Wet Dreams Are the Best Dreams

Chapter 7

“Lacrosse sucks” Alex sighed as he sat down on the cold wooden bench at the top of the bleachers. Hayley sat down next to him and giggled.
“You’re all sunshine and rainbows Alex.”
Alex grinned. “You can’t have rainbows without a little rain.”
Hayley unzipped her backpack and pulled out a soda bottle. She unscrewed the cap and took a zip. Alex watched the movement in her throat as she swallowed down the liquid. He felt his mouth go dry.
“I’m thirsty.”
Hayley raised her eyebrows and offered Alex the bottle. He shook his head. Hayley’s choice of beverage did not work well with Alex taste buds. She shrugged and raised the bottle to her lips again. Alex got out his phone from his jean pocket and texted Vic about buying soda on his way to the game. He decided to check twitter while he was on his phone.
“Hayley, twitter needs to know that I have a social life.”
Hayley rolled her eyes, pressed he cheek against Alex and smiled widely as he snapped a photo. He looked at it and shrugged. He looked okay. He posted it on twitter with the caption “We’re watching Lacrosse and I have no idea why”
He put his phone back in his pocket and watched as Vic made his way up the bleachers, balancing two silvery soda cans in his arms. He sat down next to him and handed him a can. Alex stared at it in disbelief.
“Vic? What is this?”
Vis gave him a dumbfounded look. “Coke?”
“This is diet coke.”
Vic raised an eyebrow. “So?”
“So why did you buy diet coke when there’s normal coke available?”
“It tastes the same.”
Alex gasped. “Who are you?”
Vic ignored him.
“Wait, I know what this is. You think I’m fat, don’t you?”
Vic groaned. “Alex, are you serious? It’s just diet coke.”
“I don’t drink anything with the word ‘die’ in it.” Alex mumbled as he opened the can and took a zip. “Same taste, my ass.”
Vic shook his head and sighed. “Just watch the game.”
Alex wasn’t a big fan of lacrosse, or sports in general. He tagged along because he knew Vic loved it. He made Hayley come too so he had someone to talk about cute players with. They both agreed on that number eleven was adorable and that thirty-seven had a nice ass. They argued about if number six was gay or not. Hayley was not buying it, but Alex was pretty sure that he caught the goalie drooling over number fourteen at least three times.
The game ended with their team winning. Just as Alex was about to share that with his twitter followers he noticed a new tweet from Jack.
-@JackAllTimeLow: I didn’t know Lacrosse was a thing. I certainly didn’t know it was thing hot people enjoyed. Because damn, that smile.-
Alex blushed and typed out a reply.
-@AlexanderWilliam: @JackAllTimeLow Yeah, Hayley is pretty attractive.-
A few minutes later he had a new direct message from Jack waiting for him.
-“I guess, but you know, I’m more into blondes.”-
“What are you blushing about?” Hayley elbowed him playfully.
She shrugged and got out her phone. Alex could see her scroll through instagram, double tapping selfies and pictures of food. She stopped at a picture of Oliver Sykes and his girlfriend Hannah Snowdon. She sighed.
“I wonder what it’s like to date a bandmember.”
“I mean, think about it. They have thousands of people, practically throwing themselves at them every day, but they chose you. That must be like the most awesome feeling ever.”
Vic joined in on the conversation. “Yeah, I wonder how that feels like.” He threw an arm around Alex shoulders. “Would you have any idea, Alex?”
Vic grinned at him and winked. Hayley raised an eyebrow at them.
“Okay guys. I’m gonna let you two be weird together, alone. My curfew is in half an hour.”
Alex gave her a halfhearted wave as she went another direction. When she was out of sight he turned to Vic and gave him the angriest stare he could manage. Vic held up his hands in defense.
“Whoa, what did I do?”
Alex threw his hands in the air. “You almost told her.”
Vic tilted his head back and shook it towards the night sky. “Alex, she has no clue. It’s not really something you can guess. And by the way, she will find out eventually. You can’t keep it from her forever.” He lowered his head again and looked at Alex with concern written all over his face. “And what’s with you today? You seem so tense. Is something wrong?”
Alex sighed. “I’m just scared I guess.”
“Of what?”
Alex kicked some gravel and shoved his hands down his pockets. “I don’t know, everything?”
Vic gave him a sad smile. “It’s going to be fine Alex.”
“Yeah, I hope so.”
Alex was lying on his bedroom floor, staring at the ceiling fan above his head. He followed it with his gaze as it moved slowly, creating a faint breeze to cool him off. He thought about a lot of things as his eyes moved in circles. Jack, Hayley, Vic, school, life.
The concert was one week away and it made Alex dizzy just thinking about it, about seeing Jack, touching Jack and holding Jack. He had done all of those things before, but it wasn’t real then. It was like there was a thin layer of glass between them. He could see his fingers touch Jack, but he couldn’t feel it.
He wondered what it would be like, if it would be awkward, stiff or weird. He hoped not. He wondered if Jack was the same in real life as he was in his dreams. He wondered if Jack would want to tell people about it. He wondered what it would be like to be Jack Barakat’s boyfriend. He wondered what people would say. It’s not like Jack was openly gay or anything. It would probably come as a shock for everyone.
Alex got nervous, what if Jack decided to keep it a secret forever? Alex didn’t want to be someone’s secret. He wanted to be someone to show off. He wanted Jack to be proud of him.
Alex would never allow himself to be someone’s secret, not even Jack’s.
♠ ♠ ♠
I still suck at updating sorry.



guess what happens next chapter?

(spoiler: they meet)