I Got You

Chapter 5

Annie and Wayne were closer than they’d ever been. Since Annie went back to school, her life started making sense again. She didn’t drink anymore and she hadn’t done weed since the first time she did it. Her marks slowly started to improve again. By the second semester in senior year her grades had fully recovered back to straight A’s. Her whole family and Wayne were proud of her. Wayne even bought her a diamond necklace to show her just how proud he was of her. At first Annie’s parents didn’t approve of her dating an international star that was ten years older than her, but once they realized that Wayne posed no threat to her or their family they were fine with it. Wayne didn’t want anything from Annie and he never pushed her into doing something that she didn’t want to do. He respected her.

When prom came closer, Wayne told Annie he was going to be her date and that she didn’t have any say in the matter. She didn’t mind. After all, she wouldn’t have wanted to go with anyone other than Wayne. He was the ideal prom date. Not only would she be the envy of the dance but she wouldn’t have to worry about any of the guys trying to hit on her.

Annie and Dana went shopping for their dresses two months before prom. They spent the whole day looking for the perfect dresses. They went from one boutique to the next, but nothing caught their eye. They were about to give up all hope until they saw the perfect dresses in the last boutique they went to. Annie bought a purple dress with silver beads forming a line from the bottom of the dress in a twist all the way up to the shoulder. Dana on the other hand went for something less flashy. She bought a simple dark pink dress with a buckle on the bust.

When prom finally came Wayne was the first to arrive at the house. Dana’s boyfriend/date was late as usual. Louise answered the door when Wayne arrived. “Hello Wayne, come on in.” Louise said stepping aside. “Thank you.” He said stepping inside. “Annie’s still upstairs fixing her make-up; she should be down any minute.” She said motioning for Wayne to sit. He obliged. “You seem nervous?” Louise said sitting down opposite him. He shook his head. “Not really.” He said. Ten minutes passed and Annie still hadn’t come down yet. Five minutes later the doorbell rang. “That’s probably Jeremy.” Louise said and stood up to open the door. Wayne heard murmuring then Louise appeared with a tall man with light brown hair and emerald green eyes. Jeremy’s eyes went wide when he saw Wayne sitting in front of him. “Jeremy this is Wayne, Annie’s boyfriend.” Louise said smiling. “Wassup.” Wayne said. “Sup.” Jeremy said sitting down next to Wayne. Wayne heard laughing coming from the stairs then Annie appeared in front of him. His jaw dropped when he saw her. She smiled at him as she moved closer. “You look amazing.” He said standing up. “Thank you. You ready?” She asked kissing his cheek. “Yeah.” Wayne said taking her hand and following her outside to his car.

After the dance, Wayne, Annie, Dana and Jeremy checked into a five star hotel’s Presidential Suite. Annie sat on the bed in their suite. “You know what’s gonna happen now right?” Dana said sitting down. “Yeah I know.” Annie said with a shaky voice. “Are you nervous?” Dana asked. “A little, you?” Annie said softly. Dana shook her head. “No.” She said softly. Wayne walked in with a blank expression on his face. “Wayne, you okay?” Annie said getting up. “Yeah, I’m fine.” He said smiling. “I’mma go.” Dana said and left winking at Annie.

Annie woke the next day with the feeling of euphoria lingering in her body. Wayne was sleeping next to her snoring softly. She rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. Wayne was mumbling in his sleep, to her it sounded like he was talking Chinese. She got out of bed and dragged herself to the next room, where Dana was sitting staring at the wall in front of her. She didn’t move when Annie sat down next to her. “Dana?” Annie said placing her hand on her sister’s knee. She glanced at Annie and went back to staring at the wall. “Dana, talk to me.” Annie said shaking her sister’s leg. Dana shook her head, tears running down her face. “Dana.” Annie said softly. Dana shook her head again. “Just tell me one thing. Did Jeremy hurt you?” Annie asked looking at her sister seriously. Dana nodded slowly. “Asshole!” Annie hissed under her breath. She stood up and was about to go to Jeremy when Dana pulled her by her arm. Annie looked at her sister. Dana shook her head. “Please.” She whispered. “Will you tell me what happened?” Annie said looking at her sister seriously. Dana nodded. Annie sat back down. “Last night after I left your room, Jeremy was lying on the bed waiting for me. I was so sure I wanted to but when he started kissing and touching me I realized, I wasn’t ready. I told him to stop, that I wasn’t ready. He slapped me and told me that I brought him here under false pretences. I shook my head and told him that it wasn’t true, that I wanted to but I wasn’t ready. He slapped me again and said that since I was the one who said we should come here with you guys so I would just have to live with it, and take what’s coming to me like a big girl.” Dana was overwhelmed by tears. “Dayn did Jeremy rape you?” Annie said looking at her sister seriously. Dana shook her head. “Jeremy left me for a while then tried his luck again later, and I let him. I felt more ready then than what I did before.” Dana said softly. “Is that what really happened or are you lying to me?” Annie said raising an eyebrow. “It’s true.” Dana said. “So I just have to beat his ass for slapping you?” Annie said in what Dana thought was a joking tone. “Yeah.” Dana said. “Alrighty then.” Annie said popping her knuckles and getting up.

Annie walked into Dana and Jeremy’s room only to find Jeremy still asleep on top of the covers. Annie pulled the covers, causing him to fall on the floor. She expected him to wake from the fall but instead he remained asleep. She kicked him once and he instantly woke. “Get up dick weed.” Annie said kicking him again. “The fuck you doing here?” He said getting up and looking at Annie with hate. “I’m gonna kick your ass for hurting my little sister!” Annie said punching him. “You bitch!” He said and tried punching her back, but she ducked. “Ha you missed!” Annie said sticking her tongue out and kicking him in the stomach. “You’re gonna pay!” He shouted and followed her to where Dana was. Annie was surprised to see Wayne standing next to Dana. He winked at Annie when she looked at him. Annie grabbed Jeremy by the ear and dragged him to Dana. “Apologize asshole.” Annie said. “Sorry.” Jeremy mumbled. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t hear you.” Annie said twisting his ear. “Sorry!” Jeremy shouted. “What for?” Annie said twisting his ear even more. “Dana, I’m sorry I slapped you.” Jeremy said in a whining tone. “Much better.” Annie said and let go of his ear. “You bitch!” Jeremy shouted and punched Annie. Wayne stepped forward to beat Jeremy’s ass for hitting his girl but Dana stopped him. “She can handle herself.” She said pointing at Annie who was on the floor. Annie flipped herself up and punched, kicked and slapped Jeremy several times until he blacked out. Wayne stood with a shocked look on his face. “Wow.” Was all he could say. Annie laughed. “Self defense and karate three times a week, five years.” Annie said popping her neck. “Shit, Dana remind me never to get on your sister’s bad side.” Wayne said nudging Dana. “Whatever.” Annie said playfully rolling her eyes.