Status: discontinued, being re-written with original characters, might continue it later maybe

Remember Me

Chapter 5

Gerard POV
I was fuming. He had just taken my memories! I feel oddly… violated. It’s like not knowing what you have until you lose it, I guess. I was so close to getting all the answers I needed, but I still have no idea why he’s so familiar. And why did he take my memories in the first place? I guess I’ll have to get it out of him another time.

As soon as I got home I wrote down everything that Frank had said before he could take my memories. Mikey hadn’t said anything the whole ride home, or if he had I didn’t notice anyways. As I quickly wrote down the conversation, Mikey was giving me a confused look. Instead of telling him what happened I just handed him the piece of paper.

A few minutes later, I had successfully buried myself in a blanket nest I constructed out of any blankets I could find. As soon as I was drifting off to sleep, Mikey jumped on top of me and started talking a mile a minute. I sighed and waited for him to calm down before I explained anything. He stopped talking and looked at me expectantly.

“Not a word.” I mumbled. Mikey groaned and flopped over to lie beside me.

“Okay. Have you ever heard of Amnesia?” Mikey asked.

“Well obviously today dumbass.” I replied. He rolled his eyes but continued.

“Well I read about him once, I don’t remember what book though, ironically.” He chuckled. “But the book that I read made it seem like he would be older I guess, I didn’t expect him to be around our age. Especially considering he’s been around as long as everything else.” He finished.

“He’s been around how long?” I asked.

“I know you heard me. But I’ll repeat it just for you, dear brother.” He said. I rolled my eyes. “He’s been around since the beginning of time. Amnesia is something that everyone’s always got, no idea why it was important, but whatever.” He shrugged. “The book said that he was just there, you know? Like he just appeared, even before God was there. There was no explanation as to how he was made, or born I guess. But I don’t think he even was born, it’s kinda like he just poofed into existence.” He finished.

“So he was just there, and has been walking the world forever, and hasn’t aged past seventeen?” I asked.

“Not exactly. The, um, ability that he has is the only one in ever that is passed down through the generations.”

“So Frank’s dad was Amnesia, and his grandfather, and so on?” I was shocked that it could be passed down, so that means that Frank could actually have a complete life, other than the memories thing.

“Yep! Do you understand now?” Mikey asked. I nodded and he said, “Good, because I have a question about the notes that you wrote down.” I raised my eyebrow, silently telling him to ask his question.

“Why does it just say ‘no Frankie’?” He asked.

“He doesn’t like to be called that.” I said like it was obvious.

“Why not?” Mikey asked. I was surprised I still had the answer in my memories; I guess I was keeping them then.

“He said someone close to him used to call him that, but Frank doesn’t know the guy anymore so he doesn’t like that name. I thought I should remember that.”

Mikey raised an eyebrow.

“Guy?” He questioned, smirking.

“Yes Mikey, he did say ‘he’. But that doesn’t mean he’s gay.” I said.

Mikey just smirked and nodded, then left. What the fuck does that mean? If he likes my Frankie- my Frankie? Where did that come from? He isn’t mine; I’ve only known him for two days! It doesn’t help that we move around a lot, and that he’s Amnesia, Jesus Christ. And I still have you ask him about his eyes, and why they’re so familiar. I wonder if they change colours, like demon eyes do. That’d be rad.

I still have so many questions, and I have to find a way to ask them that won’t set Frank off. I decided instead of stressing about it, I could get what little sleep I had left. I looked at the clock, 4:23 am, and I have to be up at six. I groaned and buried myself beneath my many blankets.

I opened my eyes to a familiar stone courtyard, one I had walked through many times in my dreams. I tried to move my legs and arms but, seeing as it was a dream, I couldn’t move. Just like every other time. And just like every other time, I stood up with cat-like grace, and started to walk towards a gate.

After an agonizingly slow walk across the courtyard and out the gate, I opened it to reveal a… forest? That’s different; it’s usually just a cloud of mist. I got to the edge of the forest and tried to peer in-between the trees, but all I could see was blackness.

I stood there for a few minutes, just staring at the trees while remaining stock still. Suddenly, I saw those hazel eyes that I see every time I dream. I looked closer and they looked exactly like Frank’s. Weird as fuck. I blinked and when my eyes opened again there were two pale hands in-between the trees, reaching out for me. If I could have jumped, I would have. I remained still though, except for one of my hands that moved from my side towards the hands reaching for me. When our hands were millimeters apart the mysterious hands both jerked back and-

-I sat up in bed, completely awake. My dream was different tonight. I didn’t understand; what was the point of a recurring dream if it changes? And I’d have to ask Frank why his eyes were in my dream, yet again. I looked to my right and it was 5:59. Right in time, apparently. Today was a big day; I was going to confront Frank about my dream.
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Ok so here it is! I promise things are picking up next chapter, and you'll find out more about Frank's past. Sorry it's taking me so long to get to the exciting part.....