Status: One Shot

Maybe Even Love

One of One

Jack and alex laid sprawled across the queen sized bed. Giddy smiles etched across their relaxed features, their eyes were heavy and heads were fuzzy
"I think I'm dying." Jack giggled.
It the first time either of the two boys had spoken in the last ten minutes. A dull haze had risen in the bed room that belonged to the elder. Alex had the house to himself for the weekend. His parents had gone off to some functions and deemed him old enough now to take care of himself for a weekend. So they left him a hundred and fifty dollars alongside a list of emergency contacts.

So with hundred and fifty dollars and no prior plans, Alex thought the most obvious thing to do would be to invite his best mate over, order some pizza, watch some shitty movies and smoke some pot.

And they did just that.

The two young adutls sat around on Alex's bed staring blankly at some odd foreign movie that was playing on the television. Jack's bowl, that was now filled with ash, was discarded on to the nightstand, but not forgotten. He reached over for it, dumping the ash into the rubbish bin next to the bed and took a small nick of the drug, refilling the bowl and pulling out his lighter from his hoodie pocket.
Pulling his thumb over the clear hole, he held the light over the marijuana, roasting it and inhaling. He released the hole sucking in all the content of the bowl and holding his breath letting his lungs fill with the glorious smoke.
He released his breath away from Alex and held the bowl over to his friend.

"You wanna hit this?" Alex smiled and nodded taking the glass from his friend and repeating his actions.

This went back and forth until all that was left in the colourful glass was ash and once again, the bowl was placed back on the nightstand.
Alex had moved to lay down after grabing another slice of the now cold pizza and lazily chewing on it. He had his arm thrown behind his head, bent at the elbow as he smiled happily at the success of his rather eventless night.
Jack found comfort by lying his head on his best friend's stomach and pawing mindlessly at the fabric of his own sweater.

The large bedroom had grown quiet. The movie had ended and the pair had been to lazy, or too distracted by their own thoughts to bother to turn the television off.

It was nights like this that Alex lived for. Just relaxing with his best friend, enjoying each other's company.

Alex smiled lazily as he moved his free hand to Jack's hair subconsciously.
Jack looked up to his best friend and smiled before looking away.

"I think I like you Alex. Like, like-like. Maybe I even love you."

Theses words broke the silence and caught Alex completely off guard.
He he furrowed his eye brows and ceased his hand movemenrs as he sat up looked at his friend who was now moving to sit up as well.

"Dude, what?" Alex asked, not quite sure where this was coming from. Jack smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"I liked you." He spoke, clearly and confidently, no signs of nervousness to his voice whatsoever. If the rolls were switched and it were Alex confessing to his crush that he liked him, he'd be shitting bricks literally. But no, this was Jack and he was alwyas so calm, cool and collected no matter the circumstances.

This characteristic of Jack got Alex to thinking about Jack's personality and how much Alex really did like Jack as well. He'd never denied that he did and sure the thought had crossed his mind, but he never acted on it or paid it much mind. It just seemed like a little fantasy. Nothing special.
But this was no fantasy. Jack had just admitted his feelings for Alex and Alex was just sitting there really high gawking at his best friend.

Alex raised his eyebrows, shaking himself out of his trance and began nodding his head because, okay this was nice and rather fortunate. He like-liked Jack and Jack like-liked him back.

"I think I like you too, Jack." Alex smiled as he looked into Jack's irritated, red eyes. And Jack smiles that smile that makes Alex's heart melt as he leans in to kiss Alex to which Alex happily accpets.

Jack tastes if pizza, cinnamon sticks and weed and Alex thinks he can get used to the odd taste and the feeling of butterflies erupting into his stomach shooting jolts all throughout his body.

'Yeah' he to himself, 'this is nice.'

The rest of the night continued with the boys finishing off their dub and their food and exchanging small smiles and kisses as they continued to cuddle and watch shitty movies together.

Jack nuzzles his nose into Alex's neck and Alex can feel the lazy smile Jack his giving off on his skin, and yeah, maybe Alex can really get used to this.
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Hurray for one shots

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