Status: I'm sharing a story from Wattpad to you guys! Hope you enjoy! :)

Shane & the Geek

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

"Umph" said the thing, followed by a loud thud.

"Owww" groaned a voice.

Shane looked down at the ground to see a girl with light brown hair rubbing her back. Pain laced her expression. He would've helped her up if she was pretty enough. He always had a fetish for pretty girls, but this one was just a simple plain Jane with a geekish t-shirt on.

Looking away from her, and holding his nose in the air, Shane walked away. Leaving the random girl that bumped into him, to help her self up.


Zaty winced as she rubbed her back. What could she have had possibly ran into? It almost felt like a brick wall.

Who knows, maybe it was a brick wall. She wasn't paying attention anyways, as she was running to school. Seeming to have had missed the bus.

Standing, she dusted off her bottom, and quickly looked at her Ichigo shirt to see that it was okay. When she saw that it was just fine, she let out a sigh of relief and patted her stomach.

"Strong as always Ichigo" she muttered.

Than, as if realizing that she was by school, she quickly looked at the schools gate and saw that all of the students were already inside.

Smacking her forehead and streaming a few curse words, Zaty quickly ran through the huge balck gates. Just in time too, because once she went through, the gates closed with a loud screech and a bang.


"Gooooooood morning Bluford High! Welcome baack!" Sung the announcement. Zaty was just heading to the cafetiria for braskfast, when the annoying and nerdish voice of principle Crow sounded.

"I hope you all enjoyed your Summer. Are you ready for them text book's everyone?!"

"NO!" Someone at a table shouted. A few kids snickered.

"Well I hope you are! This years going to be just as exciting as last year!"

As Zaty stood in line behind some freshman, she scanned the cafeteria for someplace to sit. It was packed. Kids were everywhere, and it was almost as if they didn't have food at home. Or they were too lazy to make their own braskfast, she thought.

Almost all of the seats were taken, and she almost sighed in submission if it wasn't for that one table that was across from the Bluford cheerleaders. Bingo.

Zaty almost danced in her place and wanted to skip all of the kids in line before her spot was taken.

"Don't forget Bluford, start the day off right and another day another honey." Principle Crow concluded before his phone clicked softly on the intercom. Silencing it.

Zaty kept looking at the empty table that was across from the cheerleader's, trying to make sure no one else took it before she did.

The kid infront her started to go through her purse and started to breath frantically.

"Shit, wheres my money?" the kid mummbled.

Frowning, Zaty looked over her shoulder.

"Are you needing anything?" Zaty asked.

The freshman girl stopped looking through her bag, and turned to stare at Zaty. She stared Zaty down from her hair to her face and seem to stop at her Ichigo t-shirt. After seeing her Ichigo t-shirt, the freshman scowled and turned around.

Zaty humphed and crossed her arms over her chest. Well, so much for trying to help. Especially considering that shes freshman and Zatys a senior. Not a good way to make admends on your first day.

Ignoring the girl in front her, Zaty looked back at her awaiting table to see that it was still empty.

Good, she thought as she neared the food.

Bluford cafetiria almost cooked food that was meant to kill. Many kids had gotten diareah from eating their junk, and had to be sent immidiately to the hospitol. Some kids even had seizures. Thats because most of them didn't know what to look for.

The majority of the Bluford kids picked out the wrong kind of food, especially for braskfast. Sometimes the food is spoiled or rottened which is why you have to be careful. But spoiled or rotten, it never stopped these kids from getting their braskfast. Which would forever remain a mystery to Zaty.

Zaty inspected her fruit as she reached for an apple. It looked solid and a perfectly red color. She saw no brown spot's on it and knew immediately that it was edible. She almost stopped the freshman girl in front of her from picking up one of the most rotten apple in the group, but stopped her self. Remembering the way she scowled at her because of her Ichigo t-shirt.

After picking out her food--- which was an edible apple, buttered French toast, and c-reol with non-rotten milk---- she went to pay for it.

Zaty watched as the lunch lady, Ms.Finn, scanned her identity card and then the food. She was a
snooty old woman with a huge ass pimple on her face. Every time Zaty saw it, she would hesitate to hand over her food to someone with a rhinoceros on her face. Afraid the puss that was oozing out the pimple would blow at any minute and land right in her food. She remembered having a nightmare about it not to long ago. Zaty shivered.

She should get fired. Zaty thought.

She wrinkled her nose as she grabbed her tray.

"Come again" Ms. Finn said in a nasel voice.

As she headed out of the food line, she wanted to skipp to her table happy that it was still empty. The cheerleader's across from the table, now had good looking teenage boy's sitting with them. Muscular arms drapped around each of their slender shoulders as they giggled so loud, Zaty was sure that the whole cafetiria could've heard them. She almost squirmed as they kept batting their eyes at the boys as if they were two.

Sighing, Zaty sat at her table and wondered how Ichigo, if he were real, would never go chasing after some dumbass cheerleader's.

Before she could dig into her some-what-safe-braskfast, she reached into her butterfly -pink- book bag and pulled out a strawberry handsanitizer. Once finished, she picked up her French toast, and was about to take a bite into it but stopped half way; the French toast to her mouth.

A boy, so handsome she thought he was out of a fairy-tale, just walked passed her and sat next to one of the pretty cheerleader's. She watched as he draked an arm around her and smirked at his friends.

He had beautifully sun blonde hair that swept across his forehead, eyes that were hazel, skinn that was tanned and smooth, and lips so full and luscious that she was surprised at the urge she had at wanting to kiss them.

He was very tall and just like the rest of the males at the table, muscular as well. When he smiled, just slightly, a dimple formed in his cheeks, complimenting his looks.

Zaty found that she couldn't stop staring. He was so good looking, there was no way a guy like him could've walked the earth.

She didn't realize she was drooling, until she heard a soft splat against her tray.

Zaty jumped and wiped her mouth.

Shame on her for thinking such a thing! How could she say that some randome dude she just saw was handsome when Ichigo was the only man she saw?

Banishing all thoughts of the to- good -looking- guy across from her, she silently apologized to her crush. Never again would she look at another man. Never again.

Clearing her throat, Zaty bit into her French toast.


Shane knew that the weirdish girl that was across from his table was staring at him. He hated it when people stared at him and always had this feel to take their eye balls out and shove them back in, just to teach them a lesson.

He would've called her out for staring at him, but stopped himself when he saw the slime trailing
out of her mouth. He chuckled. Well, thats a first. He always had an affect on women but never once did he make them drool.

Maybe all that work out and training he did over the summer really did pay off. If a freakishly weird chick could sit and drool at him, imagine the affect he must have over these idiotic cheerleader's at the table.

"So, anybody did the summer packet?" Asked John. John was Shanes best friend, and had been there for him ever since they were 10. It was no surprise that the jockish nerd started talking about the packet that was due. Out of everyone at the table, John was the only one.

"No" everyone else replied in unison. Shane just kept quiet, but smiled slightly when John pouted.Like a little kid.

Guess you could say that females flocked around John as well. Sure, John may not be super handsome like Shane, but he had that hot-nerd-boy- next door thing going for him. Especially his hair. Girls loved his hair.

It was curly and red and fell right into his sapphire eyes. From a mile away, any one could tell that Johns' hair was nice and smooth, his curly hair wasn't like other peoples curly hair, where it tangles easily. No, it was smooth all the time.

Sometimes, Shane would forget that hes a guy. Considering how much he cares for his hair. Shit, the guy woudln't even play basketball when they were 15teen with him. Worrying too damn much if the ball would land on his hair and damage it. Even to this day, John is still the same.

"Schools boring," said one of the cheerleaders, her name is Misy, "I wanna go home."

She was chewing her gum so loudly, that it took every nerve of Shane not to reach across the table and yank it out of her mouth.

Her boyfriend, Richard, the "seemingly" rich dude, caressed her cheek.

"Don't worry babe," Richard said, sounding rather high, "I'll make it funnn." Misy giggled and Shane actually winced.

The girl Shane had his arms wrapped around, kissed him unexpectedly on the cheek. He looked at her, his expression blank, and she blushed, embaressed. Shane would've wiped his cheek and told her he had a girlfriend that he loved, had the memory not painstakingly came back to him.

Forget it, he thought bitterly, she walked out on you.

So instead of wiping his cheek, he smiled down at the cuty under his arm, which seem to have made her blush harder.

She gasped as he pecked her lips, surpriseing her, and the rest of the table 'ooohed' like it was a circus.

Just then the bell rang. And, unwantedly, Shane looked over at the girl that was across from their table. She was quickly gathering her tray like she was in a rush for her life. She looked unusual, Shane thought. Almost geekish.

He never had a geek for a girlfriend before and not to long ago, when he was at his old private school, would have thought it fun and unique. But looking at the chick he didn't know, he felt quite happy for not having one.

There was no way he could've last a day hearing her go on about computers or math or whatever the hell her fetish was. As she dumped her tray, he snickered to himself and tucked the cuty cheerleader closer to him. She hugged his waist and they made their way out of the cafetiria.
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Chapter 2 of this story of mine from Wattpad copied and paste. Remember, all rights goes to me! Enjoy!

Chapter 3 will be posted soon! :)