How I Learned to Love the Apocalypse

Part Four: The Aftermath

Things were going relatively well, for the apocalyptic aftermath. We’d given those who deserved it a proper burial and were working on setting up a small society. Gus had managed to get a computer running, but it didn’t do much good, seeing as no one else had gained access to one since the apocalypse. Michael, Gavin, Ray, and Geoff were in charge of food, while Jack and Ryan were looking for other survivors. Gus had taken it upon himself to record the history of the apocalypse to teach to any future people. They had to know what happened. Griffon was homeschooling Millie, as pretty much all of the teachers were dead. I was put in charge of medicine, after Gus had discovered that I had begun studying medicine just before the apocalypse. I knew enough to handle the job.

Honestly, the post-apocalyptic world was pretty boring. You’d expect more looting, and crime, and crazy people. Instead, everyone was just dead. Really, everything was almost normal again. Of course, now I was living in a warehouse with the people I used idolize and the ground around us was full of holes, but still. It wasn’t like everything was like the four days in Jack’s basement. We still slept in a pile of people, though, so that hadn’t changed. Beds were incredibly hard to get.

“You know, I think everything’s regressing back to tribes. Like the native americans. Just small groups everywhere, no big government. Just tribal leaders.” Gus said one day over a dinner of canned beans and potato chips.

“Yeah. Maybe it’ll be like another 10,000 years until things are back to what we thought were normal.” I replied.

“Nah, humans are resilient. We can bounce back. Hell, look how far we’ve come in a week.” Ryan said.

“We’ve come far as dicks. We’re not underground hiding from space rocks anymore.” Geoff added.

“Shouldn’t we elect a leader or something?” Jack queried.

“Yeah, probably, but I sure as fuck ain’t doing it.” Gus answered.

“I’ll do it.” Geoff sighed. “I led the band of idiots we used to call Achievement Hunter. I can lead a tribe too.”

“Congratulations, Mr. President.” Kerry smiled.

“Nah, I don’t want to be Mr. President. You can call me… hmmm…”

“His Imperial Majesty?” I suggested.

“That. I like that. Or you can call me your majesty for short. Like Robert Baratheon.” Geoff smiled.

“Only you can’t get killed by a boar. We have few people as it is.” Gus said.

“Also Griffon’s not a fucking bitch like Cersi.”

“And Millie isn’t Joffery.”

“I dunno, there was that time she threatened Griffon…”

Gus and Geoff went off like that for a while, comparing our tribe to Westeros. In the distance, someone dropped something that made a loud bang. We all cringed simultaneously.

“Jesus Christ, we’ve all got like PTSD or something.” Gus groaned.

“Whatever dude, we survived the apocalypse. That’s what counts.” Geoff replied.

That was true. I survived the apocalypse with my favorite people. We were all together, and I was like a part of their family. This whole apocalypse thing ended really badly for a dickload of people, but really… I think I learned to love it.