Cause No One Is Perfect

Admittance is the First Step

I woke up suddenly to painful noises coming from the living room. Eva woke and turned to look at me. I shrugged and pulled the covers off of me tugging on some pajama bottoms and a t-shirt. I followed the noise to the living room where Ekaterina was sitting on the floor.
“I think she is in labor. But, I am not sure.” I yelled to Eva.
“Fine, we’ll take her to the hospital. Come get dressed.” Walking back toward the room I heard her mutter. “Of course she just has to go have the baby while she’s here.” After dressing we helped Ekaterina to my car and made our way to the nearest hospital. As we walked in a nurse rushed at us with a wheel chair.
“What’s her name?” The nurse asked and I had to think for a second about her last name. We started toward what I would hope was the maternity ward.
“Ekaterina. E-K-A-T-R -I-N-A. Zhenecka. Z-H-E-N-E-C-K-A. She is from Russia. I don’t know if that matters, but I just don’t know what else you’ll need to know and I don’t really know a lot about her any way. She is my sister-in-law.”
“Do you know how to contact the father or her family?”
“I can leave my sister and her brother a voice mail, but they are on a plane and won’t get for another five hours.” They wheeled her into a room.
“Since you are the next of kin we are going to need you in the room. Who is this?” They motioned to Eva.
“I’m the baby’s step mom.” This only confused the nurses more. “Never mind. I’ll be in the waiting room.” She sighed and walked out.
“Do I really need to be in here?” I asked. “I’d really rather be out there with her.”
“Are you the father?” A doctor asked as he walked into the room.
“Yes! Okay are you happy? I am most likely the father of this child.” Right then Ekaterina was shouting too. “Now, can you get this over with?”

As we got off the plane I turned my phone on and a voice mail from Joe popped up. Concerned I quickly opened it and listened.
“Hey. This is Joe’s fiancee, Evangeline. I called because he is busy with her. Katrina is in labor we are at the hospital. I think it is called Ceders Sinai or something like that. Hopefully you get this. Okay, bye.” My heart raced as I turned to Mikhail.
“Your sister is having the baby.”
♠ ♠ ♠
<3 Kelsey