Status: NEW!!!!!!!!!!! My co-writer will be joining me on here soon


Mischief triplets

"Coming to the ring now is the Mischief Triplets!!!!!!!!!” yelled the announcer at the underground wrestle ring. “First the ring is Natural Born Killer!!!!!!!" He screamed as I skated to the ring and circled it. “Next is Young Blood with his bat!!! Boy does he look pissed," he said as my younger brother walked over to me and climbed in the ring and start hitting the mat with his bat. "Finally is Meteora Deteriorate with the thugs!! What the hell is going on?!?!" Is yelled as my older brother came down with the thugs. Wade the head thug, looked at me and sneered, “It looks like Meteora Deteriorate got tired of u guys pulling him down. He has joined The Thugs!” "That is what u think," I said as Meteora Deteriorate punched Wade in the back of his head, knocking him out. The thugs started in on Young Blood and me. Young and Meterora started knocking people out before I walked up the Emma the only girl in The Thugs. She dropped down and tapped out before I could touch her. "The winners are The Mischief Triplets!" My brothers and I ran backstage and where about to change into our street clothes and take our masks off, when a tall man walked in.... That man was no other than Triple H. “I want to sign u two," he said pointing at my brothers. "What about Natural Born Killer?" Young blood asked. "I never got to see her do anything," said Triple H. “it’s the three of us or no one," said Meteora Deteriorate. "Then let’s see her fight," said Triple H as he walked out to the ring. The three of us fallowed him to the ring. “So who am I wrestling?” I asked. “U will be going against a pro,” He answered.