‹ Prequel: Loneliness
Sequel: Broken
Status: Drabble/Complete/Finished


Purity 1/1

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I was dying…slowly. There had been something in my body, making me weak, destroying me. I was a child who couldn’t be saved. Everyone around me saw me with pity or disgust in their eyes.

‘’Poor girl..."

"When will she die?"

"I wish that she'd die already."

"All she does is sit in her wheelchair by the window."

These were the voices of my family and strangers, yet the only thing I was able to do was to slowly wither away in this dark abyss I called life.

"Are you lonely?" I looked away from the blue sky I was watching from the hospital’s window and into the face of a stranger. His eyes, as dark as night, stared down into mine. Was I lonely?

I might be, I thought as I took in more of his appearance. His long black hair hugged his face on the sides, making him seem kinder than how his eyes made him appear.

Give me your soul and I shall grant you one wish.

I heard his voice in my mind like a soft whisper of a mother singing a goodnight song to her sleeping baby. What did I want? Was it to be loved? To be cherished? Those words were foreign to me. A faraway dream that had already been shattered thanks to my sick body.

Isn’t there something you want?

I glanced at him. No one else seemed to notice him. They just passed by the room, unaware of his presence. Was he one of them? But angels weren’t supposed to exist…

I used to be one of them but not anymore.

His lonely face as he whispered those words broke my heart even more than knowing I’d die soon. He hid it well though. His face was beautiful, emotionless, yet I saw the emotions hidden behind those lonely eyes. I never replied to his questions but he kept on reading my mind and staying by my side every single day. When I felt my body begin to weaken until I could no longer go on the wheelchair, I remained lying in bed and gazing out the window. I’d never be able to see the blue sky again.

Your wish… He whispered in my mind, what’s your wish? It was a question he asked me every day. I had a wish but I was saving it for my last dying breaths.

Another month passed, the last remaining days of my life where I could barely speak anymore. The blue sky had darkened like the light of my heart which was slowly fading away. The doctors said I’d last another week at the most but I knew I’d die sooner.

The fallen angel sitting beside me on my bed looked so beautiful, yet so alone. It broke my heart to see such an expression on his handsome face. I must have looked the same though, but it was okay now because I was ready to make my wish.

What’s your wish, Purity? He asked, as I expected.

"My wish..." I started but it was painful to speak. I was grateful that he had remained by my side all this time even though it was because he wanted my soul. ‘’Is for you to fly freely to Heaven through its parted gates of sanctuary as an angel. I wish for you to be free.’’

I died that night and the last face I saw was his, filled with tears. Maybe I should have saved my soul like most would have done but I guess I was named Purity for a reason.
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I can't believe I cried as I wrote this. ::cry:
Now this drabble got me into thinking. ::think: Have you ever cried writing a piece like I did? ::cry:

Also, the word count for this was counted with Microsoft Office. I don't know why with mibba it shows like it has more words.

And for those of you who didn't get it, the unexpected yet small twist this drabble had was that instead of asking to live more while being healthy, she chose to save the fallen angel's soul. Sad, yet beautiful, don't you think? ::sad:

Comment with your thoughts and rec this if you liked it, so your friends can enjoy it too. Thank you all. ::cute: