Status: Let me know if I should keep going! :)

Alone in a New World.

A new World

"Alex, oh Alex, please don't stop!" Piper moaned into her girlfriend's ear, as Alex's fingers curled inside her. It was a lovely Saturday morning, and Alex had woken her up by going down on her in between the sheets. They were renting an RV for their Cross-Country Road Trip and were currently stationed in North Carolina. Alex bit down on Piper's neck as the blond came, screaming Alex's name.
"Damn kid, I love it when you do that." She snickered before her lips pressed against hers warmly. They kissed for a few moments before the AC kicked on, causing Piper to jump.
Alex laughed at her skittish tendencies and drew her in closer. She could feel the other girl's heart racing, and bent down to kiss her cheek.
"I'm going to turn the radio on and make us breakfast okay?" Piper unhooked her hands from Alex's and stood up. She stretched her back and thighs out before parading her naked body out into the kitchen area. She flipped on the radio and turned the dial. A catchy tune started playing, and she started swaying her hips as she sauntered to the mini fridge and opened the carton of eggs."Damnit, we're out of eggs! Alex I told you when we're out of something you have to throw it out and tell me!" She sighed and threw the carton in the trash beside her. Alex was behind her now, wrapping her arms around her thin waist.
"I know Pipes, I'm sorry. We can go to town and get some eggs and anything else you want." Her lips trailed from the blonde's ear, to her neck, to her collar bone, eliciting a moan from Piper.
"You can't do that when I'm trying to be mad at you. It throws me off." She turned around to face her black haired lover, pulling her in for a passionate kiss. They stood there for a while making out, before Piper pulled away to get dressed. As much as she loved being in Alex's arms, she was starving from their little rendezvous this morning. Alex climbed into the driver seat and started the RV, going into town didn't take long so she didn't even put her seat belt on. The engine revved and they were on their way into town.
"Alex, is something going on today? Is a football team playing or something?" Alex looked past her window and saw the lineup of cars headed in the opposite direction.
"No, I don't think so. I mean, there may be a fair or something. I don't know kid, but I do know I don't want to sit in that traffic on the way back. Think we could skip out on the eggs until tomorrow?" Piper sighed and took Alex's hand in her own.
"I guess. But you owe me big ti-" before Piper could finish her sentence Alex was slamming on the breaks. The sight that lay ahead of them was horrifying. The city was up in flames, people running around screaming. They couldn't tell what they were screaming at in the beginning, until a body landed in front of the RV.
Piper screamed bloody murder as another human, or what could have been mistaken as one, jumped on the body and began feasting. Alex stared open mouthed at the gruesome scene before collecting her thoughts.
"Holy shit we gotta get out of here!" She put the RV in reverse. As the engine roared, the thing in front of them looked up from its meal. It hissed at them as it slowly rose and started after their vehicle. Piper's face was riddled with tears and Alex was sweating nervously as she hit the gas. They sped off, far enough to safely turn around.
"Alex you're in the wrong lane!" Piper screamed, frantically looking about for other cars or pedestrians. The cars on the other side of the street were still there, honking and screaming at each other. She knew that if the barrier wasn't there, they would have been stuck in the same traffic everyone else was.
"I don't really think that matters right now Pipes! We just watched a man get murdered and eaten in front of us!" Alex yelled over the hum of the AC and Piper's sobs.
She did have a point, though Piper's mind couldn't quite grasp what was going on. She had just seen a man get murdered and eaten alive, her girlfriend was driving in the wrong lane, she didn't get her eggs, and the city was on fire.
"So much for a great Saturday." She huffed, turning left and onto a dirt road.
"We're getting away from this state as soon as possible. We need to get away from here. We can go north, and then east. In a few days we can end up in New York."
"Who says it's not like this everywhere?!" Piper screamed, the image of the dead man flashing in her head.
"Piper! I need you to calm the fuck down and stop yelling at me! I can't concentrate on driving us the hell out of here if you keep fucking screaming!" Alex's face was red, and she felt bad for yelling at her girlfriend, but she needed to concentrate to save their lives. They travelled north for about forty five minutes in silence. When they reached Virginia, the sight was very different. Places were all closed down and locked up. It was only three in the afternoon so the time had nothing to do with it.
"What the hell," Piper whispered as they saw a huge billboard containing just three words.
'Turn Back Now'

"Al, please, we can't go here. The sign is clearly warning us for imminent danger ahead. Have you never seen a scary movie before?! I don't know what's going on, but whatever it is I'm not playing games and potentially losing my life. Or more importantly, losing yours." Alex's heart and face softened at her words. It wasn't rare that Piper mentioned how important Alex was to her, but it always melted her heart when she did. She was madly in love with this girl and had been since day one. They had met at a bar, Piper had just graduated college.