‹ Prequel: Stay
Status: DONE!

On Your Side

Chapter Three.

Jenna knew she couldn't spend her life locked up in John's house but pretending she could was nice. He was easy to be around. He didn't ask a million questions, or ask how she was feeling. He was just there to talk and laugh with and make her feel normal even though she wasn't sure what normal was anymore.

"Jenna, you need to go back home you know? I'm sure Eric is worried and Garrett has been blowing up my phone." John said glancing at the time to notice it was late into the afternoon. Although he enjoyed their time together he knew she needed to figure things out.

"I know." She mumbled messing with the hem of his shirt she still had on.

"What's so bad about being around them?" He questioned, her eyes now meeting his.

"Nothing at all. I just, being around Eric feels strange and I hate that because I know I love him." She whispered looking back down as she felt her eyes begin to water.

"Maybe you should talk to him about it."

She shrugged knowing he was probably right and a grin hit his lips, "Go change and I'll take you home."

"Ok." She whispered as she slowly got up and went to his room.

John sighed running his hand down his face. How did such things happen to him? What kind of luck was this?!

Once she was dressed, she headed back downstairs and he stood quickly, greeting her with a forced smile.

"Ready ladybug?" He asked and she nodded although she was still unsure.

"Look..." He stated, stepping to her and cupping her face gently, "When you get there, if after a few hours you still feel, I don't know, weird, I'll come and get you. Just call me. I promise."

She nodded and he kissed her forehead as he grabbed for her hand. The pair walked to the car in silence and the drive back to her place wasn't any better. Once they pulled into the driveway she sighed and he looked over at her, "It'll be ok."

She nodded, "Thanks for the ride and all day."

"No problem, Jenna."

She gave him a grin before hopping from the car and walking into the house. She was immediately greeted by Garrett who had crossed arms and a serious look on his face.

"Please not now Garrett." She mumbled and he of course spoke, "You can't just shack up at John's especially when all this shit just happened."

"I don't expect you to get it."

Garrett eyed her as she messed with her hair nervously.

"I don't need to get it. The only person who needs to understand is Eric. You've been out of the hospital, what? A total of 2 days and you have yet to talk to him. Whether you have feelings for him or not, he loves you. Always has, always will and he deserves to know what's going on."

Jenna bit her lip knowing her brother was right.

"It's just hard ok?"

Garrett sighed, "I don't know what you're going through, Jenna and I'm sorry this is happening to you. I am. Just talk to him please."

"I will..." She mumbled before heading to her bedroom. She really didn't know what to say to Eric. For some reason, 'Sorry, I think I'm in love with your best friend because I thought you died' didn't sound like a winning way to go about it.

Maybe she was crazy afterall.

After several minutes of talking herself up, she got the nerve to text him asking him to come over. He of course agreed without a fight and she felt even worse.

Not even 20 minutes later, Eric was stepping into her room. Her heart immediately leaping from her chest.

"Hi." He spoke softly. Unsure if he should even walk in any further.

"I'm sorry." She immediately said, not sure what else to do.

Eric sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You can sit down you know..."

Eric slowly walked over, sitting on the edge of the bed. Jenna couldn't help but study him, his hair was done neatly, he was clean shaven and yet he didn't look like that boy she had fallen in love with forever ago. She reached out touching his cheek and his dark eyes met hers. It was then she noticed the sadness in him and a frown hit her lips.

"I feel like, I've lost you and I don't even know how." He whispered with a weak grin hoping that would mask his hurt.

"It isn't you. I just have some things to figure out. I'm sorry."

He shook his head and moved from her touch as he looked at his lap. He was trying to keep it together. He really was, but it was tearing him apart.

"Do you still love me?" He finally asked and she nodded, "Of course."

"Are you in love with me?"

She bit her lip and his eyes met hers, "What could change that?"

"I-I don't know, I just feel like, we aren't the same..."

"So, what if we start over?"

"Start over?" She questioned and he nodded, "Yeah, start over. I am confident that I can get you to fall for me again."

A weak grin hit her lips, "Oh yeah?"


She chuckled softly and his smile faded, "Jenna, I love you so much. I am in love with you actually and I will fight for this because I know deep down you feel this too." He whispered, pressing her hand over his heart.

"What we have is special Jenna. Everyone has always known that. I've always known that and I refuse to believe it can be taken away so easily."

Her eyes began to water and he gently brushed her cheek as she spoke, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It'll be fine. You'll see." He whispered and she immediately clung to him, holding onto him tightly. A part of her desperately wanted to feel the same feelings again.

"I'm going to woo you just like I did the first time."

She giggled into his shirt as she wiped away her tears, "Is that what you did?"

"Oh yeah. Tons of wooing. Sweeping you off your feet with my charming ways. It happened. You must have forgotten that as well."

She laughed some more as he held onto her tightly.

"No worries. I'll remind you." He stated, kissing her head and she looked up at him with a grin, "I hope so Halvorsen."

He smiled, kissing her cheek gently, "And in order to begin such a mission, come to band practice tomorrow."

"You still do that?"

"Just because we have a album now doesn't mean we don't practice, silly."

"Well count me in. I miss Nick." She stated truthfully and he nodded as he stood from the bed.

"I'll pick you up at 1. Is that ok?"

She nodded and a sincere smile hit his lips, "Can't wait. Lo... ok sorry. Shit. I was going to say love you then I thought it would be awkward and now it is and I'm just going to go."

She giggled as he left the room and she fell back on the bed, a smile plastered on her lips. Things were getting better and worse at the same time if possible.

"So?" Garrett asked Eric as the boy stomped down the stairs.

"Um, well, she's coming to band practice tomorrow."

"Well that's good."

"Yeah, but as my friend..."

"Wait. What?" He asked with a frown and Eric shrugged sliding on his blue jean jacket.

"I'm going to win her over again. I told her I would and I will. She clearly loves me or she wouldn't have fallen for me in the first place so I'll just make it happen all over again."

"That's going to be exhausting." Garrett stated and Eric shrugged, "Yeah well, I have to do it because I love her and she is the only person I can imagine spending my life with so I have no choice but to do whatever it takes and I will."

Garrett sighed, "I know."

"She still loves me Garrett. I know she does. Just her being with me those few minutes her mood changed from the last time I saw her. She actually smiled and it proved to me that I can't just let it go."

"I'm sure she does." Garrett replied sincerely and Eric grinned, "I've got some rocket stuff to do, so I'll see you tomorrow."

Garrett said goodbye to the boy, watching him leave with his hopes as high as he assumed possible. Hopefully Eric was more optimistic then he was at the moment.
♠ ♠ ♠
Things are going to start to heat up. I'm excited and torn all at the same time! Ha.

Thanks for commenting;
Lovelyhope (I know!)
Lullabies on Sunday (Haha, maybe that's how it'll end! Ha)
Dreamer182 (Thanks :( )
A synful Vengeance