Status: oneshot

Deja Vu

Deja Vu

Vic pressed against my lips harder, biting my lower lip just enough for a small moan to erupt from me. Our barely covered bodies rubbed together, smooth skin against smooth skin. The only clothes we had on were out boxers and who knows how long those would stay on. Vic's bulge pressed against my thigh and I felt myself grow harder, if that's possible. I thrusted my hips against his and moaned as the contact. Vic moved his lips to my neck, sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin. Little goosebumps ran up my arms as I felt his warm hand slide down my side, pulling at the elastic around my waist. "Just a sec," Vic told me, his voice sounding ten times sexier than usual. He reached up into the console of his car and pulled out a bottle of lube. He squirted a little on his hands then pulled my pants down, letting my erection out in all it's glory. Vic wrapped his hand around me and started pumping. "Vic, oh my god please don't stop," I moaned loudly, earning a chuckle from Vic. "What did you say Kellin?" A voice asked, this time not belonging to Vic. My eyes shot open and instead of seeing Vic's face framed by the roof of his Honda, I saw my sister outlined by my ceiling. "Uh, uhm, nothing. Wha-what are you doing in here Kylee?" I mumbled, a blush spreading over my face. "I came in to tell you Vic is here to pick you up for school. You slept in really late. But I guess I don't blame you, if the dream was as good as it sounded," she chuckled, raising an eyebrow at me. I didn't have time to worry about what she did or didn't hear, I needed to worry about getting ready for school in under 5 minutes, as well as getting rid of my little friend. "Oh great uhm, distract him til I'm ready?" "Can't, Jenna is taking me and she's here. Be glad I chose to wake you up instead of let Vic. Not saying he didn't hear you though, you're loud," She explained, waving goodbye and leaving without letting me suggest another idea. I climbed out of bed as fast as i could in my half asleep state and headed over to my dresser. I grabbed a random pair of skinnies and a band shirt. At least getting dressed was easy. I pulled my shirt over my head and grabbed the one on my bed, pulling it on as well. I nearly pulled my boxers off as well but stopped when I heard a knock on my door. "Uhm, yeah?" "Kellin? It's Vic, can I come in quick I just need to ask you something." "Can you give my like one minute? Thanks," I said, slipping off the boxers and grabbing a different pair. I pulled them on and followed with my jeans. My hard on ached and I knew it wouldn't stop for at least 2 hours seeing as Vic and I were going to be together until 3rd period, which would not help. I grabbed my new Vans and made my way over to the door, opening it up to a nervous looking Vic. "Hey what's up?" I asked calmly. I was not calm inside though. Everything inside me was freaking out at the sight before me. Vic's hair was straightened and stuck out from beneath a grey beanie. He had on a black singlet with the white words Drop Dead written across it, leaving his perfectly toned arms out in the open, both of which he was accidentally flexing as he nervously wrung his hands. "I uh, I have a question," He began, stopping to bit down on his perfect lips. I frowned inside, knowing that he must have been doing that all night, probably to the point of breaking skin. He'd told me before that was a bad nervous habit of his. "Shoot." "Okay so I know that in a little under 30 minutes we're going to be launched back into the pits of hell on earth and nothing can really make it any easier, but there is one thing that will make it kind of bearable and it's... Well.." Vic trailed off, his brown eyes wandering around the room, darting to meet mine every few seconds. "What is it?" "I was. Well it was that, uhm, can you, I mean will you go out with me? Like, would you be my boyfriend?" He exhaled heavily as he finished the sentence, leaving me staring at him in shock. He looked up at me momentarily then started down at the floor while I attempted to process my answer. "I yes I would love to!" I squeaked, throwing my arms around his shoulders. I pulled him into me and he gasped quietly at my surprise hug. Quickly I felt his arms wrap around me and I melted at that point, nuzzling my face into his neck. "I can't believe you said yes," He whispered. "I can't believe you didn't hear me," I giggled. "I did but, ya know, sometimes people have dreams about others even if they don't like them." He admitted, laughing lightly as well. "Whatever. Anyways, can we still go get breakfast?" "Of course! Right this way, boyfriend," Vic says, a smile bigger than I'd ever seen him have spreading across his face. I followed him down to the car and climb into passenger and watched him smile as he made his way to the driver side. "Vic, I wanna say I'm really glad you asked me out. I dunno I believe this may actually make school much better, seeing you and knowing you're mine," I grabbed his hand as I finished and grinned at the boy beside me. "Good, I'm glad. And I agree as well, this actually will make school kind of nice, getting to see you everyday." He replied happily, squeezing my hand. I glanced at the ceiling and laughed to myself while remembering my dream. Hopefully that could, I don't know, be the last day of school reality. I have no doubt we'll stay together that long. I just know we'll make it. I don't think I could ever not want to start off my morning with his face smiling at me, hand wrapped around mine. This is undeniably the best first day of anything ever.
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Yay for oneshots! I hope you all enjoyed this:3 have a tolerable first day back/day of school tomorrow, love you all.!