Status: Done :)

Lips Like Morphine

Chapter three

Part three

The next morning was a bitch. After the fight with my former dance team, I drank a lot. I woke up way to early and got ready for work. Only to realise that I had the next week off. "Fuck" I muttered. My phone started ringing. It was a number that I didn’t recognize, being the curious person that I am, I answered it.
"Ehh, hi. I am looking for Helena Duquette?"
"This is her…"
"Oh, alright, well my name is April Margera. I saw some of your work at the bookstore the other day, and I was wondering if I could hire you for a mural at my house? "
I was speechless, I only had one day off this week and that was two days ago, she must have come in that day.
"Ehh, yeah, sure! Have any idea what you want done? "
It was quiet for a moment.
"Well, I want the mural in my bedroom, so I was thinking something soothing, like butterflies or something. "
"That can be arranged, I just finished a sketch the other day. I can come by and show it to you? "
"Really? That would be fantastic! "
I smiled.
"No problemo, so where do you live? I have the next week off, so I can come by tomorrow, or even today if you want. "
"Wow, talk about service aye? " She chuckled
"I live in West-Chester, that is not that far from Philly. Is it going to be a problem? "
I thought about that one for a second, it was about a 45 minute drive. But I could always stay with my aunt, she was hardly ever there. She travelled a lot.
"No that’s okay, I have an aunt in that town, I can call her and stay with her. That way I can start early and don’t have to travel that long."
I could hear her smile.
"Perfect! Are you sure you can come by today? I wouldn’t want to be any trouble…"
I chuckled.
"No it’s fine, let me just get my stuff together, and I’ll come to your house. "
She gave me her address and I called my aunt. She was in Bangkok( don’t ask ) but she told me where the key was, I was welcome to stay as long as I wanted.

After settling in at my aunts house I took the directions April gave me and went off to find the house. I turned into the street she lived on when I got cut off by a big blue hummer. I honked my horn a couple of times and flipped it off. I got a friendly "Thank you!" back from some lozer out of the back window. "Stupid little shit" I muttered. But then I saw the house I was supposed to be at. It was a nice white house with a beautiful garden in front of it. Quickly put on my smile and got out of the car. I rang the doorbell and waited. A nice lady with blonde hair answered the door. "Oh! You must be Helena! Welcome!" She stepped aside to let me in. "Wow, hunny, what’s wrong, that smile is more fake than most girls boobs!" I chuckled. "It wasn’t that big, just got cut off by some stupid little fucker in a big blue hummer on my way here, thought he owned the streets or something" She started laughing. "Oh, that would be my son and his friends, don’t mind them, they are crazy. " I turned ten shades of red. "Sorry! I didn’t mean to offend you but-" She put her hand over my mouth. "It’s fine, even I want to kill them sometimes, now…let’s talk paint, shall we? " I smiled, nodded and followed her into the kitchen.

I showed April my sketch and she loved it. She showed me where and how big she wanted it. It would be quite a task. I told her I would be busy for about 4 to 5 days, seeing as I needed to add multiple layers and stuff. She was perfectly fine with it. I also told her that I’d like to start early the next morning, so she gave me a key and told me to let myself in. She and Phil, her husband were going to their relatives and would be back at noon or something. We talked some more after the business talk was done. She was a really nice woman and we had a long conversation.

"Well sweetie, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then!" I smiled. "Sure thing April, I’ll go shopping for paint now, and do my best to paint it like you want it tomorrow" She waved and got back inside. I went shopping for all the paint and brushes I would need and went back to the house. Took a shower and watched some movies until it was time to get to bed. I set my alarm at 6.30.
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That's it for number three :)