Princess Anna


Adam is working at his desk and I am reviewing the financials for this year that the Northern Kingdom wants to make. Although I never considered that my mathematics skills would be that helpful as queen, I am overjoyed that I can use my mind.

Also, I feel a sense of contentment double checking Adam's work and taking over the entire financial and budget work. When I offered my help the relief on his face was clear.

It has been several months. Since our marriage my time here has swayed from my fingers like a stream of water. Barely reaching me and ever so often; waking me. Striking me to be alive. Mindful. Reflective. Active.

I have enjoyed my time meeting the subjects of this new land, and I can understand that they are entirely intelligent. The libraries they discussed with me at the coronation were vast and detailed and in their homes. Adam even explained to me that they truly see their wealth in books.

In my land even the butchers saw their land and properties as their wealth. More and more I see a full pocket is entirely invaluable when compared to the power of a full mind.

The ownership accounts on housing are the first to give me much trouble. From Duntroon and Winsor there are several properties that are under an intermediary stage. Essentially they are being processed. After searching the details and accounts of the transfers, one of the properties was sold five years ago and several others are in waiting. The trouble is that the full amount of the sold house is in sovereign custody. Meaning that Adam and I are in care of it until the heir and owner is alerted. Their home has been sold, but for some reason they have not collected. The other properties are also in a similar sovereign custody.

"Adam, do we have any records on our citizens?"

"Is there something specific you are looking for? All of these reports and compilations we've been working on are citizen records." Adam leans back and swipes his hair back with one hand and stretches.

I stand up from my desk and stride to his. I stand in front of him and take his hand.

"Are there citizens names and places of residence records? Some sort of way to track someone?"

Adam runs his fingers through his beard in a very thoughtful way. Scholarly even. I try not to get lost in thought as I stare at him. He glances at me and I look into his eyes.

"W-what are you thinking?"

"My cousin Usman is a scholar of sorts. His title for the army is Territorial Commander. He usually leads investigations in strategy and land acquisition. His prime interest before he took his role with his father as our Captain was law."

"So, would he be able to help me find the owners of several properties?"

"Where are they?"

"There are four properties in Duntroon, with one of them holding 100 acres of farming land, and two cottages in Winsor that also have several acres of land."

"Six items and do you know how long they have been vacant?"

"I am not sure if they are vacant as there are names written for ownership."

"Doesn't that solve the mystery?" Adam grins and I bite my lip.

"No, because the houses are filed in the court as inheritance. Does that mean that these properties have been vacant for a long time?"

"That's interesting. That should mean that the properties have been vacated in the last five years, because my father gave the entire financial responsibility to Sybil."

"How so?"

Adam smiles in a heartfelt way and looks to the ground.

"Well Sybil was a trusted adviser of Mother's. Especially in her later years she became taken with shakes and weakness. That left her records and job untouched for the past five years. Allah gave her imaan and she was quite taken with dealing with land Islamically. She could tell you how to divide the wealth of a passed man who had a wife, two daughters, one son, two adopted children and old parents. It was amazing. Usman learned quite a lot from her actually."

"What happened to Sybil?"

"She passed away five years ago. She was in her home with her family."

"Oh I am so sorry."

"Truly, to Allah we belong and to Him do we return." Adam says.

I glance up after several moments after reflecting on that truth. Along with us returning to God we have so many responsibilities to fill. Our task as leaders is to ensure that the owners of these properties are given their right.

"Adam, with these houses in sovereign custody for so many years, that means they are in our custody right?"

"Yes Queen Anna that is true."

"So if we speak with your cousin will he be able to track down the names on these documents?"

"Anna, if these are pending documents, those owners have died. In reality though, we can start an investigation for their wills and then for the people who have the right to that money and land."

"And if they have no relatives or heirs?"

"Then we will take it."

"We take it?" I glance at his sparkling grey eyes uncertain.

Adam laughs.

"We only have one choice. We will distribute it to the poor."

I laugh.

"Oh! That's beautiful."


"These two properties belong to the parents of Daniel Amberstone, so when his parents died they left their property to their child. This, of course, is from their will which they wrote up while alive. Thus, the three properties in Duntroon belong to the Amberstones according to the will and ownership. Now, this farm in Duntroon was actually a donation from a wealthy business man to the orphanages, it was never processed. Thus, you can have this ownership given to orphans of the kingdom."

"Does that mean that the Amberstones are dead because their original property was pending?" I say from across the wooden table.

The table has a map of strategy and points on one side and our finished tea on the other. Usman coughs into his sleeve and stares at the papers in front of him.

"Excuse me, I am recovering from a cough. Yes, your majesty this part will require further investigation." Usman says.

"Oh okay."

"Usman, you can call her Anna as we are family now." Adam says and Usman scratches at his brown curls and grins.

"Adam, you know how the army strains for formality. It will take time, but for family I'll make an exception. Now Anna, if you look at these two properties, one belongs to the family of a miller's son, and I had my men look into it and the family has already claimed it lawfully. That leaves one. This last house is being held by the Winsor judge because it was sold and the owner has yet to come of age."

"So the properties in Duntroon belong to the Amberstones and the property of the one house is for a named young person."

"In a fortnight I will be travelling to Duntroon and Winsor to investigate with the judge. Adam if you like, we can also visit the fair again? I heard they will bring jungle animals again." Usman grins mischievously.

Adam blushes slightly and shakes his head.

"Alright, maybe another time. I don't want you lion to me."

I glance at Adam and his face reddens.

"Are you afraid of lions Adam?" I laugh.

Usman and I smile as the King adorably hides his face clearly embarrassed.