Status: I'm sharing a story from Wattpad to you guys! Hope you enjoy! :)

Shane & the Geek


Chapter 1

"Oh my Lord! Ichiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigooooooooo!" Zaty exclamined, raising her arms in to the air and falling back on the bed. Pressing her hand to her rapidly beating heart Zaty sighed as she stared up at the ceiling where her Bleach poster of Ichigo was.

"Forever my love, Ichigo. There is no other man as handsome and brave and sweet as you, Ichigo." She whispered, eyes becoming tiered from lack of sleep.

"You'll watch over me as I sleep, right Ichigo?"

Plastering a creepy smile on her face, Zaty imagined Ichigo smiling back at her and giggled. Yawning, she turned to her side on the bed and curled up into a ball on her Ichigo pillow.

But as soon as she closed her eyes, she heard loud sounds like a earth-quake tumbling up the steps.

Zaty moaned and buried her face in her pillow, pressing her hands to her ears. Blocking out the sounds of her mother rapidly moving up the steps.


The door slammed open, and there was Mrs. Garcia in all her holiness of rollers, a pink Bety night gown, and large bunny slippers.

Putting her hands on her chubby hips, Mrs. Garcia marched over to the bed and patted Zaty on her butt. Hard.

"Zaty Santaneos Garcia, wake the hell up! Its time for school!" Her mother shouted in an accent English.

Moaning "no" Zaty grabbed the head of the bed. Digging her nails into its wood.

Mrs.Garcia hummphed and grabed Zaty by her ankles. Her soft baby hands using strong force.

"Damn girl. How many times do I have to tell her that this cartoon man will not give her real love!" Mrs. Garcia angrily shouted.

Zaty bit her lip and lifted her head from the pillow to shout.

"AHH! Mom! How can you say that? Ichigo will forever give me real love!"

"Cut the shit! You need a real man!" Mrs.Garcia pulled harder.

Zaty could feel tears forming.

"How could you mom! What kind of mother are you! Your suppose to believe and support me even if its my weird obession!" Zaty cried.

Mrs. Garcia stopped pulling, but was still holding Zatys' ankles for one second to throw her head back in laughter. Her witch like laugh going through the room. Mrs. Garcia laughed so long and hard that she forgot about Zaty, dropping her ankles and leaving the room still laughing.

Letting go of the head of the bed, Zaty slowly removed her self of the bed and looked at her clock to only see that it was 6:12 AM.

"Shit I'm late!" Zaty exclaimed, slapping her cheeks with both hands.

Shrugging off her jeans, Zaty ran to her closet door, flipped it open, switched on the lights and grabbed a pair of Jeggins, a blue t-shirt that says "I <3 Ichigo" on it, and black ankle boots.

Throughing her dirty red shirt on the bed Zaty quickly slipped into her chosen clothes and then ran to her mirror to swiftly put her hair in a messy ponytail and slipping on her glasses. Not having time to brush her teeth---which is gross by the way----she ran downstairs where her mother was sitting in the couch eating her favorite kind of rice porriege while watching the news.


Zaty stopped half way to the door. "What?" She asked.

I hoped you studied for your test. Because if you fail you know whats gonna happen, comprende?"

"Ugh" Zaty slapped her forehead, she was so focused on her love, she completely forgot that she had a test today.

Putting on the fakest smile that she could manage, she committed a white lie.

"Why of course I have mother."

Her mother stuffed her mouth with rice porriege; scratched her tummy before she replied.

"You better have. Now vemenos up and get out." Mrs.Garcia sayed with a swift motion of her hand.

Zaty stuck her tounge out at her mom before rushing out the door and to her bus stop.


The black limozine parked in front Bluford High schoool. Classes haven't started yet and kids were already waiting outside the front gates.

" Are you sure you don't want to go to a private school, Mr. Mccoy?" Asked limo driver Mcclane.

Shane smirked, and covered his eyes with his sunglasses.

"I'm sure" he said in a deep british accent.

The limo driver, also known as Shanes butler, frowned.

"This is so unlike you sir. Normally you'd say public schools are icky and you wouldn't be cought dead in one. You know there are thousands of mails from diffrent private schools all over the country trying to get their hands on you. Are you absolutely positive you don't want to go?"

Shane looked at the butler and smiled coldly, glaring through his sun glasses.

"Don't forget whoes in charge here, Mcclan." He said sternly.

Clearing his throat, the butler seem to have had dropped the converstion. And shifted in his seat.

"If you say so sir." The butler mummbled.

Shane unbuckled his seat belt, and reached into his pocket to grabe a breath spary that was of the Binaca brand and sprayed it in his mouth. Loving the medicine taste it left.

Reaching back into his pocket, he pulled out a $500 dollar bill and offered it to the butler.

"Heres the tip. Keep the change."

The butlers jaw dropped at the amount of money he was being given.

"B-b-but sir---"

"No 'buts' Mcclan, just take it."

Hesitatingly the butler took the money and placed it in his blazer pocket. Shane patted him on his shoulder as he did so.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, the bells about to ring."

Opening the door he stepped out and breathed in some fresh air.

"Ahh" he sighed. Closing the limo door he started walking to the front gate just as the bell rang.

As he was about to go meet up with his friends he almost got knocked over by something that almost felt like a rock.

"Ummphed" said the thing as a loud thud followed.
♠ ♠ ♠
All credit of this story goes to me! I originally took the first chapter of my work from Wattpad and had decided to share it with Mibba. I hope you guys enjoy! Its a really good story. Chapter two will be posted soon! :)