Status: discontinued, being re-written with original characters, might continue it later maybe

Remember Me

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Gerard's POV

I was pacing around the apartment worriedly. Mikey wasn't home yet and I didn't know what happened to him, or if anything happened to him. Maybe he just made a friend, and was staying at their house. But either way, no one in this fucking family has a phone yet so I can't call anyone. I sat down by the door and started pulling on my black vans. When I had one shoe on and one halfway on, the buzzer rang. Warily, I stood up and pressed the button down.

"Hello?" I called into the microphone. I heard breathing on the other end so I knew someone was there but they weren't saying anything.

"Who is this?" I asked. No answer.

"I guess I'll hang up then." I said and started to pull my finger from the button before I heard someone chuckle on the other end of the line. Not a nice chuckle either. Not the one that makes you want to laugh along and ask what the joke was. No, this one sounded malicious, it sounded like it could make anyone freeze, regardless of who they were. That was a chuckle that screamed, DANGER

"W-who is this?" I stuttered, fucking stuttered. This guy was making me nervous as hell.

"You don't know me." The voice drawled. "Yet. But you will soon, and I am excited to formally meet you Gerard." I froze and I swore I could feel my heart stutter to a stop. This mysterious voice talking to me through an intercom knew who I was.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice stronger.

"I mean, Gerard dearest! that you have something I want and I intend to get it. And just in case you don't want to give it to me, I have something, or someone, pardon me, that you want."


He has Mikey.

"What are you doing with him!?" I shouted

"Don't worry Gerard, I'm keeping him in a comfortable room in a comfortable place. Nothing less for my guests!"

"Guests?" I growled, "Don't you mean hostages?"

"Technicalities Gerard!" He laughed "Now goodbye, expect to see me soon!" His deep voice said cheerily over the speaker.

"Wait who are you?" I asked, but there was no answer. I realized how stupid I had been this whole time while talking to him, I could have just gone downstairs and seen who it was. I am such a dumbass. But now I'm a dumbass with a kidnapped brother and a boyfriend that I have to question about my memories. I sighed. Was he even my boyfriend yet? It would make sense I guess. I shouldn't be stressing about wether I have a boyfriend or not, I have a missing brother that was kidnapped by the most intimidating person on the planet just by his voice. I wonder if he's compensating for anything.

While I was thinking and making little jokes to cheer myself up a bit I finished putting on my shoes, even though I knew where Mikey was. I could always go for a walk and try to find Frankie and ask him questions.

I sauntered down the hallway to the elevator and pressed the down button so I could go to the main floor, and finally get out of this building. The elevator grinder to a halt and the doors slid open. I stepped out into the lobby and quickly glanced all around me to look for danger. I knew there wasn't any, whoever it was had finished taunting me. Force of habit I guess.

I pushed the door open and stepped into the cool October air. I breathed deeply, fall was my favorite season and I tried to enjoy it as much as possible. I pulled out my iPod and headphones and turned on Black Flag. As the music blared in my ears, I walked toward the corner I had seen Frank go around, wondering if he lived near here. I was lost in thought when I turned the corner and crashed into someone. Someone short. Someone with black hair. Someone that's Frank, apparently. And I had landed right on him.

"Gee get the fuck off me." I heard from underneath me. At least I thing that's what he said, his words were kind of muffled. Understandable, I had landed on him. Oops.

I laughed and stood up, pulling him with me, which almost resulted in us falling down again. Frank looked a tiny bit annoyed, and that only made me laugh harder.

"Well I was wondering if I would run into you!" I joked. His frown got bigger, but it looked like he was fighting a smile so I pushed up the corners of his mouth and he finally cracked and laughed along with me.

Once we had finished laughing, we were sitting on the ground breathing hard and clutching our sides. I looked to him over on my left smiling and looking so happy, so I decided to not tell him about Mikey yet, I wanted his happiness to last for as long as it could. But I did have to talk to him about my memory.

"Hey Frankie?" I asked.

"Yea?" He responded, still sounding breathless from laughing so hard.

"I'm so sorry." I said, seriously looking at him.

"Gee I'm pretty sure it's fine, I laughed didn't I?" He laughed again. I sighed.

"No not about that Frank." I said. He looked confused. With good reason.

"One of my memories came back." I said. "There were vampires, so many vampires, more than I -we- could have taken on by ourselves. But I guess my ego got in the way, and I dragged you and Mikey in with me. I'm sorry." I finished. His face got serious before he responded.

"Gerard, I forgive you. That was two years ago, and I already forgave you then. Nothing's changed." He said.

I was so relieved, but I hadn't realized it was that long ago that we fought those vampires. I shrugged it off and launched myself at Frank, landing on top of him again and covering his face with kisses. He giggled and pushed me off.

"I've had just about enough of being on the ground." Frank said in-between giggles. I smiled and pulled him up and walked toward my apartment, still holding his hand. We walked silently, just enjoying each other's company and the weather. I opened the door to my apartment and went to the kitchen to make hot chocolate. When I turned around Frank had a huge grin on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"You guys always seem to make every place you stay in the exact same." He said. "It's always felt like home, and I haven't been home for a year."

I went over and hugged him, because he looked like he needed it.

"Do you wanna stay the night?" I asked. I felt him nod against my shoulder so I walked with him into my bedroom, we were still hugging and had hot chocolate and almost fell a few times, but we made it. We sat down on my black comforter, and Frank looked around my room, at the posters I always put in the same place on the walls. We finished our hot chocolate and snuggled up under the covers, where we soon fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so this kind of went where I wanted it to, but I don't know.

If you liked it comment, recommend, or subscribe!

Also the next chapter is a new memory!