Status: discontinued, being re-written with original characters, might continue it later maybe

Remember Me

Chapter 3

Gerard POV
I had a plan. Today at lunch I was going to corner small boy and try to figure out who he is, and why he’s so familiar. I pulled up to the school and got out of the impala with Mikey following close behind.

“Hey Gerard! Is this your brother?” I did not have the patience today.

“Yea this is Mikey. Mikey, Lyn-z, Lyn-z, Mikey.” I introduced them as quickly as I could then left, so that Mikey could deal with Lyn-z today. When I turned back, I caught Mikey glaring daggers at me. I smirked, then turned around and realised I still didn’t know how to get to my classroom. I sight then started walking in the direction I thought it was before just asking some random kid for directions. When I got there, small boy was sitting at his desk, but the bell had already rung so I couldn’t talk to him. I tried to meet his eyes like yesterday, but he stubbornly kept his head turned towards the

For most of the class I stared at him, I was going to learn nothing in this class. Suddenly, all my memories from last night flooded into my head. I tried not to gasp as a good ten minutes of my life just crammed itself into my head. Apparently, I had decided a walk was a good idea in the middle of making coffee so I walked out of the door with no jacket. Something doesn’t feel right about these memories, maybe the fact that Mikey said I ran out the door when I apparently walked. But that wasn’t it, the whole memory felt wrong, like I was still forgetting something.

This was another problem I would have to take to Mikey, I guess, so I went back to staring at frank until I could get out of this class. When the bell finally rang, small boy left at an even faster speed then he did yesterday, so I couldn’t wait to see what his problem was at lunch.

Lunch couldn’t come fast enough. By the time it rolled around, I had suffered through two more classes of pure agony wondering what was going on with my memories and small boy.
I saw him sitting with afro guy under a tree, so I went over there to introduce myself. As I got closer, afro guy was staring at me while small boy was looking anywhere but at me. I sauntered over to where they were sitting and sat down in front of them. Damn, small boy was really attractive up close, and if anyone could look good in a school uniform, it was him.

“Hey, I’m Gerard.” I started. They didn’t look like they were going to reply to I had to ask, “And you are?”

“Ray,” Afro guy replied, “and this is Frank.” So his name was Frank, it suited him.
Finally, finally Frank looked at me, and I swear my world stopped spinning. I know I knew him from somewhere, but I didn’t have the faintest idea of where I knew him from. He cleared his throat and I snapped out of my thoughts.

“Where’d you move from Gerard?” He asked he looked wary, like I was going to snap and hit him or something.

“Nowhere in particular,” I replied, “we move around a lot because of my dad’s job.” Frank nodded like he knew that, until Ray nudged him and he looked at me like he was scared. Could he know what my family does? I doubt it; I’ve never seen him before yesterday.

I was broken out of my thoughts by the bell ringing and Frank barely saying goodbye as he jumped up and ran towards the school for class. Weird kid. I walked slowly towards the school with Ray.

“Feel like skipping?” Ray asked. I was surprised he would want to skip with a kid he met a few minutes before. But I needed to find out more about Frank so I agreed.

We made it out of the school gates and down the street without getting caught, only a few odd looks
thrown our way.

“So what’s up with Frank?” I asked with what I hoped was a casual tone.

“Why did I guess that would be your first question?” Ray responded, chuckling. “I don’t know much about the kid myself, we were friends when we were younger but when we were about ten, Frank moved, so we lost touch. About a year ago, he came back and we reconnected. I’m as curious as you are about his life before he came though, I’m his best friend and he won’t tell me, I just know he said he was safe here, and that he wasn’t expecting you to be here.” He finally finished.

“Safe? Why would he be safe here? And how does he know me?” I questioned.

“That I can’t tell you. I just had to accept that there were some things that Frank couldn’t tell me, I guess.” Ray shrugged and we fell silent.

So now I had figure out what Frank was ‘safe’ from, and how he knew me and why he was surprised to see me in Belleville. I should probably talk to my dad about this because I was utterly confused. And I had to get back to the school by last block so that I could torture and possibly kill my chemistry teacher. I could feel the headache coming on. Life in Belleville is not as simple as I thought it would be. I pulled out my cigarettes and offered one to Ray but he declined saying he didn’t smoke.
We hung out at the park for a few hours until I said I had to go drive Mikey home from school as an excuse. Ray said he was going to stay at the park for a little while and wait for Frank. I stopped walking. Should I go interrogate my chemistry teacher or wait and talk to Frank? I couldn’t let down my dad so I begrudgingly made my way back to the school.

When I got back, Mikey was already out front waiting for me looking the tiniest bit worried. I hurried over to him and tapped his shoulder, making him jump. He must really be on edge.

“Gerard where the fuck were you! We have to trap a demon and you skip class? What is wrong with you?!”

I told him all that Ray told me about Frank and stopped him before he could ask any questions saying
we could talk about it later at home. We hung around for a few minutes waiting for the school to be empty enough that we wouldn’t be noticed. When the majority of people had left, we walked towards my chemistry classroom, thankfully she was still there.
On the count of three we burst into the classroom and I sprayed her with holy water mixed with salt then tied her to her chair while Mikey painted a demon trap onto the floor that I rolled her chair onto.

“Alright demon, here are the rules, try to attack us, we’ll kill you. Give us the wrong answer, we’ll kill you. Call for help, we’ll kill you. Got it?” I snarled. The teacher growled at us but didn’t say anything

“Why are you in the high school?” I started.

“Can’t a demon love kids enough to pursue a career in teaching?” the demon replied with a smile.

“No.” I deadpanned. “Why did you choose this vessel? Why this classroom? Why Belleville?” I asked.

She stayed quiet so I help up the holy water. “Answer me or this is going down your throat.” I threatened.

“Fine!” She relented. “I was told to come here. I was told to keep an eye on the kid, make sure he didn’t leave."

“That’s not very specific.” I said, “There are hundreds of kids here that you could be talking about. Which one are you watching?”

She looked like she was dreading answering so I help up the holy water again.

“Alright! You win! I’m watching that Frank kid!”

I was shocked but didn’t let it show.

“Why the fuck are you watching Frank?” I asked

“I don’t know why he’s special; I just know that Korse wants him okay? That’s all I know!” She started
struggling against her bonds then realised she said too much and she froze while the blood drained from her face.

“Who’s Korse?” I asked

“I have no idea.” I told Mikey to cut her arm and rub salt in the wound. He did and she started screaming. It’s a wonder no one heard her.

“Who. Is. Korse.” I repeated

“I’ll tell you, just don’t do that again! He runs organisation to collect unique monsters, I guess, and he wants Frank, but I have no idea why!” I was done with her now that I had all the information that I wanted, so I exorcized her and told Mikey to help me clean up. We got the paint off the floor and her body in the impala. Apparently, it had taken longer than we thought and it was already nighttime so we went to the nearest cemetery to burn her body.

When we finally got home, it was late, so I all but fell into bed and decided I could deal with Frank tomorrow.
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Ok i know i said i might update earlier, but school suddenly was like BAM. HOMEWORK. So I'll probably keep updating on weekends. At least I'm predictable, i guess.

I'm so excited for this story!

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