had sex? " She scrunched up her nose in thought. Or what I would guess, where thoughts. "Damn, it is so long ago, I don’t even remember it! " She laughed while rubbing her neck a little. "Novie! Ask me a question! We are playing the ask game! " She said to Novak, who just joined our table, recovering from a harsh turndown from a redhead. I clenched my fist a little under the table. Novie? Where did that come from?! I mentally slapped myself. What was I thinking? She wasn’t mine!? She’s not just my friend, the guys like her too. Just, get real Bam.. "Fine, err.. " Novak said. "Weirdest place you ever did it! " He said triumphantly. "What is it with guys and sex tonight!? " Hell cried out. Then she grinned. "Oh, nevermind, scratch that ..what is it with guys and sex in general? " She went into think mode again. "I guess.. that.. was.. Yea, I think that was the park swing! " We all looked at her with wide eyes and said at the same time: "GROSS! Children play on that thing you know!? " She grinned. "We cleaned it!.. " Yeah, like that came out convincing.. Now it was Dunn’s turn to ask. "What is the most exiting thing you’ve ever done in your life? " She turned to look at us. "See? There, it is possible for a guy to ask me a non sex question! " We all snickered. "Yea, but we’re still not sure if he is a full guy or not.. " She started laughing, but answered right away. "I think that was the motor race I did with my cousin in Australia. He is a great rider.. " Again, we looked at her with eyes like dinner plates. "You ride a motorcycle!? " I asked. She shrugged. "Yea, sometimes.. is that so extraordinary? " I looked at the guys.. "Uh..yeah..KINDA! " She laughed. "Fine, I’ll show it to you sometime. Now.. NEXT QUESTION! " She hopped up and down in her seat. I looked at the shot glasses in front of her.. My guess was, there would be no painting tomorrow! *grin*

~Your POV~
"That night was so much fun!!! " I said while Bam and Raab helped me get into the house. "What night? " Raab asked me. "Well DOH!? The night that the tree! " I said. What is he, stupid? That night, everybody knows about that night! I looked at Bam and noticed he had four eyes. Pretty eyes that was, but there were still four of them. After that.. I went to sleep, within 4 seconds I think. Is that a bad sign?